7 DEUTERONOMIE XIX, away from the Lord, as Deut. 13.5. The Greeke tranflateth it, impiety. Vert 17. both the men) or, the two men, that is, 17 the acculer and the accufèd. So that one witneffe may castle a matter to be inquired into, though no fentence may be given upon the teltimony of one, serle 15. and ch. t 7. verfe 6, before Ieho- vah] before his Artie or Sanftuarie : in the place which he (hall chute: fee Deuteronomie 17.8. 1 Eing.8.3I. befirethe Priefls) the Greeke ver- liion addeth,aedbefore the Priefis,and before the Judges: fee Dcut.i7.9. Verfe r 8. make diligent intluifitien] or,inquirc well: which the Greeke tranflateth, aeriboos , that exafïly, exquifetely, or perftiy, as AEts 23.20. falfe] the Greeke tranflateth this as before, =righteous, or unjuft. teftified] Hebrew, anfwe- red, as in verfe 16. Verfe r 9. thought ] or prefumed, prefemyptuoufy deviled and enterprifed : the Greeke tranflateth, malicioufly thought. Of the originali word Zamam, thought, the Hebrews call the falle witneffe Zo- mem, the thinker, or prefumer; and fay, Whofo wie- neftb fal fly , and it be known by witneffès that he bath witnefd falßy, this man is called (grad Zomem] the falle witneffe ; and it is commanded to doe unto bim as he mould have done by his tflimonie untobio neigh- bour. If they have teflified fa y of a :ranfgref eon for which men are guiltie of fining to death, they are all to be fatted ; ifof burning, they are to be burnt; and fo for other deaths. Andif they teffifeof (crimes worthy) beating, every one of them is to be beaten, &e. If they tefirilie of things for which moro) is to be paid, they pay the money among them , according to the somber of wit - nefs, every one (hall give the portion that concerneth him, &c. This is meant of witnefs that are found fall: but two companies that contraditl one another, and fo there is no tefimonie, they doe not pun(h the one of them, becaufi it is not 'Towne which company fpeaketh filly. And who: se the difference between on contrail and fa d? Contradielion. is in the tefimonie ít felfe, the one Paying, this thing was, and the other pi- ing, this thing was not. Falfbood (or forgerie) is for the teftifers themfekes, when the falfe witnefes can- not know whether the thing wet dine or not. As witnef- fes that come andfay, We faw this man kill a perfen, or be borrowed a pound of fetch a man , fucha day, in fetch a place; and after they have thus whistled, andare fiar- ched into, there come two other and fey, On this day, and in this place, we erere with you and with there all the day, and there never was fetch a thing; this man kiled him not, or obis man borrowed not of that man ; loe this is contraditfiren, and all the like. But if they fay unto them , as for us we know riot whether this man tilledthat man, on filch a day in Jerufalem, as you fay or no ; but we tei ifie , that yduyour felves were with us on the fame day in Babylon ; loo thefe are felfe wit- wife! (or forgera) and muff be killed, or make fatif- fatlion, forafmuch as the =metes which maké them forgers , have no re)pelt at all unto the tefiimanie it felfe whether it be truth or fa /ood. And if the frfi witnefes were an hundred perfins , and there come two and prove them forgers , fying, we teflife that you hun- dred alof yore were with us inlasch a day, in fuels a place; tie, parted by lot of the Lord, Num.26. 53,-56. and hgured the fpirituall inheritance which the Saints have in the Church, all the limits whereof are ofpleafant fiones, Efay 59.. ia. and whereof Ca- naan was a type, as is noted on Gen.12.5. There- fore among the curies pronounced againft the breakers of the Law, this is the third , Curled be he that removed' bis neighbours land-mark, (or limit) and all the pe lefhallfay,Amen,Deut.27.r7. the frf( fathers Eleazar the Erica , lofa the fon of Nun, and the heads of the fathers of the, Tribes of the foes of Ifrael, Jof. 14.1. The word fathers I fupply from Pro. a2.28. where it is faid,Remove not the ancient limit which thy fathers baveJfit; and fo the Greeke tranflateth here, the limits which thy fathers have fit ; in Chaldee, the ancients. in the land] of Ifrael, the holy land, Zach. 2. 12. the Lords land; Hof. 9.3. where this finne was facrile- gious. The Hebrews fay, He that removals his neighbours land - mark, and taketh of his neighbours limit into his owne, though it be but an inch , f he doe it by force, it is rapine ; and if be remove it in floret, it it theft. And if in the land of Ifrael he remove the mark¢, he tr enfgref th againfi two prohibitions ; again/( fealtborrapine, andagainf,Thou frith not remove the limit. Maimony Treatife of Theft, chapter 7. fe &ion r 1. 1f Verfe 15. mt rip up] or, not JIand,notbefablifbed, (as the word is englifhed in the end of this verf) and fo the Greeke tranflateth, (hall not Aide (or continue.) The Hebrews fay, They determine not any fentence of matters by the mouth of one witnefe, nei- ther money matters, nor matters of life and death, Deu- teronomie 19. 15. In two placestbe Law ma(heth one witn4 faithful! ;; for the fiycettedwife, thatthe(ball not drink f the bitter waters, (Numbers 5.) andfor the heifer, that it (hall not have the neck cut off (Deu- teronomie 21.) Maimony treat, of WitmjJes, ch.5. feet. 1, 2. at the mouth] The Chaldeeexpoun- deth it , at the word. From hence the Jewes ga- ther, that by law they may not receive witneffe, either in money matters, or in matters of life anddeatb , but front the mouth of the witnes, ( Deuteronomie 19. 15.) from their mouth, and not from a writing of their hand. But by the words of the Scribes they determine money matters by witneffe, that is, in a bill, although the wit- nefs lee not alive, ¿rc. Maim. treat. of Wimp, chap. 3. felt. 4. a word] or, a thing, a matter, The Greeke tranflateth, every word: and fo the Apofeles alleage this place, Mar.18.s 6. 2 Corin- thians 13. which fheweth, that this (as many other like Scriptures) are to be taken in the lar- ge(tfenfe: fee Deut.27.26. be fablifhed] or, be confirmed, Hand as firme and true. So our Savi- our faith; It is written inyoier law, that the tefimonie of two men is true, John 8.17, 16 Verfe 16. unrighteous J fo the Greeke tranfla- teth the Hebrew phrafe,witneflè'of tmrighteoufnefc (or, fviolent wrong, finjurioufef) the Chaldee tranflateth, fallfe : fo in Exod.23.2. to teflifie] Hebr to anfrer,which is a generali word for all fpeaking or teftifying, as the Chaldee expoundeth it, ra ceffife : (o in ver. I I. See Exod. zo. 26. revolt] or apofafie, ¢falling, or turning 18 19