Lawes for D E ü T E R O N O M I E X X. the warre. 79 loe, tbefe are pun fnd by the mouth of tbofe two, for two , are as an hundred, and an hundred as two. And fo in two companies of witneffis that contradiîl one another, they goe not after the greatefi number. Maimanytreat: of Witnefs, chapter 18. fe &ion x, 2, 3. As for witneffes that contradiec one another, fuch as are after found faulty, though they be not put to death for teltifying againft a mans life, yet are they chaltifed at the Judges difcret ion. Maimony ibidem, fehtion 6. the eviii] that is, as the Chal- dee faith, the mill doer. Sec before on Deut. 17. 7. and 13. II. zo Ver.2o, the refrdue] that is all ocher (hall heare and fèare. Therefore the Heb»ws fay , Procla- oration was made concerning there forgers or' fall witneffes, the Judges wrote and fen: into every 1 citie that fetch and fneh men witnef]ed f and f, and were fotendjalfe, and we filled them, or they were beaten before I us, or we fez fetch afine (or mule() upon them. Maim. I treat. of Witneffis, ch. 18. feet.' 7. 21 Verse 21. not fpare] or, not ploie: of this the He- brews hold, that all hurts may be bought out with money, except life for life; thereof there may be no ranfome, N um.3 5.31. See the Annota- tions on Exod. 21. 25. foule] or life (to wit, (hall goe) for life. See Lev.24. 17,- 2o. ti412***42V12121isti CHAT. XX. t If acl mull not fears the farces of their enemies. 2 The Priee l s exhortation to encourage the people to bat- tell. 5 The officers proclamation, who are to be difmif- f d from the warre. so How to of the cities tbat accept or refui the proclamation ofpeace. 16 What cities mull be devoted and deflroyed. 19 Trees of mans meat muff not be deflroyed in she frege. vvHen thou oeft. out to battell a- gainft thine enemies, and Cecil horfes and chariots, a people more than thou, be not afraid of them, for Jehovah thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 2 And it (hall be when ye are come nigh unto the battell, that the Prieft (hall approach, 3 and fpeake unto the people. And he Mall fay unto them , Heare O Ifrael; you ap- proach this day unto battell againft your e- nemies: Let not your heart be loft, fèare nor, and haften not away, neither be yee 4 terrified becaufe of them. For Jehovah your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you with your enemies, to five. 5 you. And the officers (hall fpeake unto the people, laying; What man is there that bath built a new houfe,and bath not dedicatedits Let him goe and returne to his houle, left he ' die in the battell, and another man dedicate 6 it. And what man is there that bath planted a vineyard, and bath not made itcommon Let him goe,and return unto his houfe,lclt he die in the battell, and another man make it common. And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and (lath not taken her Let him goe, and returne unto his houfe,left he die in the batrell, and another man take her. And the Officers fhan-fpeake further untothe people,and fay; What man is there that is fearful), and loft - hearted r Let him goe,and returne unto his houfe,that his bee - threns heart melt not, as his heart. And it (hall bewhen the O fficers have made an end of fpeaking unto the people, that they dial! conititute Captaines of the armies for an head of the people. When thou commeft nigh unto a Citie, to to fight againft it, then thou (halt proclaime peace unto it. And it (hall be, if it anfwer thee peace, and open unto thee , then it than be, that all thepeople that is found therein, (hall be tributaries unto thee , and they (hail ferve thee. And if it will not make peace zì with thee,butwill make war with thee,then thou (halt lay liege againft it. And Jehovah 1; thy God (hall give it into thine hand , and thou (halt fmite every male thereof with the edge of the fword. But the women and the little ones, and the cattell, and all that is in the Citie, all the fpoile thereof thou fliait make a prey unto thy feife ; and thou (halt eat the fpoile of thine enemies, which Je- hovah thy God hath given thee. 'Thus (halt 15 thou doe unto all the Cities which are very farce of from thee, which are not of the Ci- ties of thefe nations. But of the Cities of 16 thefe peoples,which Jehovah thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou (halt not Pave alive any breath. But utterly deftroying thou (halt utterly deftroy them ; the Che- thite, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Pherizzite, the Evite, and the Jebu- fite, as Jehovah thy God bath commanded thee. To the end thatthey teach not you to 18 doe after all their abominations,which they havedone unto their gods, and ye fin against Jehovah your God. When thou (halt lay liege unto a Citie many daies , in making warre againft it, to take it, thou fhalt not deftroy the treesther- of, by forcing an axe againft them; for thou maift eat of them,& thou (halt not cut them downe : for is the tree of the field a man, to goe in from before thee into the butwarke e Onely the Cree which thou knoweft,thatiris not a tree formeat, that thou tnaift deìtroy and '7 8 9 II Iq. 17 19' 20