DO DEUTER ONO MIE XX. and cut,and build a bulwarke againft the Citie that maketh warre with thee, un- till it be fubdued. vInnotations. 1 V VHen thole goeff out] This is meant of all V lawful! wars , offenfive or defenfive, that is , begun by Ifrae!, or by other nations againff Ifrael And the Hebrews hold that Ifrael might never begin --fiat to warre , but the warres comman- ded of God ; and thole Were the marres with thefeven nations in Canaan, (Deuteronomie z. 24. & 7. I.) and the marre agamft Amalek, (Deuteronomie 25. r 7, t 9.) and to helpe Ifael out of the hand of the ad- ver farie which is cocue upon them, (as Judg. 3.12,-18, &c.) Wars permitted, were with other peoples that oppugned Ifrael, as Judges 11. 4,12, -27. 2 Samuel 1 o. 2,6,7, &c. For warres commanded, it it not neeefParie to bavehave of the high Councdl (or Sync - drion;) but the King may goe out of bimfelfe at any time, and compell the people to goe out : but in warre per alined, he leadeth not the people eut, but at the mouth of the Senate of ive ny one Magiftrates. Mainstay in Mid rteh, tom. 4. treat. of Kings, chapter 5. fe &. r, 2. chariots] Hebr. bole and chariot, ene put for many : fo the Chaldee tranflateth it plurally; fee the notes on Gen. 3.2. be not afraid] or, thou fhale not feare fer them, that is, not be difmayed or difcouraged. See the notes on Exod. 20.20. is with thee] or, will be web thee, to wit, as a Cap-, taint, z Chron. 13. s a. And with this the faith - full encouraged themfelves in their battels; as & -' zekjae laid , there he mee with seo than with (our ad- veragie) with bum it an arme of fiefh, but with tes it the Lord our God, to belge us, and to fight our battels, 2 Chron.32.7,8. See alto Pfal.r 1 8.6. a Verfe a. the Prieft] one that was appointed and anointed for this purpofe. Whether it be in warre commanded, or ist warre permitted, they appoint a Prieff to fpeake unto the people at the time of the bat- tell, and they anoint him with the anointing elle [men- tioned in Exod.3o.25. &c.] and be is called the An- sainted for the warre. When they are fee in any and .doe comeneere to the bane!!, be that is anointed for the warre flandeth on au high place , and all the companies before bum and he faith unto them in the holy rongea Hare Olfrael,you approach toit day, &c. ( Dent. 21. 3, 4.) And another Prieft under himproclaimoth it to all the people with a loud voice. And afterward, she anointed Prieff faith, What man is there that bath built a new houfe, &c, What man is there that bath planted a vineyard &e. And what man is there that bath betrothed a wife, &é. Thus mues the amointed Priefi fpealeth, and the Officer predoimeth it to all the people witb a loud wovee. And afterward the Officer fpeaketb of simfelje, and faith, What man le there that is fearefull, &c. (Deuteronomie 20.8.) and another Officer p eelaimeth it unto all the people. And after that all which are to return, be returned from the Armie, they order the Armie, and appoint Captaines, (Deuteronomie 20.9.) And after every company they fee Officers couragious andfirong, with bal- .. buts ert ofiron in their banda ; and whofo :Would tu, ne back from the warre , they have power in their band to cut ef h s leg, &c. Maimon. treat. of Kings, c. 7, Thus Ifrael had the word of God , and his Mini - tiers to encourage them,that they might fight the battels of theLord in faith; they had an the holy trumpets blowne by the Melts, that they might be remembredbeforethe Lord , and fared from their enemies, Chron. 13.12, And touching this Brielt anointed fit the war,the He- brewes teach it is a peculiar dignity to his owne perfon onely,not to his polterity,and in the war, not in the Sanfivary. He That is anointed for the warre, hit forme is never ordained in hit Head, but he it as other Priefls; if he be anointed for the warre,beitanointed; and if he be not anointed, he is not anointed. And when the Prieft anoimedfor the warre, miniftrethin the Santluary, heminifireth in Aire gar- ments,ae the other Priefts. Maimony inCie hamik- dalh,ch.4.feff.21, Verfe 3. foft]teeeder,that is, faint and fearefull ; as the Greek tranflateth it,diffolved(orfaint, ) the Chaldee, moved This fo(ineffie or faiatneffe of heart, God threatneth as a plague, Levit. 26.36, and lob acknowledged it fo,fiying, God bath foft- nedmyheart,lob24.16. and the Itehohoambeing foft-hearted, could not withtiand his enemies, 2 Chron.13.7. Although therefore a loft heart in refpe& of God and his word, is commendable, 2 Kinnggs a e. t 9.yet in refpe& of our enemies , it is here fotbidden;fo in zerft 8.and Efay7.4. ha- flex not away] through feare & troubled thoughts, and wantoffaith.Dovid blameth this infirmity in himfelfe,PftL31.22.aud116.11. terrified] or broken,difeouraged,daunted with terror : the Greek tranflateth,deeline trot from theirfaces. See the anno- tations on ver fe 8. Verf:5. the Officers] in Greeke , the Scribes: of f them fee thee notes on Deut. t 6. t 8. -and before on vent: a. What man is there ] that is, if any man, or what ezer bath : as in Pfal.34.13. What man is he ? is expounded by the Apoftle, He that will, t Pet.3.10. built a new houfe] By theHebrewes this Law taketh place, whether he bath built it, er re- eeived it (by pterchafe) or it be given unto him for agift, or it fall unto him by inheritance. hot who fo builder an hufe, or plametb a vineyard , out of the land! (of I f- rael) be returneth not home for them. Maimony in treat. of Kings, chapter 7. feetion 5.14, not dedicated] or not initiated,that is, begun to take poffeflion of,and to file it: which was wont to be done with folemnity,feafdng, and tinging praife to God, as the title of the 30. Pfalmelheweth, concerning David, boufe. left he die] this man- ner offpeech fheweth danger,(as is noted on Ge- nef.3.3.) and teacheth men to be refolute,and to goe with their lives in their hands, ready to ex- pend them in Gods quarrel!, as Iudg.9a 7. Aft. and 21.13. For the fword devouteth one mwell al another, 2 Salim t.25. and another man] Three reafons there feeme to be of this, and the rett that follow. Becaufe the thoughts and cares of their houles, lands,wives, &c. might eafily trouble men, and hinder them from i 3