óIlAY b /0/lldluui DEUT ERONO MIE XX. 81` from fighting the Lords battels with courage, as the like things hindred thole that were called to the great Supper, Luke 14.18,z9. and no man that rimredo, irttangleth himfelfe with the affaires of this li ¡é, that be may pleat him who bath chofen him to bea fosoldier, sTintoth.2.4. Againe,Goi here- by fheweth compaffion unto the weakc,whom he 1pareth for a tithe, from hard fcrvice, till they be growne ftrong, and fir for to fight the good fight of faith, r Tim. 6. Iz. and s. 18. Ross.s4. 1, 4. Thirdly, as his mercies towards Ifrael were many of them externall, and concerned their comforts in this life; fo he would have them in fpeciall manner to iujoy the outward bleffings bellowed on them. 6 Verle 6. planted a vineyard] This alto the He- brews uuderftand not of a vineyard onely, but by proportion of an orchard, olive -yard, or the like. Whether be have planted a vineyard, or planted five trees for meat, of any kmle, or tranfplan- ted (that is, removed it from another place) or grafted it ; fo that it be bound to that law of uncircumcifd fruit, (in Leviticus t9. 23.) or that he bath purchafed or taketbit by inheritance or by free gift : (he returneth home.) But if be bath planted btu f hie trees for food, or five trees (or rase) that a e barren, or bath gotten a vineyard by rapine, he returnetb not home therefore. And fi, if a vineyard belong to two partners, they re- 'turne not for it. Adaimony treat, of Kings , chapter 7. feftion 6. not made it common] or, not pro- faned it; that is, not ulèd the fruit thereof for common food, which -he could not doe by the Law, till the lift yeere from the planting thereo Leviticus 19. 23,24, 25. The Grecke tranfla- teth, loath not made merry, (or rejoyced with the fruit) thereof. 7 Verfe 7. betrothed wife] whether maid, or widow; or if his brothers wife fall to him, (according to the law in Deuteronomie 25. 5.) though they be fire brethren, and one of them die, all the soft doe return home. All theft that are to return from the batteU,, are to retmme when they heare the words of the Prii ft, and to provide water and vieluala fir their brethren which are in the armie, and to prepare the coons fir them. Maimany Treatife of Kings, chapter 7. feftion 79. 8 Verfe 8 pall fpeake further] Hehr. ¡ball adde to fpeake. See the notes on verle z. ffe] or tender, !that is faint - hearted: fee verfe3. WhenGedeah warred against the Madianites, and made chis Proclamation , of the two and thirty thouland nien that were with him, there returned two and tí;.nry thouland and but ten thou find remained, Judg. 7. y. melt eat] that is, faint not, or he difcoura- teed ; in Greeke, be not made fearfull. An ulìtall phralè, whereof fee Deuteron. t. 28. By this, God taught his people to have faith in him, ,,and every maul to encourage himlelfe, and one another, in Gods a,liltauce: which they that did, profpèred t as in the Reubeuites warre a- gainft the Hagarites, 1 Chronicles 5. 20. the Jewes warre againft the Ifraelites, 2 Chronicles 12. 12, -18. Ieho faphats warre againft the Ammo- ¡sites, 2 Chronicles 2o. and many the like. Of this point the Hebrews fay, that after a man is entered into the warre, He Jlnorefd flay himfelfe upon him that is the Hope of Ifrael, and his Saviour in time of diflref ; and know that fir the name of God he ma kth warre ; and Amid put his life in his band , and not be afraid or adread nor thinks either of bis wife, er ofbitchildr'en, but wipe the remembrance of them out cf hit heart, and turn from every thing, unto the batteU. And whafoever legismetb te think, and caft doubts in the batteU: and maksb himfelfe afraid , tranfgrefftb againft this prohibition, LET N07 TOVR HEART BE SOFT, 6"o. And not only fo, but that all the blond of Ifrael hangeth on bit neck: and if he prevails ntt, and make not warre with all hit heart and with all bis fettle, loe be is as be that fheddetb the blood of all ; at it is writen, That hit brethren heart melt not, at as his heart. And behold it is plainly Paid, (in Jeremie 48. o.) Curfed be he that loth the work of the Lord deceitfully ; and turfed be be that keepeth back his fword from blond. But who fo fighteth with all bit heart, without dread, and hie intent io ro fanffifte the name (of God) only, trufleth in him :loathe (hall fende no hurt , and no evil! (hall come unto him. And be will build him a fore hoafe in Ifrael,. and honour km-and hit childrtn for ever, and count him wortbie oflife in the world tbat it to come; at it is writ- ten , (in t Samuel 25. 28.) For the LORD will certainly make my lord a fore houfe be:aref my lord fighteth the barrels of the L Olt D, and evil bath not been found in thee from thy id; and the foule of my lordfhall be bound in the bundleoflife, with the LO RD thy God, Maimmy Treatife of King", chapter 7. feftion r 5. Verse 9. Captaines] or Princes, Rulers. That as their trult fhould fi :ft be in God alone,fo fecond- ly they fhould tole the lawful outward meanes for fafetie and viftorie, and not tempt the Lord. for an NeA] or,in the forefront of the people Hebr. in the head; which may be underftood both there wales, as here, fo in z Ch ro. t3.1 z. & 20.27. The Greeke tranflateth, fare - leaders of the people. Verle lo. fsslt proeiaime peaceunto it] Hebrew IO' fhalt call unto to fir peace; whereby may be meant, thou ¡bale invite (or perfwade) it unto peace. The Greeke tranflateth, /halt call them out with peace; the Chaldee, Pall proclaims thereto words of peace. The Hebrews fay, They muff makno warre with any man in the world, until they proelaime peace unto him, whether it be warre permitted , or warre commanded, Deutero- nomie 20. t o. If they make peace, and receive upon them the liven Commandements which were given te' the font of Noe, [whereof fee the notes on Gen. 9. 4.] they mull kill none of them, but they 'hall be tribu- taries, (Deuteronomie 20.11.) Maimony treat. of Kings, chap.6. fetter. Verle 1T. ¡fit atfwer] that is,accept of the con- ditions of peace by thee propofed. The Greeke tranllatet h, And if th y an fuer thee peaceable words, tributaries unto thee] Hebr. (hall be unto thee to tribute; which the Chaldee expoundeth, for op firers of tributes, that is tributaries, as the Greeke afro explaineth it. And tribute is not enely of mens goods,bnt of their perfons,to be paid with the labour of their bodies; as the Egyptians let 9 II