óz DEUTERONOMIE N. X. bee fens, Who fo will makpeace , let him matte peace.' And again bee fan, Who fi will make warre, let him make it. If it be f, wherefore did the Gibeonitesdea!e by craft? Iof9. Becaufe h.ebad fens unto them in the general{ and they received it not, neither 'mew they the judgement (or manner) r f Ifrael,&c. Maim. treat. of Kings,chap.6. feEt.4.5. any breath] or any f uk, man, woman, or child. Verís7. utterydeffroy] or , deftroyatcurled: See Num13.21.2. bath commanded thee] in Exod. 34.11.12. Deut.7.1 2 3. Verf i 9. met defiroy the trees] Hebr. not corrupt (or marre) a tree : meaning any tree that bare mans meat. The Greeke tranflateth trees ; and the fin guiar is oft ufed for the plural', as is noted on Genfis 3. z. And under the name of trees, all other things alto, needful' for mans life, feeme here to be referved from deftruftion. The He- brews explaine it thus ; They may not con donne the Trees far mat, that are without the ekie, nor with- hold from them the mater- courfes , that they may wither : at itiswritten, THOV SHALT NOT COR- RVPV THE TREES: andivhofocpttieiba- pl, daune , ii to be beaten. And not in the fiegeonelybat >n any place, whof ever emteth donne a tree that it fir meat, by we of corrupting, it to be beaten. But they may cut them down, iftby bunt sober trees, or hurt the field, &c. the Lan forbiddeth not, ben by we of corrup- tim. Every tree that hearts not fruit, it is lawfull to eut it donne, although a man bave no heed of it : and bkewife a fruit -tree that doth hurt , ór yeeldetb but a little, and it not worth the labour about it , it it lawf ell to cut it donne. And what quantitie may that be? An olive tree , if it yeeld the fourth part of a Rab of olives, [that is, a Log, whereof fee the notes on Exodus 30. 24.] they may not cut it thrrne: and a Data-tree which yeeldetb a,Kab ofDates, they eut not down'. And not trees oneh,, bet who fi breakath acids, or rendeth garments, or pulletbdewne buildings, or flopped; wells, or defroyetb mats, by way of corrup- ting, tranfgreith this law,TMOV SHALT NOT C 0 RR V P T : yet is bee not to be beaten tbere- fere, but by the doctrine f the Scribes he is to be cba- flifed. Maimony Treadle of Kings, chapter 6. 81.8,9. By this prohibition, God reitraineth the walk and fpoile which Soateliers ufually make in warren ;and teacheth mercy towards his good creatures, and that which ferveth for mans life:therefore thrift would have nothing loft of the broken meats that are left, loh. 6.12. And as in figure men are likened to trees, fo fuch only as bring forth no goadJruit , are cut downe, Matth. 3.10. See alto Luke 13.6,7, &c. Rev.9.4 for thoumaiff] or, as the Greeke tranflateth, but sham (halt eat thereof. for is the tree &c.3 or, far are the trees &c. that is, the trees of the field are not as men, either to come out againft thee,or to flee from thee into the bulwarke.This interpreta- tion agreeth with the Greeke, the tree that irin the wood man, togoe in fromtlry face into the bul- warke? The Chaldee in like fenfe explainethit by adeniall;: For the were the field is not ar a man, to goe, &c. Otherwile it may alto be tranflated, Though the trees of thefiehdare mans, that"rs, ferve for fet over Ifrael tasks (or tribute) Mailers, to aflili them with their Inereietu, Exod. I.1 t. And Solomon railed a tribute (or levie ) of 30. tboufand men, I King. 5.13. Accordingly it is here meant of both, and the Hebrews explaine it thus ; The tri- bute which they muff take upon them , it thin they (hall be ready for the Kings fervice , with their bodies, and with their goods : as to build the walls, to fortifie the munitions, to build the Kings Palace, and the lilt; as it is written, (in 1 King. 9.15, &e.) And this is the reafin of the tribute [ the levie J which King So- lomon raif i, for to build the hoof of the L O R D, and his tone boufee, and Millo, and the wall of Jeru- falem, 6-c. and all the cities of flore that Solomon had, e'a. And the King may condition with them, to take hallf& their goods, er their lands, and leave them the moveables ; or the moveables, and leave them the Inds , at be ¡hall make the aon_ditiont. Maimony treat. of Kings, chapter 6. feEtion r , 2. (ball ferve] to wit, as bond- fervants ; which it was not lawfull to put any Ifraelite unto, Leviticus 25. 42, 44. And fo Solomon laid upon the heathens a tribute f bond - fervice, but of the founts of Ifrael , So- lomon made no fervent: (or bmdmen) but they were mm f warre, and bit fervants, and hit Prin- ces, &c. 1 King. 9. 21, 22. The Hebrews fay, If they would take upon them the tribute, and not the frvitude ; or the forvitude, but not the tribute ; they may not hearken un'o them, email tiny take upon them loth. And the finitude which tby muff sake upon them , it to be contemptible and very /safe that they lfe not up the bead in Ifrael, brat be *clued under their band , and be not reckoned with Ifrael , fir any matter in the world. Maimony in Kings, chapter 6. feEtion 1. iy Verfe 12. non make peace] upon the former \ conditions, as the Greeke faith, if thy will not obey thee. i 3 Verfe 13. fhall give it] This may be taken as a promife , or, when he fball give it , &c. then thou fbult finite. 14 Verfe 14. eat the fßoile] that is, enjoy that which thou hail fpoiled. And this is a bleffing and comfort after vi&torie, which God gave unto If, reel upon their wars in Canaan,Jof.22.8. and figu- red the fruit of the labours which Chrift and his people fhould enjoy front their enemies, Efay 53. 12. Luke 11.22. 16 Verfe r6. thefepeopls] the (even nations in the land of Canaan, Deut. 7. 1, 2. unto which the Hebrews adde (from Dent. 25.19.) the Amale- kites; laying, The liven nations and Amalek, which male not peace, they leave not f them any fault, Deute- ronomie 2o. 16. & 25. 19. And it it holden, that he fpeaktb not but f fuel, as m be not peace , as it is written (in Jofua 1 a. 19, ao.) There wa no a ci- tie that made peace with the Junes of Ifrael, fave the Evites, the inhabitants f Gibeon ; all (other) obey twin in battell ; for it was of the Lord to harden their hearts, that they fAiould come again(( Ifrael In battei), thee he might defiry them utterly even becaufe they font unto them for peace, but they received it not. Jofua font three writings before he came into the land Firfi he feat moo them shut, He that will flee,let bim fin . Agate, 17 19