Murther DE1ITßRONOMtE XX1, expiated. S; 20 For mans u(e,yet (pare rochas beare fruit.Or,ac- cording to that which went before, For the tree of the field is mans, to wit, his food, or life of man : as in 2 King.t8.3 e. eat ye every manhisPone vine, that is, the fruit of bú vine. into the brtlwarke] or, in the feege. Verlè 2'0. Abetted] or, come damné : which the Chaldce tran(lateth, until! it be delivered. ktIttivt*Ivilt CHAP.XXI. r The expiationof number done by an rmknowne perfn : that the Elders of the next citie fhould kill an heifer, and maps their hands over it, fo clearing them- fives, and asking mercie of God io The ufage of a captive taken to wife. r 5 The úr42 -borne is not to be dif- inherited upon private afilion. 18 A flubborne rebel- liou* fonne, is by bit Parents to be brought forth unto judgement, and fl oned to death. 22 The malefactor mutt not bang all night m a tree. ,r axe be found (laine in the landwhich I Jehovah thy God giveth unto thee to poffeffe it,fallen in the field; & itbe not z knowne who bath finitten him : Then thy Elders, and thy Judges (hall come forth,and they (hall meafure unto the cities, which are 3 round about him that is flaine. And it (hall be, that the citie which is next unto the Hain man, even the Elders of that citie (hall take an heiffer of the herd, which hathnot beene wrought with, which hath not drawn in the 4 yoake. And the Elders of that citie (hall bring downe the Heiffer unto a rough val- ley,wh(ch (hall not be tilled,nor fowen, and 1 (ball ftrike offthe Heiffers necke there in the 5 valley. And the Priefts, the formes ofLevi, (hall comeneere;for them Jehovah thy God bath chofen to minifler unto him, and to blellè in the name ofJehovah; and by their mouth fhall be every controverfie, and eve - 6 rie ftroke. And all the Elders of that citie that arenext unto the (lain man, (hall wa(h their handsover the Heiffer that it beheaded 9 in the valley. And they (hall anfwer, and fay ; Our hands have not Ihed this blond, 8 and our eies have not feene it. Make expia- tion for thy people Brad , whom thou haft redeemed, O Jehovah; and lay not innocent blond in the middeft of thy people lfrael, and the blood (hall be expiated for them. 9 And thou (hair put away innocent blond from the middeft of thee, when thou (halt doe that which is. right in the eyes of Jehovah. 10 When thou goeft forth to battell againft thine enemies , and Jehovah thy God hath delivered them into thinè hands , and thou haft taken captive a captivitie of them : And thou feeft in the captivitie a woman of a beautifull forme,and haft a delire unto her, and wouldeft take her unto thee to wife: Then thou (halt bring her home to rhy houfe, and (he £hall (have her head, and doe her nailes. And the (hall put off the ray - ment of her captivitie from upon her , and (hall remaine in thine houle, and (ball weep for her father and her mother a month of daies ; and after that thou (halt goe in unto her, and be her husband, and the (hall be un- tothee to wife. And it (hall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou (halt fend her a- way whither (he will ; but felling thou (halt not fell her for money : thou (halt not make a gaine to thy felfe of her, becaufe thou haft humbled her. Ifa man have two wives, one beloved,and another hated , and they have borne him Tonnes , the beloved and the hated ; and if the firft -borne fon be hers that was hated : Then it (hall be in the day that he maketh his formes to inherit that which he bath, he may not make the fon of the beloved firft- borne, before the Ion of the hated, which is the firft- borne. But the firft- borne, the fon of the hated (hall he acknowledge,by giving to him a double portion of all that is found his; for he is the beginning of his ftrength, the right ofthe firft birth-right is his. If a man have a fon ftubborne and rebelli- ous, which obeyeth not the voice of his fa- ther, and the voice of his mother, and they have challened him,and he will not hearken unto them : Then (hall his father and his mother lay hold onhim , and bring him out unto the Elders of his cafe, and unto the gate of his piace.And they (hall fay unto the Elders of his tale, This our fon is ftubborne and rebellious, he obeyeth not ourvoice, he is a glutton , and a drunkard. And all the men of his citie £hall (lone him with (tones, and he (hall die; and thou (halt put away the evill from the middeft of thee,and all lfrael (hall hear¢ and fcare. And if there be in a man a finne worthy of death,and he be put to death,and thou hang himon a tree : His carkaffe (hall not remaine all night upon the tree; but burying thou fhalt burie him in that day, for he thatis han- ged is the curie of God ; and thou limit not defile thy land which Jehovah thy God gi. veth unto thee for an inheritance. Arno //AP//ll/lllildelatuum Ill/ AM- I 2 13 14 15 16 r7 18 19 20 zt zz 23