r DEUTE R ONO M E XX. 2 3 Annotations. SLaine] or Wounded, meaning to death; as the Chaldee tranthateth, killed: and this Law was to be kept , whether on: or many were found ¡laine. giveth] or , is gising, to wit, lhortly. This being a figurative expiation,done by Prielts with the death of an heiffer, &c. ¡hewing this Law to be peculiar to the Common-wealth of IJraèl: and fo the Hebrews fay, The Lawfor the be- headed het r, id not to be u fed but in the landof Ifrael, Maimony in Mifneb, tom. 4. treat. of Murther, chapter 1o. fe &ion I. fallen] that is, lying dead: as, there fell, I Chronicles a 1. 14. is expoun- ded, there died, 2 Sam.24.I 5. The Greeke tranila- teth it fallen; the Chaldee, lying. All theft cir- cumstances the Hebrews hold unto ¡tri &ly ; It is fail, Slaine (or Wounded) not hanged, nor broken; fir fucb an one is not called Cbalal, (Slain:) in the Land (or Grortnd) not bid in an heape : Fallen, not hanging on a tree : in the Field, not fwimming on the water. Maimony treat. of Murther,chapter 9. feEtion 11. not ketone] for, fit be knowne, they behead no heifer for him. If but one have Cease the murtherer, and though it be aflave, or a noman,or one whole teflimo- nie io not allowable, yet there is no beheading of the heifer : fir if there be many open murtberers, the killing of the hell r ceafetb. If ote witnef fay, l few the murtherer; and another witnef denie it , faying, Thou Hidfl not fie him, (and theft witnejès come both together) then they behead the heiffer. Maimony ibidem, chapter 9. fe- Etion 12, 13. Verfe 2. tbj Elders] he faith not the Elders of that citie, as after in verfè 3. (for it is not knowne as yet to what citie it belongeth ;) but thy Elders (O If ael) which were of the general! States of the land. The Hebrews fay, When a thine man it found fallen on the earth , &e. they leave him in his place, and five Elders come forth from the high Coat- cell that is in Jerufalem, and they meafure from him un- to the cities that are round about the flame man. Mai - mony ibidem, chapter 9. fe &ion t. thy Ledges] to whom criminall caufes did belong, for the trialt of them. taw the cities] he faith not, un- to the towns , or villages, but cities : and by the He- brews , They meafurednot to any title , but flab at bad in it a Court of three and ¡weenie (Magitirates.) And though be be found by a cities fide, &c. yet they mea- fn. e. A?fd when they have meafured, and the Citie next bim is known , then thy burin the Elaine man in bit place, and the Elders of Jerulalem resume to their place ; and the Senate of that chit bring an her, et&e. When they meafure, they doe it exatily. And they meafure from the nofe of him ( that is (lain.) If his body be in one place, and his head in another, they bring the bodie to the head, and burle it in the place thereof. If there be many dead, one bifide another, they meaner¢ from the nofi of every one of them. And if one dale be neeref to them all, it bringetb one heif- fer for them all. Maimony treat. of Murther, chap. 9. Ie &tOn 4, 9, I O. Verfe 3. an heifer] which was by the death thereof to maks expiation, in figure, for this murther, as ordinarie facrifices did for mens finnes. And this was done by the next chic, becaufe of prefcunption of the falt, when o= ther proofe foiled : and this heifer was to be of the mens of that catie, faith Maimony ibidem, fe- &ion 2. and, an heifer of theferondyeere, or under; but if it were a doy older than two yeeres, it was ten- Maimony ibidem, chapter 9. fe &ion 2. and chap. to. fe&. a, in the yoke] the Cime cau- tion was for the red heifer, Numb. 19. 2. fee the Annotations there. Bitt why 1peaketh he of the yoke, after he had fail, net wrought with ? teeing to draw with the yoke is comprehended in other worke ? The Hebrews anfwer; Becaufi tbeyoke ma- keth it difallowable, whether it be in the bo ere of works or not. When it bath drawee in theyoke but anhand- bredth, it is unlawful!, though it neither plowed there- with, nor did any other works. Maimony ibidem, chap- ter 13. fe &ion 3. Verdi 4. a rough,vally] or, a firong bourne : the Hebrew 31(áehal is both a Valk y, Gen. 26. 17, I 9. and a water flreame running in a valley, Dent. 2. 13, 36. both which we call a bourne. Ethan figni- fieth flrength , or (Irong and durable , as is applied fometimes to waters, Exod.14.27. Pfalm.74. t 5. And Nachal Ethan, in Amos 5. 24. is a mightie fireame. So here we may under(tand this to be not onely a valley, but a llreame alfo in it, as the Chaldee nerhon confirmeth : but the Greeke tranflateth it, a rough valley. Maiming in treat. of Murther, chapter 9. fe &ion 2. faith, they bring down the heifer unto a bourne that fiowethffrongly, and that is the Ethan ffoken sfm the Law. fball not be tilled] either at the time when the heifer is kil- led, or after. The valley wherein the buffer le bobeo ded, is unlawful! to be fowen or tilled for ever, (Dent. 2/.4.) and who fo worketh any worke there, in the body of the ground, at to plow, or dig, or tow, or plant, or any the like, he is to be beaten. But it is lawful! to dreIe flax there, or to dig up fens, or any thing which is not as tillage or Cowing, &c. Maimmry treat. of Murther, chap. t o. fe&.9. flrike of the necke] or behead, (as in verfe 6.) with an axe on the hinder parts thereof; faith Maimonyibidem, ch. 9. f3. The Greeke tranilateth, cut the finewes gibe be ffer. After it was beheaded, and expiation made, the heiffer wan buried in the platewhere it wee killed, and it war unlawfull to have any profit (or efe) thereof. Maim. ibidem, chap. I o. felt. 6. Verfe 5. theformes f Levi] in Greeks, the Levitt:. What they were to doe, is exprelfed by Mofes, but may be gathered by their office here defcri- bed, to minifler, &c. and by verfe 8. where prayer is made for atonement. And fo the Hebrews ex- plain it, that the Elders were to walls thelr hands, and fay,Our bands have not (hied, &c. (ver.7.) and the Priefis fail, Make ex iation for thypeople, &c. verle 8. Maimony treat. ofMurtber; ch. 9. felt. ;. to minifier] the Greeke faith, to fiand before bim. See Deut. I o. 8. their mouth] that is , as the Chaldee expoundeth it, their word, meaning the.word of God which they (hould (hew, E2ek. 44.23, 24. (ball be] CO wit, jpdged, or tried, or (as this cafe feemeth to import)expiated. ftroke] or 4 5