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dl And uaa 1;, 7 e miaw/iir G-1/ a DEl.1TERONOMIE orpl,gue; in Chaldee, plague of leprofte: Sec the notes on Deut.17.8. 6 Verf6. all the Elders]both the Magiftrates then bearing ofli e, and (itch as had borne it before. Enroll filch were 'called Elders , as appearcth by Iu ig 8 r4at'here the Princes and Elders of Succoth, were th;eefn e and f renreen men. So in this cafe, the Hebrewes lay , The Ledges of that dtie , with all the Eldrs, ahhrugh they bean hundred , thy all wafh their hands there , in the place where the he fèrs neclt to firrc- knof MaDuonytreat. of Murder, chap 9. fc &.3 f o 11 wafh J in hgne that they were innocent of that blood - flied: as Pfa1.26.6. Matt.27.24. Verh7.110 ell anfwer] t hat is , (gall fpeake : for fo 7 the word anfwcr is often tiled for the beginning of afpeec It, lob 3 2. have not fl.-ed] or, bath not flied: for the Hebrewhath a double reading, im- plying both fingtilar and plural l ; to fignifie that they had not any hand in this murder. not fèene it] to wit, flied by any other t for cite this expi- ation had not beetle thus nade,as is dieted on v.1. VerC 8. Make expiation] or Make atonement : in ó Greeke, be merciful[. Here the Chaldee verfion addeth , he Prieffsfhallfay, Make expiation, &c. and fo the Hebrewes ex lain it , as is noted on verle 5. haft redeemed] the Greeke addeth , out of the landof Egypt. lay not innocent blood] Hebr. give mat, that is,as theChaldee openeth it , give not the guilt of innocent blood; in our phrafe , lay it not to their charge. The Gre::ke tranflateth, that there may not beinnocetot blood lot thyprop1. To give, is often tiled for to f ir, (as is noted on Geuso.6.) in which fenfe it may silo bee taken here, fifer net innocent blood, to wit,to be unpunifhed,but bring the atar- derer to light. expiatedfor them] or, merci- fully f rgiven them: but the murderer (if afterward hee were taken) was not hereby forgiven, which ¡theHebrewes gather from the next words , fay - ing; Although the murthererbe foundafci the behead- ing of the beifler , yet heir to bee lvßled; fortis is writs n ( Delft. 21. 9.) And than fhalt put away vat went blood. Maim. treat. of Murder,cháp.I o. 1'Eí.8. Verf. .innocentblood that is, the guilt thereof : 9 but the Cháideeaddeth,the fedderef innocent blood, according to the former expolition, right in the eyes] the Greeke tranflateth, that which it good and p!'eafing befit e the Lord. n Here beginneth the nineand for- tieth Se &ion, or Le&ufe of the Law: SeeGen.6 9. to Verlio.deli:eyedthem] Hebr. given (or delivered hinr)lpeaking of themultitude of enemies as of one nian; (o after. captivity of them] Hebr. captivity if him: that is , amttlt.tndoof o apoyes or prifnrro. Só in Num.2I.1. This Law is likethe Bill of divorce, Dent. a4. which our Saviour tel- leth,was its fcred for the hardnes of mens hearts, Mat. 19 8. And the Hebrewes themfcives, (though much addì &edtofirangewonrn, and plurality of wives) underhand this Law with fundryli- mitat ions , and to be partly for neceffity, when men in the warrnt were ablent from their wives, and tempted with concnpilcmtce. VerC t t . in the c eptivity] that is among fl the cap- tives , or prifnnert. At any other time, the He- brewes fay, this was-not law haft adefire] 'eft fit/eft thy lose, asGen.34.8. and wouldefl take her] or, and takeß ber, to Wit ,'by pro- mote. The Hebrewes fay,or Souldiers that come into the heathens coaft , that they may in their hunger, eat (wines flefh, or other unclean meats, when-they can get no other : And fo a man may lie witban heathen woman, if his concupifcence urge him thereto ; but be may not lie with he, andgoebi, may but muß bringher home to his boufe; and he May not lie with her the feoed time, mail be haze married her. Neither is it lawful( (Or him to take this beaxditdl wrnnan , five in the time of captivity, at it is written ; And thou feet in the captivity, &c. Neither is it lawftdl to lie With tiro, for itiofàid, HER: nor lawful lto take two, and be with the one,and leave the o.her f r his brother. Maimo- nytom.4 treat. of Kings and Wirres , chap.& fe& r,2,3. This lyingwith her leenicti, to bee implyed in thotè words, thou hsß bumbledber,v. e 4. which phrafe is not níed, but of ancitate out of marriage, as is noted on Gen.; 4.2. VerlI2.l'ornetotly/coorf ] Hebr. into the midi of thine pouf, that is, into is,as thisphrafe meaneth : See the notes on Gent. 2.9. floe(.: (have]the Greeke changeth the perlón, laying; tbw:spelt fhave: for this being a jbamo and dilhonour untò her, (t Cor.1 t.6.t 5.) it is not likely the woman would willingly doe it , but the ntan (in whole power the was) mull fee it done. doe her nailer] or make thern,which the Chaldee cxpoundcth, let tbemgrow: though the phrafe may bee taken o- therwife,,te pare or cut them (as in 2 Sam. 19.24.) and fo the Greeke tranflateth ; yet the letting of them grow , (eenteth here to be meant , for her more deforutity,anlwerable to the (having df her head. The Hebrewes epee it thus ; Afiee bee bath lien with her once, whiles fbe is in her paganifme , if Thee tale upon her to come under the wings of Gods Mayefy. finis bsptifèd for a prof yte out of hand : and if fie will not, fie muß remain in bio boor fe thirty dayes (Douter. 21. t3.) andfbe io !Ole,' her Haile, grow., andfbave her bead , to the end , that f e may be deformed in his eyes; and fennrßbe withhim inbirbottfe, that homey IA, upon her and loath ber. And hee is to perfwade with ber, that fhe may receive ( the faith:) if fhe re= eetve tit, floe is made a l ro felyte , and baptized sal!, grangers. And fire muß Lary three months, onei o- neth weeping ( r her father) and two months after it, and lr is to take her with bill of dowry and mariage. Ad if be have m delight in beg be is to fend ber away whither fhewill,andifbe fill her , be tranfgreftb,&o. (Deut.21. 14.) If floe rent!not become aProfel,te, they perfwsde with her twelve monetize. If (yet) fie will nrt,(but)receivetb the finen commandement, whichwere commanded to the fns of Nóe [whereof fee the An- notations on Gen.9 4 ] then he is to fend ber away Whither floe will , and loe the is a all other f rangers that dwell (in rbe land,) but he may not marrie her ;. for it is unlawfnil to marry a woman which is not a Prnflyte. Iffbe be with child by bi, fill lying with' her; then the child is agranger, and is not,his forme far any matter , becauf he is of an heathen mather, QaT'c. Hhlehh Ifl ora ///s/lllnulaTaNttn ttteuù/ 1i If I1