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DEU<TERONOMIE XXI It the beautifull woman will not leave ber idolatry after Itmelzemnneths ,' they a,eto4iI her : andit the citiethat would make peace, they may make no covenant with them, 1 tih they renounce their iddatry , and defiroy all the places 'thereof, and reecho the other commandements which were commanded to the fors of Noc : for every heathen that y;eldeth not to thtfecommandments, are tele killed ,if they be under our band, faith Maimony in treat. of Kings, chap.8. fef .S 9 13 Verf. 13. raiment] in Greeke, the garments of her captivity, to wit, thofcwherein the was taken, and [hall put on mourning weeds : which was ano- ther ligne of her humiliation, and muses to withdraw the mans love from her, if thee conti- nued in her unbeliefe. romaine] or, fit in tbine houfe, where thou mainbehold and obferve her carriage. a mmeth of ¿ayes ] that is, thirty dayes,an whole moneth. This was in refpe& of her fpeciall cafe forementioned.And whereas the Hebrewes fpeake of two moneths longer, (as is no- ted on verf, t 2.)the reafon thereof they ellèwhere (hew to be in regard of his lying with her left the fhould be with child, that fo the feed of Ifrael might be knowne from the heathens; for by Ex- od. ai. 4. it appeareth,that a heathen bond-wo- mans children were her mafters,and not counted the Ifracliteswho begat them : and by Ezr.10.3. 44. it is evident , that not onely the heathens wives, but filch alto as were borne ethem, wereput away. The Hebrewes fay ; Every woman that io di- zorced, or it a widow , flee may not marry again, till thee have tarried ninety ¿aye,, betides ele day of her divorce, or of her husbands death ;to the endthat it may be known whether floe be with child or no, and that there may, be proofe whether it be the feed of ber firfl husband , or of her food. Abond -woman that it made fee and an heaths woman that l ecommetb a Profe ,tee ;hey muff tarry 90. ¿ayes. And t bough it he a heathen man, and hit ;rift that become Prof ytes, they feparate them-ninety dtyes , to dill ingutfb the fed which is begotten in 'holy frate, from the feed which is so: fi begotten. And fò.. the beautifdl (captive) although there it a law Oren her of thirty ¿ayes for the fitting of her felfe, thee mull tarry ninety dopes, for the fitting of her child. Mal- mony in treatife of Divorces, chap. s 1. fe &.18. 21. goe in]to wit ,into the (marriage) ebam- ber, as Iudg 154 . and be her husband] or marry ber, and fo lie with ber, as Deut. 24.1, This might not be with an Infidel!, Deut.7.2. See the Annotations there. 14. Verf. f4 If theft have no delight in her] This fee - meth to be meant before marriage, not after : for that God allowe,lno fetch fending her away after marriage; but if after he had once lien with her, & had bumbledber (as after he fpeaketh;) the mans affe &ionswere withdrawn from her, by behol- ding her in that deformity and monrnefull (tate within his hou'e ; then God permitted this lea- ving her, but with the cautions following. whither the will] Heb. falterfaille, that is, according to her ownc will or delire. The Grceketranffa tes it,t /v: [halt fend her 'away fee. felling thou füais rant f /l] that is, not at all, or[halt in tza cafe fell ber, as 4n her cal,t ives might be; and this recompence (be had, and the man fetftained this loffe, for that c had humbledher; whereby God (hewed companion to this afili&ed woman, and his diflike of the mans lying with her before,theugh for the hard- flare of mess hearts hee fuffered it foto Lee ; as Matt. 19.8. make a gaine to thy felfe] or, ferve thy fe f, make her thy fervant. The Heim etvHith- gnammer, is found only here, and in Deut.24.7. where the Greeke exprel eth it by Katadunafieo, which is to fubelue, or bring under ones power; which word is ufed in like fenfe, A&. s o. 38. and Iam.z. 6. for fuch as were oppreffed under thepower of the devil!, and of rich men. So o hat the man, as hee might. not fell this woman, fo neither make a fervant of her to himfelfe, or others. So the He- brcwes expound it, If be fell her, he tranfgreffèththit prohibition, Selling. thou fhah not fell her, &c. And fo if hefnbdue her aferthat fhe is lien with, to be a bond- woman, when he bath ufe of her f rzice, he tranfgreftb this prohibition , Thou Pal' not make a gain to thyfelfe by her, for Ge nay trotterse bim felfe by ber. Maimony treat. of Kings, chap. 8. fe &.6, bumbled her] or, aff.+iúed her. This word being nfed for unlaw- ful! copulations,as in Gen.34.2. D'eut.2z.24.29, Iudg.19.24. 2 Sa11.13.12.14. Pack 22.10. n 5. Lam.5. t 1. (heweth ale, that God approved not of his fa&: and that this fendingher away, was not to be after marriage, but after his lint lying with her only, as is before noted. Verf. t 5. two wives] which though it was con- 15 trary to Gods firft inllitutlon, Gen. 2.22.23,24. and was begun by Kains posterity, Gen.4.19. yet the corruption being fpread over all, and even in the Church, God for a time fuffered this unt -ìll the time of' reformation ; but approved not of it,as appeareth by Mal, 24 5. Match.' 9.4.5,And here provideth by his Law, again!" troubles and confufion that might arife in families by fuch polygamy. and another hated] Hebr. endure bated; but this word one in the latter branch of the fentence, is ufed for another; and is fo expla+- ned by the Holy Ghoft: as when it is laid in Mat. 24.40. the one tha be taken, and the one left ; another Evangelilt expreffeth it thus, the one fball be taken, and'heather left,Luke 17.36. And by bated,undcr- (land lefe loved than the other : for it is fpoken by way of comparifon,as in Gen.29.3 s. Verf.r 6. he maketh his fanner to inherit] or,dividetb 16 the inheritance to hit fanner : fromwhich words the Hebrewetgather, that T he firfl -borne which is borne after bit fathers death, is not whom adouble portion./ Maimony treat. of Inheritances, chap.z. fe &.a. be may not] or, he cannot; he fhallnot be able; that is, it is not lawful! for him. took firfl -borne] that is,gize the fill birth- right,w hich was a double portion.As Josephhad the firft birth-right when a portion was given loins above his brethren, 1 Chro.5.1.2.Gen.48.5.22. fefore the fm] which the Greeke tranllateth, defiling the fan. Verf 57. acknowledge] inChaldee, feparate, to 17 wit by his words and aétions, adouble por- tion] Hebr. the mouth ( that is, the part) of two, which the Chaldecrranfateth two parts, as the like phrafe lignifieth in Zachary 13. 8. By which