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ddlu [ua a7l[dlaY%v d-' DEUT HItON'OMI$ XXI. which Scriptuicwe 'may learne what this double' portion was, that if a man had two fons, his goods were dividedantjthreeparts, whereoftheeldelt had two parts', -and the youngelt the third. For the fntt-borne was to be reckoned as two fons; as Iofeph (who had the firft birth -right r Chron. 5.2.) was twotribes,Ephraim and Man,affes.The Hebrewes explaine it thus ; Tbe fir fi -bone it to re- calve a deuble portion. of hie fathers goods, Deut. 21.17. As, if hee leave fire fitter, andane of them is the fir fi- borne, he is to have a third of his goods , and every of the other Inure xeceiveth a foot part. II bee have nine fame:, the frfl *farne bathaloft part,.aod every of the other .eight, a tenth part. And Jì according to this partitiondoe they part alwayes.Mairnotty treat. of In- heritances, chapter 2. 1èí}.í. According to this phrafe;;lifcus defined' a double portion of E1 ias fpi- rit,z King.2.9. that he might have fo touch more aS kny of his otherdifciples. of all that it fund hie]the word found often dgnifieth thingsprefene,as in Gen.19.15. 2 Chron.5 .11. and,3 e.1. So in this cafe by the Hebrewes judgement, The firff- borne had net a double portion of the goods which might come after bit fathers death, but of the goods whicb were afuredy his, fathers, and come into his band (or power) as itiowritten,OF ALL THAT IS FOVND HIS. As, one of the beirer of his fathor that diet, after the death of his father ; the fnrfi -borne , and the fingle ( brother) doe inherit his goods alike. And fi if his father hash a debt owing him, or bath afbip at fes, they are heires of it alike. Maimony treat, of Inheritau- ces,chap.3. fe&t.r. It is alfofaid ,found his; hee faith not found hers ; and by.the Hebrews it is .holden, that The firfi -bore bath not a double portion of his mothers goods :. but the fi>ff-borne and another _wane that are /mires to their mother, doe _bare alike robe+ tber bebo shefirfi -borne for ií ce, or.the firfi that openeth the wombe. The fir_ -borne fin: inheritance , ú bee that is firfl -borne to his father, at it is written (nverfe;7.) 7HE BEGINNING OF HIS STRENGTH; and they refpeíl mot the mother, though floe have borne many fmnes, if bee be his fathers fill-borne , bee bath a Archie portion. Hee that eonimeth (into the world) after untimely births [that Were befere bim] is the firfi -borne for inheritance. And fo one borne at his full time, if be be borne dead, he that commetb after him, is the fir_!-borne for inheri- tance. If a man have funnel while be is an heathen , and after becommeth aProfelyte, hee bath nofirfi.borne for inheritance: But an Ifraelite that loath a f nneby a bond -woman, or by an heathen woman, frafmuch.a he is not called his forme , bee that conmetb after him of an Ifraeli.ef is the firf( -borne for inheritance, and bath a double portion. Maimony, ibidem, chap. z. felt. 8,910.12. of his flrength] or, of his valour. So Iakob Paid of Reuben his eldcii,Gen. 49.3. The Greeke tranflareth, of his cilildrm. And this is the find reafon of the Law, from na- tare it felfe. the right] Hebr. the judgement ; which theGreekeexplaineth thus , the fir/i birth-. rights are due (or belong) unto him. And this may be underftood in refpe& of the Iudgement or Law of the Lord; which is added unto the former reafon from nature, and tnaketh the firft- bornes right more firme unto him. Wherefore as Efau before -hand fold his birth-right , & the fale was confirmed iGen. 25.33. fo generally. The pip. borne that feteth theportion e f the birth -right MA, tt be parted his fale it firma becasfe the portion is his before it is partedfaith Maimony,treafitè of Inheritance, chap. 3. fcEt.6. And by reafon of this right of the firft- borne ,his children after him doe inherit alto, as this Hebrew canon 111eweth,.Who fo bath' two tonnes, a firfl- borne, and another, and.tbey die both of them whiles he 'Meth, and leave children behind them, the firfi-lime leaves, a daughter,and the fingle (brother) leaveth'a finite ; the firme of the fingk (brother) _hall inherit ;of the old mensgoals a third part, which was his fathers portion ; andtbe daughter of the fir_( -torn pall inherit two thirds , obit, was ber fathers portion. And' fuch is the right ofbrethren children, and of the fathers brothers children, and of all that roe inherit: ìf thefatherof one of the heireinere a firft-born, she berne recei:etb the portion of his fife birth -right for him, Maimóny ibidem, chap. 2. íeft.q. By this Law was fore- (hadowed how the eleEh,the If}ael of God, Ga1.6.'t6.whichare leis firfi- borne;Eamd. 4.22.and Church of the firff- borne which` arewrittm in heaven, Heb.12.23, [hall have a double portìgn,and inhe- rit the good things of (;od, as they Which have the promife of the'l f which how is, andof that which 7r to come , a Tint. 4. 8. Arid are the heiresof God , and joint- heires with Cbrif, Rom. 8.17. and being jufti fled by his grace are made beirer according to the hope of eternal' life , Tit. 3.7. God having begotten diem againe, to an inheritance in.orruptible,and endefiled and that fadeth not away ; repriced in heaven fan us; t Pe- ter . VY.4erf. s8. ficebborne]órperverfit, revolting, refers- lime, that tnrneth away fromGod and his Law: and it intplieth the affeEtion of the heart, as Ihr. 5.2 and the cariage and a &ion as an untamed heiffer, Hof..4. r6. Nfh.y.i 9. And fo the. Apol le trar;(latetlì it into Greeke, by two words,difobedi- ens (or emperfwaded) and gaine faying, Rom. 1 0.2.1. from Efiy 65.2. So here theGreeke expoundeth it, difòbedient. rebellious ] The HebrewMe- rehligni6eth one that changeth or tnrneth to the worle, both in heart and aEtion, and in particu- larturneth from and oppofeth the wordofGod, as Deut. 1. 26. 43..and 9 7.23.24. The Greeke here trauflateth it Contentious. The inftance of this rebellion is (hewed in v. zo,. obeyeth not] or bearknéth not ; the Ghaldeetnattflateth, received, not the word. chafined] ornurtureth; which ini- phetis both words and alts, as by rebukes; (tripes, and outward puni(hment, Levit. 26.23. 28. and fometime by the hand of the Magillrate, Deut. 22.18. in which fenfe the Hebrews smderiland this here. And having fpoken before of words , this therefore is meant of blower alto, Verf. a 9. and his mother] both of them; fo that. one alone was not enough to caule him to be put to death. The. HebrewDoEtors, as they are al- wayes wane in cafes that concerne the taking away of any mans life ; to in this above others, they let dowse many and Itrange limitations; as, firft they reltraine it to thofe particular.hnnes Hhhhh 2 of I$ 19 ////s//11111NI90tatt m eu It