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I;6 sDEUTERONOMIE XXVIII. tranflateth, than fhalt fine peoples that ferve idols of wood adof Tian: So aim inverfe64. 37 VerI37. abyword] a fharpe or cuttin &taunt: thus God thrcatned againe in ntediatly betore it carne to paffe, Ierem. 24. 9. and before that in Solomon dayes i King. 9. 7. and it carne upon them , as Pfal. &c. 38 VerC 38. the Locufi] that is, Locuffs: fee the judgements here threatned, fulfilled in Ioel i. 4. Amos 4.9. and7.1,2. Hagoi.6.1i. 42 Vert. 42. Grafhopper] called in Hebrew 7flat- f.rl, aword here only ufed; theGreeketranfla- teth it erifitbee, which is a blafliag or meldw , that Ipoileth corne. 44 Verf. 44. the head] or, for the bead, that is, the chiefe, which the Chaldeeexpoundeth firong ; as the taile is in Chaldee the weake : fee veci.13. 46 Verf. 46. for afigne ] the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate plurally, figner and wonders. thy feed] Chaldee, thy !firmer. Verf. 47.goednef f heart] the Greeke tranfla- 47 tech it , a good heart; theChaldee truthof heart : it meaneth alto gladne, as in Efay 65. i 4. it is oppofed to forraw. Ot this the Iewes made con- fefion when they were returned from Babylon, Nehem.9.35 of all] Greeke, of all things; and Thargum Ionathanaddeth, of all good: and fo in v.48. want of all good. 48 Verf48. yohe of iron] that is, hard fervitude un- der heathen Rulers; as Ier.z8.i344. for frvants are laid to be under the yoke,1 Títn.6. i. 49 Verf. 49. as the Eagle] that flieth fwiftly and violently, therefore the Greeke tranflateth, like the violence of an Eagle. This is a prophefe of the Babylonians,the Lyon with Eagles wings,Dan.7.4. So Nebuchadnezzar is likened to a great Eagle with great wings, &c. Ezek. 17.3.12. not harpe] that is , vot underfiand : fee the notes on Geniis 11.7. 50; Verf. 50. ofaffrong face] t hat is, bold, fierce, cruel!, and (as the Greeke tranflateth) impudent. This title is given to'Antimitus Epipbaner,the great afiâerof the Iewes,Dan.8.23. not regard] not refpe& or honour any perlon.' 51 VerG 5s. fruit of thy email] thy young beads. See the fidfilling of this mentioned before the captivity, Efay 1.7. corn] The enemies devouring of there earthly blefíìngs in Canaan, the holy land, figured alfo that Ifrael fhould for their fiunes be deprived of Gods heavenly blef- lingo, till God fhould turne them againe to himfelfe by the faith of the Gofpell: and then he lweareth, If Igive (that is, furely I will not give) any morethy corne to be meat for thine enemies , and the former of the f ranger(hall not drinke t wine,. for which thou haft laboured: but they that hav4gatberedte , fhall eat it, and praif the Lord, and they that have brought it together, fhall drink it in the Courts f my holinefe,Efay 62.8.9. Verf..52. thy gates] in Greeke and Chaldee, thy cities: fov.55. See this fulfilled , z King. 17. and 25. Verl5 3. toe fruit of thy monk] in Chaldee , the 53 children ftlybowels.The like threatning is in Levit. 52 26.29. Ieretn.19.9..fulfilled, 2 King.6.29. Lam. 4.10. Verf.9 4. eye fhalbe evil!] that is, he (hail grudge and envie: tee Dent.i 5.9. The Greek tranflateth, he (hall bewitch with his eye. So in verle 56. of hi bofomo] that is, which lieth in his bofome , as Mics7.q. Verf. 47. her after-birth] and fo her little one therein ; as the Chaldee expoundeth it , the haft of ber children. Verf.58. fearefulL] in Greeke, marvellous. Verf. 59. thy plague]or, every of thy plagues: as the forme of the Hebrewword implieth. thy feedjaald.thychildren. permanent] or firme, faithful[, and continuing long: as Tha rg. Jonathan explaineth,whicb fhall'dure long uponyour bodies. Verfóo. difeafe] or fed tefle in Greeke, farrow. 60 Of the plagues of Egypt, lie Exod.8. &c. Verl6z. with a fire mon] Greeke, in afbort (or [mall) number : Chald. a people sof number , that is, Toone numbred. See this fulfilled,Efay 1.9. bearkenedf not] Chaldee, rereivcdfi not toe word. - Verf. 63. will rejoyce] although the defiru &ion 63 of the wicked is to themfelves miferable, yet Gods judgements upcht them are unto him his Angels, and all the Saints joyfull,.Revel. 18.20. Pal. 58.1 I,' 2. Icr. 51.48. for, when the wickçdpe- rifi, there is fbouting joy, Prov. t l . i o. Verf. 64.. and ants the end, be.] that is, from one 64 end of the earth toanother. A like phrafeis, from the end of the heavens unto the end of them, Match. 24.31. Marke 13. 27. This dilperfon of the Iewes is vifible even to this day. fine other gods]the Chaldee expoundethit, firre peoples that frzeidols : but it impllethGods judgement, in giving them over to other fnne : fee the notes on verfe36. VerL65,not findeafe] or, not bave quietnele. Vnto (5 this curie of the Law for frnne, is oppofed the promife of grace in Chrilt, Ier.31.2. a trem- bling bears] in Greeke, a faint (or di fcauraged) heart. See Levit.26.3 6. Efay 1.5. failing of eyes] in Greece failing eyes, that (hall looke for.deiive- rance, but not the it. pining offooule]inGreek, a meltingfoule, that is, forrow full and fearefitll. See Levit.z6.16. 1 Sani.2.33. Verf.66. hanging in doubt] that is, uncertaine, 66 as after followeth. So the Greeke thy life fall be hanging before thine eyes. not have ajistrance [thy life] or, not belrece in thy lofe; in Greeke, not be/eeze thy life ; that is , have no affitrance of it, but al -' wayes feare death. Verf..67. Who trillgive] that is, 0 that it were eve - 67 ning : fee Dent. 5. 29. A lively, defcription of mifery, wherein every honre by night or by day feemeth long and tedious. Compare lob 7.354 Verf..68. to Egypt] the hottfe of bondage,Exod. 20.2. and figure of fpirituall bondage under fin and Satan: in which eltate the Law leaveth all men, till they be redeemed by grace in Chrilt. So another Prophet faith , 7 hey f all not dwell in I ho- vahr land; but Ephraim fall resume to Egypt,and they (hall eat =thane things in ABria, Hof.9.3. 54 57 58 59 62 Cttnr. 68