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Motives to oblerve 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DEUT'ERONOMIE XXIX theLaw 17,3 CiHdr. XXIX. Motes being to renew thecovenant , exhartetb Ifrael to obedience , by the memory of the works they have f ene. ro All flandbefore the Lord, to enter into bit covenant. 18 The great wrath on bim that flattered; himfelfe in his wickednef. 29 Secret things belong onto God. Pin Here are the wordsof the covenant which Jehovah commanded Mofes to (hike with-the formes of Ifrael, in the land of Moab, betide the covenant which he ffroke with them in Horeb. And Mofes called unto all Ifrael, and raid unto them, You have feene all thatJehovah did before your eies in the land of Egypt, unto Pharaoh, and unto all his fervants, and unto all his land. The great tentationswhich thine eies have feene, the lgnes, and thofe great wonders. Yet Jehovah bath not given untoyou an heart to know, and eies to fee, and cares to heare,untothisday. And 1 have lead you forty yeares in the wilderneffe; your cloathes are notwaxen old upon yop, and thy fhooe is not waxen old upon thy foot. Ye have not eaten bread,neither have you drunke wine or ftrong drinke, that yee might know that I am Jehovah your God. And ye came unto this place,and Silvan king ofHelhbon, and Ogh king of Baihan came out againfr us unto batten, and wee £mote them. And we Cooke their land,and gave it for an inheritance to the R eubenites, and to the Gadites, and to halfe the tribe of the Manaffites. Therefore ye fhall keepe the words ofthis covenant, and doe them, that ye may wifely doe all that ye doe. aMo r o Ye (land this day all of you before Jeho- vah your God, your heads of your tribes, I your elders and your officers, all the men of t r Ifrael :Your little ones, your wives,and thy hanger that is within thy campe, from the hewcrofthy wood, unto the drawer of thy la water. That thou fhouldeff paffe into the covenant ofJehovah thy God and into his oath which Jehovah thy Gad ftriketh with 13 thee this day. That hue mry{tablifh thee This day for a people unto himfelfe, and that he may be unto thee a God, as he hath fpo kenunto thee, an.i as he bath fworne unto thy fathers , to Abraham , to Ifaac , and to Jakob. And not with you yourselves alone doe I r4. ftrikethis covenant and this oath ; But with 15 him that is ftanding here with us this day before Jehovah your God , and with him that is not here with us this day. For yee 16 know , how we have dwelt in the land of Egypt , and how wee have paired in the mtdit of the nations which yee paled by. And yee have frene their abomin,tions, 27 and their filthyidols , wood and (lone, fil- ver and gold which were with them. Left tg there fhould be among you man or woman, or family or tribe , whole heart turneth a- way this day from Jehovah our God , to goe to ferve the gods of tbofe nations ; left there fhould bee among you a root that hea- reth gall and wormewood. And it be when he hearcth the words of this oath , that hee bleffe himfelfe in his heart , raying , I fhait have peace, though Iwalke in the imagi- nation of mine heart , to adde the drunken tathe thirfty. Jehovah will not (pare him s but then the anger of Jehovah and his jea- ioufie (hall fmoke againff that man, and e- very curie that is written in this booke (half lie upon him , and Jehovah will blot out his name from under the heavens. And 21 Jehovah will feparate him unto evill , out of all the tribes of Ifrael ; according to all the curies of the covenant that is written in this booke of the Law. And the after ge- neration, your fonnes that (hall rife up af- ter you , and the (ranger that ¡hall come from a farre land, Thal! fay , when they (hall fee the plagues of that land, and the fickneffes thereof, wherewith Jehovah huh made it ficke; That all the land thereof 23 is brimftone and fait and burning, that it is not fowen, neither fpringeth, nor any grafre gróweth therein, like the overthrow ofSodom and Gomorrah, Admah, and Ze- bojim , which Jehovah overthrew in his an- ger and in his wrath. Evenall nations fhall fay,Wherefore bath 24 Jehovah done thus unto this land; what mea- oath the heat of this great anger t Then they is (hall fay, Becaufe they have forfaken the covenant of Jehovah the God of their fa- thers, which he ftrucke with them when he brought them forth out of the land of E- gypt.Eorthey went and ferved others gods, 26 and bowed themfelves down unto them ; !, gods whom they knew not, arid heé had Mmmmtn. not /mmvoIIsñ1NPter