I74. iJ EUT ERO NOM IE XXIX 27 nor imparted unto them. And the anger of Jehovah was kindled agatnft this land, to taxing upon it every curie that is written in 28 this booke. And Jehovah rooted them out of their land, in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and clft them into ano- 9 ither land, as it is this day. The fecret things belong unto Jehovah our God, and the things revealed belong unto us, and to our formes for ever, to doe all the words I of this Law. Annotations. 0 ffrc] or to out, whereof fee the notes on 1 Gen. 1 .i 8. Here the covenant is renewed T betweene God and the people ; and it is the fame in cffe& with the covenant made at Horeb Exod. 19. and 24. 1:we that Chrift , who is the end of the leg.f!l covenant, is here more cleerly revea- led, elpecially in chap. 3o. vert t 1, -14. of Moab] the country on the out fide of Iordan,wher- of fee Dent 1.1,5. in Horeb] or Choreb, that is, mount Sinai, where the covenant was given, Exo. 20. and the blellìngs and curies forconfirmation thereof ,Lev.a6.3 46, 3 ' Verl 3. tentations] or trials, whereby God tried the lliaelites faith, and the hardneffe of the ./E- gyptians in letting Iliad goe: fee Deut.4.34. and 7,19. Front Gods former benefits, whereof they j had experience, hce exhorteth them to the keep- s ing of the covenant. 4 Verte 4. notgizen unto you] This fheweth the tin - ability of than to underhand the things of God, without the gift of God. And long after this, Pardcomplais set h of the Jewes even two this day, when Motes is read, the telle is laid over their hearts, 2 Cor.3.15. and Chrift laith, that ro them it was not g ;zen to underfand the mylleries of the Air/gib/nee heaven,Mat,13, 11,13,14. 5 Verte 5. upon you] or from uponyou; that is, fo as you fhould put them off and caft them from you. CompareDeut.8,4, 6 VerL6. bread] towit,ordinary bread out of the earth, but God hash nourilhed you with Manna, the bread of heaven, Pfàl.78.24,25. Deut.8.3. Verle 7. Sibon] in Greeke,Seon King ofEf bon.Of this Hiftory, tee Num.z 1. Verle 8. we tooke] in Chaldee, we fubdued. 8 ; to the Renbenins] in Chaldee, to the tribe ofReu- ben,& c. See the performance hereof in Ntum. 32 9 Verle 9. wifely doe] or prod inly carry, and with under:landing, and confequently profiler:: fo in s 1 King.i.3. )01.1.7.,8. '? Here beginneth the one and fiftieth Sect ion of the Law : fee the notes on Gen,6.9, Io Verle Io. your heads ofyour'Tribes] that is,your heads, or chicle men, which are the heads (your Tribes : the Greeke trautlateth them by one word Arebipbuloi, that is, the Chiefe,or Rulers of the Tribes. Verfe tr. thy firanger] in Greeke, the Profelyte which is in the mtdff oFyour campe. Such of that nix- ed multitude as came out of Egypt with Ifael, Exod, r 2.38. and others that had joyned them -' felves to the Church. hewer of thy wood filch as hewed wood, and drew water, were the bafeft fervants or flares of Ifrael , (as afterward was the cafe of the Gibeonites , Jot: 9. 21, 27.) who alto by faith were admitted into the Church and co- venant of Ifraef. Verfe n a.7 bat tba elhouldeff pat ] He fpeaketh to I z them all, as to one man; and to paffe into the cove - nant,is a phrafc taken from the manner of making covenants , when they paffcd betweene the parts of the facrifices,Genefis 15. 17. Jeremie 34. 1$, , l9, 20. bit oath] or, hi, execration ; inGreeke, I his curler , becaufe they tooke the curies of the Law upon them, if they kept not the Covenant. This is called the oath of God, Ecclel: 8.2. So this people returning from the captivitie of Babylon,1 mired into a earfe, and into an oath, to wally in Gods Law which wan given by the band of Moles, Nehe- miah, io. 29. Verfe 13. a God] or, for a Gad: this is the fub- fiance of the Covenant, even filch as is made with us in Chrift, 2 Cor.6. r 6. Heb.8. i o. Revels, .3. See the Annotations on Gen. t 7.7. Verfe 15. not here] meaning their pofteritie 15 throughout all generations, to whom this cove- , nant did alike belong. So in 7hargum Ienathan it if expounded, and with every generation ibat (hall rife up unestbe worlds end, &c. But this is to be underifood with exception of the new Covenant, which God promifed, and hath now eftablifhed unto us in Chrift, Jereniie 31.31, 32, 33. Heb. 8. 7,8,9,10. Verle 16. bow we bare dwelt] or, that which we 16 have dwelt which lonathan expoundet h, the num- ber ofyeeres that we have dwelt. This their peregri- nation in Egypt, and deliverance thence, with Gods gracious condulk of them thorow the wilderneffe, are named as motives to perfwade unto obedience. Verfe 17. filthy idols] in Hebr. Gillulim (where- of fee Levit. 26.30.) inGreeke Idols. Verfe 18. Left there fhould be] or, as the Greeke and Chaldee explaine it, That there be not. whole heart] the heart is to be kept with all dili- gence, becaufe out of it are theiffües of life, Prov. 4.2 ;. According therefore to this, Paul warneth the Ifraelites, Take heed brethren, left there be in any ofyou an evi8 heart of tmbeleefe, in departing from the li- ving God, Hebrews 3. 12. from Iehovah] in Chaldee, from the flare of the L 0 RD. the gods] in Chaldee, the idols of the peoples. a root] an e- sill heart forementioned, which is hidden from men, as the root is hidden in the earth, but the fruits after doe appeare. The Chaldee tranfla- teth it, a man. bearetb] or frutlifìetb, beareth fruit : in Greeke, fßringeth up which word Paul ufeth in Hebrews 12. 15. gall and worme- II 13 17 18