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LEUTERONOMIE XXIX. wormwood] the Greeke trantlateth, with gall and bitrernef ; whereby is meant finnes, (as the Chal- dee explaineth it, and) as it was (aid to Simon Magus, Thou art in the gall ofbittemef, and in the bond ofmiquitie, A& .8. z 3. The Apoltle refpe&ing this place , faith, left any root of bitteraeffe (bring- ing up trouble you, Hebrews 12. t 5. (for eneholee, withgall, fay ing,enocbtee, trouls4Gall (or Hemlocke) was a bitter and poifonous weed, growing in the Eaft- countries, as appearethbyHof. o. 4. and wormewood likewife : which are applied fome- time to frnnes, as here and in Amos 6. 12. Den - terónomie 32. 32. Cometime to bitter punifh- menus, as inJeremie 9 2í. and 23. 15. Lamen- tations 3. 15,19. 551 Verde 19. of this oath] or as the Greeke faith, rf this turf : fee -verf 1 2. *all have peace] or, peace fball be taste rte, that is, fa ety and profperity, without hurt or punilhment. imagination] or, contemplation, that which the heart hath Cpied out, and looketh unto. SotheChaldee tranflateth it, imaginatiwy (or conceit) but the Greeke calleth it a- berration. This finne Jimmie often imputeth to this people, Jeremie 3. 17. and 7.24. and 9.14. and 2.8. and 16.12. and 18.12. and 23.27. ro adde the drunken] to w it,the drunken foule to the thirftie, or, the moift to the dry; meaning, to adde finne unto finne in abundance ; as in Efay 30. 1. The foule that defireth is aid to thirb,Pfal.63. s. and as the godly doe hunger and ebirfl after right s oufneffi, Matthew 5.6. fo doe thewicked after un- righteoufneffe, and drinks it up like water, Job i4. 7. which when he bath glutted himfelfe there- with, hemay be laid to have added drunkenneffe to his chilli. Some underftand it allo ofpuniflï- nlent for finne , which the Chaldee favoureth, tranflating, that I may adde unto him the fermis of Ig- norance, unto (the fines of) Prefumptiat. The Hebrew Sepborb, to adde , is fometime ufed for, to confume or deliroy, (as in Pfalm. 40. 15.) in which fenfe the Greeke Interpreters tooke it here, Laying, that she firmer defiry not alto bim that it without fine. 20 Vera 2o. not /pare]or, not fnrgivehim inmercie. For, 3f we walke in the light, at (God) it in she light, the blond of lefut Chrift his Sono eleanfetb us from all finne, 1 Joh. 1. 7. But God will not be merciful! to any that unfaithfully commit iniquitie, Pfalm. 59. 6. jealoufie] which is the rage of a man, that be will not lore in the day ofvengeance, Prov.6.34. appli- ed here unto the Lord, as in Exo.2o.5. fineke] hi Greeke, burn : a figue of great difpleafure, as in PCal. 74.1. Pall lie upon him] the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate , flrall cleave unto him. See this z word in Gen.4.7. Vera 21, out of all the Tribes] in Greeke, from all the fames of Ifrael, that is, from the communion of the Church (whereto he addeth daily filch as (hall be laved, A &.2.47.)even as before in v.2 o. the man was feparated from communion with God. So he threatneth againft the faith Pro- phets, They f all not be in the f Brea of my peapk, neither Pall they be written in the writing ofehe haute of Ifrael, neither fhall toy enter imo the latafoflfrael, Ezek.t 3.9. And this is a separation unto evil!, or for his hurt, as on the contrary the Levites were lepa- rated for their good, when they were defigned to ffand before the LOR D, to minifter unto him, Dem. 1o.8. that is written] in Chaldee, that are writ- ten : meaning all and every one. Ver(è 22. mode it fieke] i n Greeke, which be bath 2 z fen upon ir.God here lignifieth filch a certainty of his judgments, as all peoples (within the Church and without) fhould bewitneffes of them. Vera 23. outfield which maketh the land bar- ren , as faltnef is ufed for barrermeffi, inplal. s 07. 34. So Abimelechtowed thecit ie with fall, w hicn he made utterly defolate, Ju 4es 9.45. and the ímic- ked man (hall dwell in a fall land and not inhabited, Jeremie 57.6. and of myrie places, which (horrid not be healed, it is laid, they frail be given to fah, Ezekiel 47. ss. any grafie] or any herbe : in Greeke, any green thing ; which phrale is ufed in Rev.9.4. This fignified a fpirituall barrenneffe in wens hearts , that they fhould not bring forth the fruits of the Spirit, Heb.6.7,8. overthrow of Sodom] wherof fee Gen. 9. 24,25.with the An- notations. Zebojim] by the letters, Zebiim, but read Zabajim, as is noted on Gen. 14.1.. in Greeke, Seboein,. Thefe two cities were deftroyed with Sodom and Gomorrhe; and fo another Prophet faith unto Ifrael , How /hall I make thee as Adman? frail I fit thee as Zebojim ? Hof. 11. 8. in his an- ger] to their condemnation, 2 Pet. 2.6. flee over- threw them,andrepentednot,Ier.2o.16. Verf. 24. fhai fay] every man to bit neighbour,as Ier.22.8.that Is,one to another. Verf25. ftr.b ] Hebr. aut, that is, made with them; which the Greeke tranflateth, covenanted (or defpijed)nith their fathers. For things done to the fathers arc applyed to the children : fee v.14.15. The like fpeech is in 1 King.9.8, 9. they fhall fry, Why bath Iehavao done this unto this land, and to t hit boufe? And they 'hall anfwer. Beattie they bave Jo' Taken Iebovab their God, who brought forth their fathers out of the lord of Fgypt, &c. which another Prophet recordeth thus ; Becaeofe they have forfeitgn Iehovab the God of their fathers, who brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, 2 Chr011.7.22. So in Ierem.a2.8,9. Verf: z6. other gods] in Chaldee, the idol/ of the 2 peoples. gods whew they knew not ] or gods wbieb knelt not them. and he had not imparted]t hat is, and hee,to wit,any of thofe gods, had not imparted or bellowed any good thing upon them. Thus the Chaldee Paraphraft expounds it, and they bad not done good unto them: and Jonathan in Tharg. and they bad not divided unto them. Or it may be refer- red to the true God, that he bad not imparted'. that is,taught thé to have any part or fellowfhip with' thole gods,or their Cervices. The Greeke tranila- teth, neither had bee diffributed unto them And whereas it is Paid of the Sunne,Moone,and Stars, that God bath imparted than unto all nations, Dent. 4.19.this here may aggravate their Idoratry,that not only worshipped loch, but even the fi &ions allô of the heathens,gods which they never fsw, knew, or had any manner of benefit by them ; M m m m m 2 where ,/alP7As//UIIIIIIRffEald 111 ¡qt 1.1/1 4117' " /