?'9 '<36 ll I-s U-T E R O N O M I E XXX. Mercies. whereby their finne was the more odious. VerCe ty. every curve] the Grceke paraphrafeth, according to all the eurfes o ftbe eovenant,wbicb are writ- ten in the booke of this Lam. The accomplifhmen t of this was acknowledged by Daniel, T he cur fe is pou- red upon us , and the oath that is written in the Lam rf. jMoles the fèrvant ofGod, becatafe we have finned again( him Dan. 9. I I, &c. 28 Verfè 28. rooted them ad] or , plucked them up: which is contrary to planting Jar. 24.6. and 42. I 0. andr45.4. Thus the Law of Mofes leaveth lin- nets under the curfe,and rooted cut of the Lords land : but grace in Chrift towards repentant and belecving tanners, planrerb them upon the land, and the fball no more be plucked up, Amos 9. 15. for they are kept by the power of God through faith unto falva- tion, I Pet. I. 5. and cuff them] or, fens them : in the Hebrew, the word caf,hath an extraordinary great letter, to fignifie the greatneffe of this pu- nifhment. And Baal Hauurim noteth upon it, There is agreat Lamed, and a want oflod, to teach, that there is no calling away like that of the ten T ril es. Wher - of fee 2 King.17 18,23. 29 Verfe 29. The foret things belong] or hidden things are to be left ante Jehovah. This is CO be un- derllood generally of all fecret things which God hath not revealed in his word, as the times or fe afono which the father bath put in his owne power, A &.1.7 the day and honre of judgement,Mat.24.36. and all other like things. Particularly it may be applied to Gods count-ell concerning the Ifrae- lites, inpnnifhing, and rafting them off for their finnes, and afterward calling a remnant of then,: which the Apoftle treating of in Rom. 1 1 . faith; O the depth of the riches both of the wifdome and know- ledge of God! how uufearchable are his judgements, and bis wales pall finding out! Romans 11.33. The Hebrew Nifiaoorb (here ufed) fometime meaneth fieret finnes, as Pfal. t 9. t 3. Unto which force of the Hebrews refer re chis fpeech, that ferret tins God will punifh , but open fin ties are for men to punilh. Chazkuni on Deuteronomie 29. and Co la- notban inTbarons explaineth it, Hidden finnes are maniffl before the LO R D our God, and be will take vengeance on them, &r. and the things revealed] or, but open (or manifefl) things belong ra ut, and to our fumes: upon which IA words, the Hebrew text hath extraordinary pricks , to ftir np atten- tion to the matter here fpoken, as it is indeed worthy of all oblervation, for it teacheth the continual' duty of Gods people in all ages, to learn his Law to doe the fame, and to have care that true Religion may bee continued among their polferitic. The Hebrews fay, Every man of Ifbail is bound to learn the Law , be he poore or rich, be he in health ofbody, or under chat ifeements ; be be yang, or old and decrepit ; though he be fi podre that he liver on olmes; yea, though he have wife and children, he is bound to let bimfelfe a time to learn the Law, by day and by night, at is is fall, And thou fhalt meditate there- in day and ,oh ht. The great wife men of I(r'ael, fore of them were hewers If wood, and fame drawers of mater, and [lone blinde : notmirbfianding they employed them - flves in learning the Law ,day and night. How is a man bound to learnt the Law ? Voetill the day ofhis death, as it it faid, And left they depart from thineheart, all the Lies of thy life, (Deuteronomie 4. 9.) and all the white that he imployetb not himJelfe in learning, he for - getteth. Maimory in Thalmud Torah, chapter a. fe &ion 8, 9, 1o. MAO °cGIS,:,;QZSäöùlxWILIC^w5.. , CHAP. XXX. I Great mercies promifed to the repentant ruiners. I I The commandement u maniffi, and word mere. 15 Life and death are fit before them , with an exhorta- tion to chute life. AN D it fhall he when all thefe things are come upon thee, the biding and the curie which I have fet before thee, and thou (halt caufe them to return unto thine heart, in all the nations whither Jehovah thy God hath driven thee: And thou returne unto Jehovah thy God , and (halt hearken to his voice , according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy fonnes , with all thine heart , and with all thy foule : Then Jehovah thy God will returne thy Captivitie, and have cohepaf. Pion upon thee, and will returne and ga- ther thee 'from all the peoples , whither Je- hovah thy God hath fcattered thee. If a- ny of thine be driven out unto the outmdit part of the heavens, from thence will Jeho- vah thy God gather thee, and from thence will hetake thee. And Jehovah thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fa- thers poffeffed, and thou (halt polfeffe it; and he will doe thee good , and multiply thee above thy fathers. And Jehovah thy God will circumcife thine heart, and the heart of thy feed, to love Jehovah thy God, with all thine heart, and wish all thy foule, that thou ailh live. And Jehovah :thy God will put all thefe curfes upon thine enemies, and upon thy haters which perfecuted thee. And thou (halt returne and hearken to the voice of Jehovah, and doe all his comman- dements which I command thee this day. And Jehovah thy God will make thee plen- teous in every worbe of thine band, in the fruit of thy wornbc, and in the fruit of thy catrell, and in the fruit of thy lard for good, for Jehovah will returne to'rejoyce over thee for good, as he rejoyced over thy fa- thers. If thou (halt hearken unto the voice of Jehovah thy God, to heepe his comman- dements ,and iris ftatutes, that which s war- ren in this lsooke of:the Law,,if.thou fhalr returne I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 IO