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DEUT ERONOMíE XXX retJ me unto Jehovah thy God with all 11 deice) Bart, and with all thy foule. For,this commandemtnt which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither 12 if it far off. It is not in the heavens, to fay, Who (hall goe up for us to the heavens, and take it for us,and caufe us to heare it,thatwe 13 may doe it ! Neither is it beyond the fea, to fay , Who (hall goe over to beyond fea for us; and take it for us, and caufe us to 14 heare it, that we may doe it C But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in 15 thy heart, to doe ir. See, I have let before thee this day life and good , death and evil!. r 6 In that I command thee this day to love Je- hovah thy God,to walke in his waies,and to keepe his commandments, and his (tatutes,, and his judgements, that thou maift live and multiply, and Jehovah thy God may bleffe thee in the land whither thou goeft in tó 17 pofftffe it. But if thine heart turneaway,and Ithou wilt not heare, but (halt be drawne a- way , and bow downe thy felfe to other 18 gods, and ferve them ; I denounce unto you this day, that periling ye (hall perifh, yee fllall not prolong your dates upon the land, which thou art palling over Jordan to goe 19 in thither to poffelfe it. I take the heavens ' and the earth to witneffe againft you this day ; life and death I have let before thee, the blefling and the curie, therefore chufe thou life, that thou mail} live, thou and thy 20 feed. Tolove Jehovah thy God,to hearken to his voice,and to cleave unto him;for he is thy life, and thelength of thy daies,to d well upon the land which Jehovah (ware unto thy fathers, to Abralaam,to Ifaac,and to Ja- kob, to.44,j a unto them. vinnotations. THefe things] Hebr. MO words, that is, things before fpokenof. Here follow promifes of grace in Chrilt to repentant and beleeving (in- ners. the Refiring] that is,as the Chaldee explai- neth it, the biding, and the carfes. After the experi- ment of the Law, and weakneffe thereof, that it cannot keep men in the ftate of bleffedneffe, nor deliver them from the curfe, they are as by a Schoolnafler brought unto Chrift, Galath.3.24, Rom. 8. 3,4, have Jet] Hebr. bave given. So in ver. 15. & 19. taufe them to return] or re- dove, bring again to thine bears, that is, call to miede, confider ferioufly. So inDeut, 4.39. This is the beginning of repentance and turning to the Lord , by calling to mind¢ their fins , and Gods words and works; as in 1 King, 8.46, 47. Iftlny I; 7 fin a ainfi thee,&c.ard thou be angry with t hem,and deli- ver them to the enemie,&c. If they fhall make it returre to their heart, in the land whither theywere carried cap- tives, and retorne and makefupplication unto thee, &c. So in Efay 46. 8. Sbew your feelves men, make it re- name tobears, 0 ye tranfgreffors : and in Lamenta- tions 3. 21. This I mate to retorne to my heart, therefore bave 1 hope. A like phrafe is of the prodi- gall forme, in Luke 15. 17. that hoe came to himfe, Verfe 2. unto lebende] the Chdldee expoundeth 2 it, unto the feare of the L O RD. This is true re- pentance,both to leave the evill,and to turne un- to the good, from which they departed. So in Lament. 3.40. Let ill fareb and try our waies, and turne againe to the Lord. The contrary is complai- ned of in Hof 7.16. thy resume, but not to the moll high. And here taith alfois implied; for as to come unto Chrilt, is to beleeve in him, Joh. 6.35. fo to turnt unto the Lord with all the heart , is to beleeve in him;for with the heart man beleeveth ants righteouf- neffe,Rom,10.10. and by faith the heart is purified, Aft.a 5.9. unto which obedience and goodworks are adjoyned, Jam.2,14; 26. Verfe 3. will return thy eaptivitie] will bring thee againe out of bondage under thine enemies, which figured the bondage under finne, a Pet. a. 19, 20. Therefore theGreeke rranflateth it , will beak thy firmer , that is, will forgive them; as bea- ting, in Mat. 13.15. is expounded, f rgivino offinr, Mark.4.1 2. This is a promife of grace to be per- formed by Chriff who preached deliverance to the captives, Luke 4. 18. and it is thejoy of his peo- ple, Pfah t 4.7. and 126. s,a. and a figure of their falvation, Efay rose. compared with Kom.9.27. Him bath God exalted with his right band , to be a Prince andSaviour, for to give repentance to Iliaci, and forgiven( of firmer, Afts 5. 3 t. haze compaf- fion] or, fleece tender merde; this is the caufe of the former grace and deliverance. It is of /.60- oak mercies, that we are not ronfamed, Lecaufe bio cam - papoasfai/enot, Lamentations 3.22. So the father of the Prodigal! borne, feeing him a farre off, bad compafon, Luke 15.20. And this compafon or mer- de relpefteth mans miferie, Matthew 9.3 6. and 14.14. andgather thee] So after the captivity ofBabylm, God- promifeth, He that flattered IGael, will gather him, and keepe him at a fhepherd Both hit fioeke, Jeremie31. to. This workeChrill bath spiritually accomplilhed, of whom it is faid,that he mould die , not for the nation of the Jewes weft', but that alfa he fhouldgather together inane for children of God that were flattered aboad, John 11. 51, 52. Therefore this gatbeting is often celebrated, as in Palm. 107. 1, 2, 3. and 147. 1, a. aid 106, 47, 48. Verla 4. If any of thine be driven] Hebr. If tby driven oat; fpeaking of every particular perlon, and of all, as one man. The Greeke trarflateth, If thy difperfion be, that is, thy dißerfed; which word isMedin this fenfe,in Joh.7. 35. uPct.,. i. eutmofl part of tilt heavens] that is, of the world, which feemeth to be bounded by the heavens. The Greeke tranflateth it , from the 'ad (or Mntmtont 3 ostmofi 3 4 ,,////sI(/1/l/11111a1'df AMY À` i/