I ll&UTER ONO MIE X.XX. outmof part) of heaven, unto the end ofbeaven: which phralè thrift ufeth, of gathering together his E- lea at the 'aft day,Match. 24.31. See the notes on Deuteronomie 4: 32. This promife Nebemiae looked unto , in his prayer alleaging Gods words, Ifye tranfgrcf, I will fatter you abroad among the nations : But if ye turne unto me and keepe my com- mandements, and doe them, though any of thine were dri- ven out unto the ouimol part of The heaven, , yet will I gather them from thence, and bring them unto the place that I hate'chofen to fit my Name there, Nchem. 2.8,9. thy God gather thee] The Thargum called io- natbans , expoundeth this to be the Word of the L 0 RD- and the performance to be by the hand of Elias; and by the hand of the King Cbrif. Rcfpe&- ing (as it feemeth) the promife of Elias, Mal. 4. 5, 6. which was John the Baptifl, the fore - runner of Chrlft, Luke 1. 16, 17. 5 Verfe 5. (halt poffèf ] or,(halt inherit it. This is a promife of re loring them unto his Church, fi- gured by the land of Canaan , Psalm. 69.36, 37, Ezek. 36.8, 11,12,24,28, &c. 6 Verfe 6. will circmncifè thine heart] the Geeeke tranflateth, will purge (or cleanfe round about) thine bears a and both the Chaldee Paraphrafls ex- pound it, will take away thefoolifhnefè of thine heart , and the fooliiloneffc of the heart of thy fumes. This is a promife of fpirituall blcilings in regeneration and fanitification by Christ, in whom we are dr. r cumcifed with the eircumcifion made without bands, in putting of the body of the fins f the firth, Ip the circumci- fon f Chrif, buriedwith bim in baptifine, & e. Co1.2. 11, 12. And of this it is Paid, Circumcifron is that of the heart in the jpirit not in the letter , whole praise is not of men but of God, Romans 2.29. See the Anno- tations on Gen. 17. The Hebrew Doltors in the Midrash, or Commentarie on Song 2.12. from these words, The time f pruning (or of cutting the vines) fie came, give this expofition; For, the time is enme,that Ifrael(ball be redeemed, the time is comet bat the fuperinetto fire-sls(u fra/I be cut oo, mhichit fpoken of in Deuteronomie 30. 6. and the Lord thy God will cireumcife thine heart, &c. where,they apply this worke,of grace unto Christ whoess they looked for. to Me] this is the effeft of Chrills cfr- cumcifion, that it taketh front us evill,and giveth good ; Laze being the fulfilling of the Law, Romans 13. 10. and implying all other graces; as it is laid, I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may feareme all daze,, dl's. Jeremie 32.39, And I will give them one hem t, and brill put anewfpirit With- in you : and I will take the lane heart out of their fish, and will give them an heart offlesh, that they may walk; in my Statutes, and keepe my ordinance s,and doe them,ll'c. Ezek. 11. 19, 2o, that thou mail live] fo the Grceke tranflateth the Hebrew phrafe, for thy lie, meaning the life of God, here by faith and bollneffe,Rotnans6. I1, 13. and hereafter for ever in heaven : as to enter into life, Matthew 18. 9. is expounded, to enter into the kingdom[ of God, Marks 9. Verfe 7. 47 will put] Hebrew, will give. Here fol- low earthly bleflings, which God of his grace will adde unto the former fpirituall. Ofwhich, one is the curt-es upon their enemies , èonçer- ning which it is laid, 7 N wilt render unto them a recompense, O LORD, according to the wake of their hands : thou wilt gin e them firrow ej heart , thy curfi unto them ; thou roil,- per ficute in anger , and de- ft, y them from under the heavens of the L 0 R D, La- mentations 3. 64, 65 66. Verfe 8, hearken to] or obey the voice; which the Chaldee interpreteth,receive the Word f the LORD: fo in verse to. The condition of obedience is let before the temporali bleffings ; for godlineffe hath the promife of the life that now io,and ofthat which is to come, I Tim. 4.8. Verfe 9. make tbeeplenteous] or, male thee excellent, 9 unto which 7hargum Jonathan addeth., fir good, that ye may profs, r in all the workes of your hands. rejoice over thee] This Chrilt taught in para- bles of rejoicing for the loftfheepe that was fiend, Luke 15. 6, 7. and of the Prodigall forme het faith ; It was meet that we Amid make merry andbe glad; for this thy brother was dead, and it alze again; and was loft, and is found, Luke 15. 32. Swirl the other Prophets,, will rejoice in Jerulakm, and joy in my people, Efay 65. t 9. and, /mill rejotre over them to doe them good, Jeremie 32. 41. Sec alt°- Deutero- nomie 28. 63. Verfe 'o. that which is written] meaning all IO and every thing written ; fo teaching us exalt obedience. unto Jehovah] in Chaldee, unto the fare of the Lard. Verfe I t . this commandement] which after in v. 14. he calleth the Word; and the Apoftle expoun- deth it, the Word of faith , Rom. 1o. 8. Sothis speech is not of the Law onely, neither fheweth it what mancan doe by the Law, much lefle by na- ture ; but is the fpeech of the righteoufnefèof faith, Rom.to,6.Though Motes teacheth them alfo,not to blame the Law ofhardneffe to be learned, fee ng God had now caueed it to be written and ex- pounded unto them. not hiddenfrem thee] or; not too marvellous and bards r thee to know, and fo , not impofble, through faith inChrift, as is the Law without faith, in that it is weakethrattgh dalefh, Rom.8.3.The Chaldee tranflatetb,it,-Snot fepaia- tedfrom thee; and Thargunr Jonathan expotindeth, it is not covered (or kid) fomyou. The holy Gholt in Greek tranflaceth this word mars dim ÑJat.21, 42. front. Pfal.118. and unpoff;ble, Luk.1.37. See, the Annotations on Gen. t 1s.14. and Dent.' 7.8. By Efaias alto God faith ; ¡have not fokeete in fine: in a darke place oft be earth, Elay 45.19. Vert t2. to fay] that is , that thou fhouldee t fay ; fo in v. 23. fee the Annotations on Gen.6.1 9. where ftmdry like fpeeches are (hewed. This fl- ing is meant of the heart alto; wherfore the Apo - ftleciteth it thus ; Say not in thine beset, who jhall goe up into heaven? Rotti. r0.6. Who frail goe up for us] the Ierufalemy Thargum explaineth it, Othat we had one like 'Wafts the Prophet, that might' goe up into the heavens, &e. but the Apoftle appli- eth it more heavenly to Chrills incarnation; Who pall goe up into heaven, that in, sabring Cbrifi drevefrom obese ? R Ont. t0.6. Vntoochiebdoubt lee oppofeth the confeffion 'a ith the ,-north, 8 II IS