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ii7ru,,;r71711 /./// DEUTERONOMIE XXX-, I;9 :lost kiss is the L 0 R D, verfe 9. that is, that God was m.neil fled in the firth, Timothie 3. ib. for, no man barb afcended up to heaven , (of whom we may learne the true underllanding of the Law) but be that cane down from beaten, ezen ibe Son t f man which is in heat .n, John 3. 13. ant carefi us to bum it] that is, preach it unto M. that we may doe it] or, and we wet/d doe it. 13 Verle 13. beyond the fa] Thargum Jonathan ex- plaineth it,beyond thegreat fro; and Thargetm Ierufa- lemieaddcth, Neither is the Law beyond the great fea, that th,ufhouldef fay, Oh that we bad one like Jonas the Prophet, that might gce donne to the bottome of the great tea, and bring it to us, &c. All things hidden from men, which they cannot attaine, are either in heaven above, or beyond fea, in the farre pla- ces of the earth : hut the Law of God is in nei- ther of thefe, batneere :unto every one, to learne and to doe. who fhallgoe over to beyond fea] Paul alleageth this place thus, Who (ball gee down into the deepe, shat is, to bring up Chrifi fromthe dead? Ro- mans to. 7. unto which hee oppofeth in verle 9. beleefc in the heart, that God bath raifed him from the ''. dead. Now , Jonas the Prophet, to whole example the Jerufalemie Thargum applieth this, was a fi- gure of Chrilt, as himfelfe hath raid, As Jonas MIS three dales and three nights in the Whales belly ; fo. frail the Sonne of man be three dales and three nights in the hear, ftbe earth, Mat.i a.4o. Aud as the lea Jonas cafe is ialled the Deepe, Pfal. t 04. 6. & 107. 24.26. Exod. 15. 5. fo David (prophefying of Chrifl) faith that God had brought him up from the deepes of the earth, Pfal. 71. zo. So the Apotile fpeaking of Chrill s riling out of the grave, ufeth the word Abyfe or Dupe, whichis fpoken both of earth and tea. 14 Verle 14. But the word] This the Apolileex- poundeth thus, But what faith (the rightconfncffe which is of faith ?)T he word is nigh thee, &c. that it the word of faith which we preach, Rom. i o. 8. By this it appeareth that Mofeswrote ofChrift, Joh: 5, 46. and that he was clofely taught in the Law. For Chri i is the end of the Law, for righteaufbegt to eve - rie one that beleez eth, Rom. 10. 4. And the Jewes, which cleaving to the Law refuted the Gofpel, or word of faith, hada zeal¢ of God, but not according to knowledge, Rom, t o. a. in thy mouth] or, fir thy mouth, that is, for thee to eonfefjl with thy 777,111b, that Bliss is the LORD,as Rom. to.9. Soinisu- fed for for, in Dent. 9. 4. 8t 24. t 6. in thine heart] or, for thine heart: that tison maift belette in thine heart, that God bath raifid him (Chrilt) from the dead; (and fo mail} be faxed) Rom. i c.9. to doe it] the Law, which is fulfilled by beleeving in Chrilt; as it isfaid This is the workeof God, that ye heleese in him whom he bath fns, John 6. 29. up- on which beleefe true obedience followeth, He- brews 8. 1o. 15 Vcrfe 15. Ihove pt] Hebrew, I hove given, that is , propofed and confirmed by my doftrine: So in verfe i 9. life and good] life as the end, and good as the meanes leading to life: or life, that is, God himfelfe, of whom he faith in verle ao. be is thy life;) and good, that is, felicitie following. The Greeke verfion changeth the order thus, lift and death, good and evill. Tbargum Ieruf lemie ex- plaineth it, the Law of life, which is agood Law ; and the Lamof death, which -it an evil Law. And Thar- gum Jonathan thus ; The. way of loft, for which a good reward frail be recompee1ced to the jug ; and the way of death , for which an evil! reward fhall be recompenced to the wicked. Verde t6. to love] this is a declaration of the 16 life and good fore-mentioned, which they, whole heartsGod would airesemcife, vert: 6. fhould conte unto by the faith that is in Chrìft in bit waies] the Chaldee faith, in the waies that are right before him. kept bis commandements] which is an effe& of love; as, Ifye love rite, keepemy command - tenu, John t 4. 15 and, This it the lope of God, that we ktepe his commandements, 1 Jobn 5. 3. And this is bu commandement, That we Amid b, leeve on the name of' hie Sonne lefts Cbrifl, and lare pue another, &e. t John 3. 23. Verte 17. But if] or, And if thineheart :orne, &c. This is the death and even tore-lp oken of: fee Denteronomie 29.18. other gods] in Chaldee, the idols of the peoples. Verte 18. perfbingye (hall perifh] that is, affitred- ly and fpeedily perilh ; as the Greeke faith, puny, with perdition. So in Deuut. 4.26. Verte 19. Leaf/the heazens, &c.] This obtefation r9 of heavens and earth (Mid a11ò before in Dem. 4. 26.) may be undcritood of God and theAn- gels in heaven, (as Paulexprelleth thenì in 1 Fi- mothie 5. 21.) or of the other creatures alto in heaven and in earth; as Itfua Paid This front fha!l be a witnefjé unto ne, for it bath heard all the words of the Lord, &c. Jof.24 27. So in Deut.3a. i. Era. t. 2. Give tare 0 heavens , and heave 0 earth : and in Pfal. 50.4. He will call to the he.zens from above, and to Ike earth to judge bu people; and in Job ao. 27. the heavens full reveals fisc isirjnitie and the earth Thad rife upagainf him. I have ft] Hebr. I havegiven, that is,taithfuliy propolèd by do&rine, and dif- charged my dude : fo in verle 15. The fife and bleffing which he lèt before them was by the faith of Clnift, Gal 2. 16. & 3. 9. the death and curie was by refuting Chrilt, and Peeking to be jultif,ed by the workes of the Law; for, as many as are of the workes of the Law, art under the surfe , Galath. 3. ìo. therefore chafe] Hebr. aced crude thoit; or,and thou (halt cbuf : which is the dntie of all Gods people, to be performed by grace in Chrilt. So David choft the way ofthe truth, theprecepts ofGod, Pdal.119: 30,173. Compare alla Jot 24. 15, 22. 7ba,gum lonashan explaineth this fpeech thus, and chit/tyre the w.n. of life, whirr is the Law, that ye may live in the life of the world to come, you aedyoar formes. this is true; if it be under-flood not of the Lawof Woe kes, but of the Lair of faith, as Romans 3. 27, 25. and 9. 31, 32, 33. Verte 20. to hearken to bis voice] in Chaldee, tore- 20' /ethic bis word, unto him] Chalice, unto his fare. be is . thy life] that is the author ofthy life and falvation through Chrill,as in Job.' 7.3. This is if eterno$, to know thee the onely true God , and Iefter Cbrif whom thptthaff fens: yea, Chat ylolmielfe, 17 18