to th::: people UEUTERON<1MIE XX X I. encouraged. himfçlfc is the refurreliion and the lift, Joh. I r. 25. and 14.6. And in .s Iohní zo. WeJptow that :be Sonne of God it ceme,and bath given tu an underftanding that we may know him that is true : and we are in bim that is trae,even in bit Sonne Iefuo Cbrifl y this is the true God, and eternal! life. dtIM AMMIAMMIAdiA CHAP.XXXI. I Mali, being ready to die, cncouragetb the people that fhould goe into Canaan. 7 He enwteragetb Iofua that fhould be their Governor. 9 He deliveretb the Law unto the Priefis, which trae to be read in the feventb ycere unto the people. 14 Mo fee and Iofuaprefent them- Java befare the Lord,16 who foretelleth the peoplesfalling from him, and bis anger agaiieft them therefore. 19 He commandeth a frog to be written , to tefifie againft the people. 24 Afofes delivereth the booke of the Law to the Levites, to be kg): in the fide of the Arlie, for a witnefJe againfi them and their rebellion. 28 He malietb a pro - teffatian to the Elder,. 2 A N D Mofes went and fpake there words unto all Iliad. And he faid unto them,I am an hundred and twen- tie yeeres old this day, I can no more go out and come in: and Jehovah hath laid unto me, 3 thou (halt not goe over this Jordan. Jeho- vah thy God he goeth over before thee; he will deftroy thefenations from before thee, and thou (halt poffeffe them : Jofua he (hall gee over before thee, as Jehovah bath faid. á And Jehovahwill do unto them as he did to Ì Sihon, and to Og,Kings of the Amorite,and unto the land of them whom he deftroyed. 5 And Jehovah will give them before you,and Ye (hall dos unto them according to every commandement which I have commanded 6 you. Be ye ft tong and couragious,feare not, neither be difcouragedbecaufe of them : for Jehovah thy God , he it it that goeth with thee, hewill not faile thee, nor forfake thee. 7 And Mofes called unto Jofua, and faid unto him,in the eyes of all Ifrael ; Be thou ftrong and couragious, for thou (halt goe in with this people into the land which Jehovah hath fworneunto their fathers to give unto them, 8 and thon (halt chufe them to inherit it. And Jehovah, he it it that goeth before thee; he will be with thee, he will not faile thee, nor forfake thee; feare not, neither be difmaid. Ahd Moles wrote this, and gave itUnto the Priefis, the Ions of Levi, which bare the Arke of the covenant of Jehovah, and unto ro all the Elders of Ifrael. And Mofescorn- manded them, laying ; At the end of (even yeeres , in the folemnity of the yeere of rè- leafe, in the feali of Bcothes, When all If- II rael is come to appeare before Jehovah thy God in the place which he (hall chufe, thou (halt reade this Law before all Ifrael in their cares. Gather together the people,mc n,and women,and children,andthy ft ranger that it within thy gates, that they may heare, and that they may learne,and may feare Jehovah your God, and obferve to doe all the words of this Law.And that their Ions which have not knowne may heave, and learne to fears Jehovah your God all the daies that ye f all live on the land , whither ye are going over Jordan, to poffefle it. And Jehovah faid unto Mofes,Behold thy 14 daies approach to die;call Jofua,and prefenr your felves in the Tent ofthe congregation, that I may give; him a charge. And Moles and Jofua went and prefented themfelves in the Tent of the congregation. And Jehovah I S appeared in the Tent , in a pillar of a cloud, and the pillar of the cloud flood over the doore of the Tent. And Jehovah faid unto 16 Mofes, Behold,thou lieft downwith thy fa- thers, and this people will rife up, and goe a whoring after the gods of the ftrangers of the land, whither they are going in to be a. mongft them,and will forfake me,and break my covenant which I have thicken with them. And mine anger (ball be kindled a- 17 gainft thé in that day,& I will forfake them, and will hide my face from them , and they Thal be devoured,and many evils and diftref fes (hall finde them; and they will fay in that day, have not thefe evils found us , becaufe our God is not amongft us. And I, hiding will hide my face in that day for all the evils which they !hall have done, in that they are turned unto other gods. And nowwrite ye this Fong for you,& teach it the tons of Ifra- el,put it in their mouthes,that this long may be a witnes for me againft the Ions of Ifrael. For I will bring them into the land which I (ware unto their fathers, that floweth with milkand honey,and they (ball eat and be fil- led,and be far,and they will turn unto other gods ,andfervethem,anddefpightfullyp o- voke me, and breake my covenant. And it a1 (hall be when many evils and diftreffes have found th é, that titis Fong (hall anfwer before them for a witnes, for it (hall not be forgot- tenout of the mouth oftheirfeed:for I know their imagination which they doe this day, before I have brought them in unto the land which I (ware. And Mofes wrought this 22 fang._ I2 13. 18 19 20