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1111,/ dl, 1511%// 1/ fofhuascharge DEUT ERO NOMIE XXXI 141 fopg in that day, and taught it the formes of 23 Ifrael. And hee charged Jofhua the fonnc of Nun,and faid; Be firong and couragióus,for thou flìalt bring in the fonnes of Ifrael unto the land which I fware unto them,and I will 24 be with thee. And it was when Mofes had made an end of writing the words of this Law in a booke, untill they were finifhed, That Mofes commanded the Levices which bare the Arke of the covenant of Jehovah, 26 Paying : Take this booke of the Law, and put it in the fide of the Arke of the covenant of Jehovah your God , that it may be there 27 fora witneffe againft thee. For I know thy rebellion,and thy ftiffe -neck: Behold,while I am yet alive with you this day,ye have bin rebellious againft Jehovah, and how much more after my deathe Gather together unto meeall the Elders of your Tribes, and your Officers, that I may fpeake in their cares rhefe words, and call the heavens and the 29 earth to witneffe againft them. For I know, that after my death, corrupting ye will cor- rupt (your felves,) and will turne afide from the way which I havetommanded you, and evil] will befall you in the latter dales, be. caufe ye will do evill in the eyes of Jehovah, to provoke him to anger through the worke 30 of your hands. And Mote's fpake in the Bares of all the Church of Ifrael the words of this Fong, until] they wereended. 25 28 2 Annat4tions. D D D Here begirineth the two and fiftieth Se&ionorLe &ure of the Law: See the notes on Genefis 6. 9. And here Motes fetteth the Cate of Ifrael in order before his death. OLa] Hebrew,, fame of an hnndret! and twentie yeeres5 of which phraCe fee Genéf. 5. 3z. Só long while Noe preached to the world, building the Arke,Gen.6. 3, 14.. iPet.3.19,20. Of there 120. yeeres, Motes lived i.0. in Pharaoh, Court in Egypt, Alts 7.2o, 23. forty in the land of Ma- dian, Aaas 7.29,3o. Exod.7.7. and forty yeeres he governed Ifrael. I can no more gee out] that is, no more adminiller in my office : fee the Annotati- ons on Numb. 27. 17. This inability of Mofs was not Co much for his age, (for hie ey woo mot dim, nor hit naturall moatre fled, Deut. 34.7.) as for the ordinance of God next mentioned. and Ichovale] or , for lehovah hash faid ; as is (hewed in Numb.2o. t a. Deut.3.a5,26. Andis often in had of Far as is -noted on Gen. I2. -I 9. Or it may be taken as another reafon, why Mefes might no longer governe them.' Verle 3. Iefhna] in Greeke, Ief e , who was 16- (time in Motes place, Num. 27. 16,17,18, &c. A figure of our Lord Jefas, who by grace and truth bringeth us into Gods eternall relt, after the ending of Aloft; Law, Joh.1.17. Rom. ro 4. Thus the people are comforted in reCpeâ of their forrow for Wes death, by prom ilk of the Lords prefence among them , and Iafkteahs fucceeding government under him. Verfe 4. of the Amorite] that is , of the Amorites, as the Greeke trán(lateth : by whdfè del$u &ion (before mentioned in Numbers 21.23, &c.. Deute- ronomie 2. and 3.) 'Ifrael is encouraged againll their other enemies. the land] that is, the people of the land Verfe 5. commanded you ] which, was, to root themont,and lit none remaine,Deut.2o,16,17. Verfe 6. Beye fining] or; Be confirmed, Hold fait, to wit , your faith in God : in Jreeke, ityon likkmen; which word Paid ulèth in I Cor. 16. 13. So after , in verfe 7. conragioiw] or, he hardy,. flrong, valiant in heart and carriage. This word is applied to the heart in Pfal. 27.14 and arme,s, in Proverbs 31.17. and Isguifieth an increaCe and ftedfallneflè, Prov. 24.5. Ruth 1. t 8. The like exhortation is often ufed, as Jof. [0.25. 1 Chro. 22.13.2 Chron. 32.7. be it is] in Chaldee, ha Word it is. So in verfe 8. fade thee] or, let thee gee , leave thee to thy felfe, but will hold thee fall. So v.8. & Jof. r . 5. Hebn 3.5. ' Verfe 7, firing and couragiout] or, confirmed and _prong, as verfe 6. lofea being to beare the charge and toile.of the people, bath thetime exhortati- on & pronife in particeslar,that was before unto all : and it was in the eyes of all, left any after Mopes death fhould deny his authority. Alike fpeech David node to Solomon, t Chron. 28.2o. Verfe 8. he will be with ¡bee] the Chaldee para- i 8 phraCeth, hit Word will be thy help. Verfe 9. tbi, Law] in Greeke, all tb: mords of this 19 Law in a bocke. which bare the Arke] they had the chiefe charge to looke to the Arke,and other ho- ly things ; and though the Letites bare it, as ap- peareth by Numt 3.31. and 4. t5. & so. a1. yet fometimes the Prielts thenfelves alto bare it, as when they paffed over 1ard.m4oE6.I7.when they compaó%d Iericho,Jof 6.5 2. So after in 5.25. Afo- fees fpake to the Levìtes. the Elders] the Magi - Crates: as the Prieus by teaching, Co the Elders by governing are to looke that the Law of the Lord be obferved Mal. 2.7. HoC.4.6. Mich.3:1. 2 Chron: r9. 6,8,9,10. Verfe 1o: of fives feeres] that is, ifcveeyfeeentb r o yeere, which was a yeere of releafe,l7eut. 15.1. :he f lemnity ] o r, t be fit time; as the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate it,thetime. releafe] of debts, Dest i 5.5,2, &c. that being freed from worldly cares, they might apply their i'nirdes to Gods Law: A figure of the yeere of grace, and remit-- lion of our debts by Chrift ; whereupon wee lhould give our Pelves to holineffe, Luke 4.18,19, 21, Rom. 6. i [.12,13. Beaker] or7abernaçk,, whereof fee Levit. 23. Verfe t t. which he fhaIJ chufe ] to fit his 'finite and 3 4 6 7 II /APPMMO/lValMEZIOL I VI MI ivi