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DEUTERON() MIE XXXI. and Tabernaole, and Co to place bis name there, Deut. r 6.2. thou fhalt reade ] fpcaking to I. racl generally, and it was performed in (pedal' by the chiefeit of them, either the high Prieft, as Ezra (the chide of them that returned from Ba- bylon)read it,Nebem.8, 1,2, 3. &c. or as the He- brewes fay, the King himfelfe (when they had a King)ufed to reade. For this Commandement wet talofhua and ther.a're the King reedit , faith Cbai- kursi upon this place.Which is by others of them declared thus, The King war be that read in their Bares, and they read he the moment Court ; ( which was the outer Court -yard of the Temple.)t1nd the King readfitting, and if he readßanding,it was the more commendable. He read from the beginning f Deuteronomy, &c. When be read, they blew man- pets through all lerufaleen , for to amble the people. And thry fit upa great Pulpit of wood, [ as is menti- oned alto in Nehem. 8.4. ] and fit it én she midß of the Courtyard, and the King went up and face there- on, that tbey might ¡mare him reade; and all Ifrael that went up to the feae, gathered round about him. And the Minißer of the Synagogue filch as wee reade of in Luke4.17,20.) Cooke the bake fshe Law,andgase it to the Ruler of the Synagogue, (filch as in mentioned in Labe 13. 14.) and the Ruler of the Synagogue gave it to -the Sagan, or fecond chicle Prick ,called in Alts 5.24. the Captain of the 7empk, ) and the Sagan gave it to the High Prieß, and the High Prießse the King, for to honour him before the multitude. And ehe King reek it priding, and ifbe would he fate down and opened it, and feeing it,he blef el God, (as is recorded of Ez- ra in Neb. 8. 5, 6.) and after read till he made an end: Then be folded it up, and bkfjid(God)againe after it, at the manner wag to befj1in the Synagogues. Both the reading and the bkffing was In the holy tongue. The hearers were bound to prepare their hearts, and to make their carts attentive to heart with fare and reverence, and with joy and trembling, at in the day when ( the Law) was given en ( moms ) Sinai: though they weregreos wife men, which knew the whole Law every whit, they were bound to heart with great attentiveneßë,6-c. ferthe King is the Mef- finger (of the Congregation ) se tauft the words of Gad ID be beard. If theday fafembling ( the people) began to bee on the Sabbath, they deferred it sill after the Sabbath, becaufe of the blowing with 7rum- pets,&c.wbkh might not put away ( the keeping of) the Sabbath. Maimony in Mifneh, tom. 3. in Chagi- gah,ebap.3.fe l.3.4 &c. in their cares] that they may heare and underhand it,as the Chaldee tranflateth,andcaufe them to Beare it : which hea- ring is often ufed forunderhanfting, as is noted on Gen.11.7. So in Neh.8.8. they reade in the bake, in the LawofGoddifinilly,and gave the fief, and cou- fed them to under fiand in the reading. 12 VerC 12. women and children] which though they were not bound to come up at the yearely fealks, Exad.23. 17. yet to this reading they were hound, filch as could underhand, Neb. 8.3. The Hebrew canons fay, Whogayer is fee from appea- ring (befo rc the Lord, Exec/. 23.17.) it free firm the commandement of gather together , (Deuteron. 31. 12.) except woman and children, and the meircumci- eifed; but the unckane is freefrom this commandement, ar it is written (in verfi 1.) when all Ifrael is come; but the (unclean) wan not fit to come. And it is chart, that limb as were ofneitber fex,or ofbotb fexes,were bound to come.feeeing women were boemd. Maimony in Cba- gigah, ebap.3.fe1l.2. el/gated inCreeke and Chaldee,thy eitiu. Verf.14. thy days approach] or, are nigh, hand : and fo the terme of' his life fulfilled ; as where it is written, the kingdome f heaven approachetb, Match. 4. 17. another explaineth it , The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God a proaeheth (or, it at band, -) Mark. 1.15. to die] punderhand, fr thee to die : of filch want of the perlon (calìe to be underhond by thecontext, ) fee the notes on Gen. 6.19. and 23.$. and 47.29. The Greeke tranllateth, Behold thedayesof thy death approach. and l will give] or , that I may command him, or charge him : which being done in the Taber- nade , and by Gods appearing in the cloud, ter. 15. ferved both for Iofuahs owns confirmation, and to allure all Ifrael that he had authority from God over them. Compare Numbers 27. 18,19. Verf..15. lehovahappeared] that is, a glorious 15 figneofhis prefence; as in Thargnm Ionathan it isexpounded, the glory of the divine majeßieof the Lord 'pillar ofa aloud] out ofwhich he was wont in favour to fpeake : fee Exod.33.9 Pfal.99.7 Vert :16. ließ down] to wit , to fleepe, that is, to 16 die : as lob 14.12. Ails 7.60. I The54.13.' thy fathers] the faithfu jl of former times, fignifi- ing the immortality of the foule, as is noted on Gen.25.8. WhereforeThargum Ion athan para. phrafeth on this place thus ; thou heft down in the due with thy fathers, and thy fou;eßaall he treafured up in the treafuy of eternal! 10 with shy fathers. gee a whoring] or fornicate that is , ommmit idolatry, as the Chal eccxplainet, hit. gods oftbeßra+gers] in Greeke , theerage goda of the land ; inChaldee, the idols of the peoples of the land they arc going] Hebr. he is going; fpeaking of the people as of a man; fo after often in this Chapter. The reafon hereof is noted on Gen.2 z.1 . Var.r7, will bide my face] in Chaldee,willtake 17 away my divine pretence. So in verf t 8. devou- red] or eatenup , to wit, of their enemies, made a prey, Hebr. to eat, which is tiled palfively , as to beare, Ecclef.3.2. that is, to be Lorne. See thenotes onGen.6.zo. and 16.14. findethem] that is, befall, of tome upon them : fò after, and in Pfal.119. 143. Neb.9.32. found on] Hebr. found me, be- , caufe my God is not in the midi ofine. Verf18. other gods] in Chaldee, idaáof thepeo- 18 plea : fo in verf.2o. Verf.19. this fang] in Greek,the words ofthis[eemg ; after defcribed in Chap 32. containing a prophe- fie of their falling away, and of Gods judgments following. It was given in a long, that it might the moretafìly be learned , and kept in memory, with deli ht, and might move their affe£tions. again fi j or in, that is, amonpß the fnnes of Ifrael : fo in ver [26. Vcrf. 14 19