.. Mofes D E U T E lZ O N O M I E X?1 . cOilg. 1+3 20 Verfe 20. and be far] the like is prophelied in Deut.32. t 5. and (hewed to have come to pa(fe in Neh.9 25,26. 2/ Verfe 21. anfwer before them] that is , teffifre be- fire (and againfi) them. their imagination] the (thing forged in their heart ; which the Greeke Itran(lateth, their malieioufneffe (or naughtinejJi. ) This imagination is before the theugbes or cogitations, as appeareth by t Chron. 28.9. and 29. 18. See Gen. 6. 5. 23 Verf. 23. I willbewith thee] In Greeke, he will be with thee; as being the words of Mofees (whom the Greeke before named) concerning God. The Chaldee tranflateth , my Word jhah be thy helpe. See í , verte 8. Verfe 25. the Levites] efpecially the Priefts the 2 f its of Levi, as in verte 9. Verte 26. in the fide] or, by the fide : which in 26 Tbargum Jonathan is expounded, in a coffer by the right fide of the Arlie. Verte a7. iff neeke] or, hard neck ; which elle - where it is likened to an iron fnew, Efay 48.4. See Exod; 32. 9. Verte 28. Elders ofyour Tribes], in Greeke they are named bygone word Phularchai , that is, Rulers (or Princes) ofyour Tribes. C H A T. XXXII. t. Ad fis for, which fetch foortb Gods mercies unto Ifrael , theirfinnes , and hú cha- ffifements by (mord, famine, peflilerice and cap - 'tivitie. 36 His mereie in Chrifi towards them in the end. 46 Mofeet exhort.rh them to fit their hearts upon his words. 48 God fendetb him up to mount. Nebo, to fie the landof Canaan, and die. D Q D s Ive eare ye heavens,and I will Gfpeake,and let the earth heart the fayings of thy tpouth. 2 My dotrine (hall drop as the raine, my fpeech fhalidiftillas the dew, as the fmall rain upoh the tender herb, and as the (howres upon the graffe. 3 For,I will proclaitne the naine of Jehovah ; give yee greatneffe unto our God. 4 The Rocke, perfeC is his Worke, for all his wales are judgement: Gó- is faithfulnefs,and without iniquity; 5 jufl and righteous is he. They have corrupted thffclves,their (pot is not (the fjrot) of his Connes, (they are) a crooked and perverfe generation. 15 Do ye thus requite Jehovah, et peo- ple fooli(h & unwife e is not'he thy Father that hath bought thee bath not he made thee, &eflablifhed theee 7 Remembèr the dales of old , con- fider the yeeres of generation & ge- neration; asic thy Father,and he will Phew thee; 'thy Elders ',and they will 8 tell thee. W tiën the molt high divi- ded inheritance to the n orions,when he feparated the Ions of Adam,he let the hounds of the pcoplès, according' to the mintier of the Cons of Ifrael. Ive Bare o heavens to that which I declare, and heare, O earth, what my months fayings are. Drop down as Both the rainihall my doctrine , dijlill as deaw fo jhall my Beech divine: as on the tender herbe the(mall rain .powres,andas upon thegra!re thegres terjbowres: For I lehovahs name proclaim -abroad; o give yegreatne(fe unto him our God. the Rocke, moll perfect is his atlio Becaufe his wages are judgement everyone : Godis moll faithfull, andiniyuitie In him is none, but jug and right is he. they on themfelves have brought corruptions; Their/pot is not of(thofe that be) his fonnes They are ageneration Which is Turn'd to perver fneEfe, and to crookednelfe. Doe ye Iehozah in this wife reward, o foolilh foltre, and wanting wire regard .? Thy Father that bath bought thee,is not he ? Hath he not made thee, and eflablifhit thee ?' Remember thou the layes that were of old; Mind ye the yeeres of ages manifold : 4rke thole thy Fat her,and theefbew willhee; Thine Elders (aske)ánd they will tell it thee. When the molt High dealt to the Nations Their Heritage,andfevered Adams rennet; the borders of the ,peoples fee he then, )Is number was of Ifraels children.