i % , ì 0/. I4 Mofes D LI7ERONOMIE 9, For Jchovahs portion is his peo- ple, Jakob is the lire of his inheri. r ltance.He found him ina land ofwil- derneflê,and in an empty place and howling ofthe defart ; he led him a- bout,he infkruéled him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. II As an Eagle flirreth up her neft, rime: eth over her young,fpreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them,bea- t 2 reth them on her wings. Jehovah a- lone did leade him, and there met no orange god with him. 13 He made him ride on the high pla- ces oftheearth,that he might eat the fruits of the field, and he made him to ftcke honey out ofthe rocke,and r4 oile -eut of the flinty rocke. Butter ofkine and milkeofthe flocke,with fat of Lambes, and of Rants of the breed ofBafhan,and of Goat-bucks, with the fat of the kidniesofwheat, and the blood of the Grape, thou 15 diddeft drink pure wine. But Iefurun wcxed fat and kicked; thou are wex- en fat,thou art gtowne gro/fe, thou art covered with fatneffe : then he forfooke God which made him, and. lightly efteemed the Rock of his fai- 16 vation. They provoked him tojea- loufie with ftrangegods, with abomi- nadons they provoked him to an- t G They od to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came lately up, of whom your fathers were not afraid. 18 Cf the Rocke that begat thee thou art unmindful) , and haft forgotten 19 God that formed thee. rind Jehovah law it, & contemptuoufly a horred them becaufe of the provoking of zo his tons, and of his daughters. And he laid I will hide my face from them,I wil fee what their end f albe; for they are a very froward genera- 21 tion,fons in whom is no faith. They have provoked me to ieafoufie with that which is not god ;they have pro- vokt d me to anger with their vani- ties:& I wil provoke them to jealou- fie with thofe which are nota people; I will provoke them to anger with a 22 i foolifh nation.For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and (hall hume unto the loweft hell, &(hal confttme the land, & her increafc,& fee on fire the fot For his folke is ¡eke yobs portion, Jakob the line of his poffefsion. Him in a land of wilderneffe be found, In emplie place, and howling defart ground: About he ledhim, taught himprudencie; He kept bim as the apple of his eye. Like as an Eagle fgirreth up her nef, Shoe movethflueering over her youngefl; She fßreds abroad her wings,eheno takethloft; Ypon her wings fhee beareth them aloft: So did Jehovah leade him all alone, and ather f range god with him was there none He made him ride on the earths places hie, That he might ease thefields fertilitie. He made him alfo from the rocke to fccke Honey,and le out of theflintie rocke : Butter of Kine,milke alf of theflecke, With fat of Lambs, and Rams of Bafanflocke, AndGeats,with fat ofwheaty kidnies fine, And of thegrapes blood thou didfl drink red wine. But I erurun did wax fat, and did kicke, Thou art went fat,art covered,artgrowne thicke; The God which made him,then did he forfake, And of the Rocke which f tv'd him,light did make. Withfirange gods they to jeloufie him mov'd; With leathfome idols they his anger prov'd. They facrific'd to Devills, not to God; To gods ofwhom ehemfelves no knowledge had: Ynte new gods, which up but lately came, Such as your fathersfeared not the fame . The Rocke that thee begat thoumindefl not, And God that formed thee thou haft forgot. Andof his fonnes and daughters, then the Lord Did fee theprovoration,and abhor'd. And I will hide my facefrom them, raid he ; I will beholdwhat theirlaflendfliallbe: For a molt frowardgeneration They children are, in whom faith there is none. They have mee unto jeloure moved With that which is not God, have mee flirted To indignation with their idols vain I them will move to jeloufie again With chofe which are no folkeito indignation I will provoke them with a foolifh nation. For, in mine anger kindled is a fire, And to the Lowell hell fhall borne in ire; And fhall confume land, and fruits of the fame, And the foundations of the mounts inflame. Ypon r 13 4 5 ró r9 20 21 22