Ui// rinut tGI1111 Mofes DEUTERON OMIE ñ[7lXlI . fong. 23 dations of the mountaines. I will heape evils upon them, I will fpend 4 mine arrowes upon them ; They (hall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with the burning coale, and with a bitter flinging plague , and I will fend upon them the teeth of beafts. with the poyfon of ferpents of the 25 duff. Without, the (word (hail be- reave; and from the chambers, ter.; roar: both the young man' and the virgin, the fuckling with the than of 27 gray haires. I ftid I would leaner them into corners, I would make (he remembrance of them to ceafe ftom among men. Were it nor that ',fea- red the wrath of the enemy, left their adverfaries fhould behave rhemfelvs ftrangely; left they (hould fay, Our high hand, & not Jehovah bath done 28 all this. For they are a nation void of counfels, & there is no underftan- 29 ding Intheni..0 thatthey were wife, that they underftood this, that they would confider their latter end. 3o 'How fhould one chafe athoufand, & to put ten thoufand to flight; except their Rocke had fold them , and Je. 3r hovah had fhut them np. For their Rocke is not as our Rocke, even our z enemies being judges, For their vine is of the vine of Sodom , and of the blafted fields of Gomorrah : their Grapes are Grapes of gall, they have 33 molt bitter clutters. Their wine is the poyfon of dragons, and the cru- el] venome of afpcs. Is not this laid 34 up in ftore with me, and fealed up in my treafuries 35 To me belengeth vengeance and recompence ; in the time their foot (hall elide ; for the day of their ca- lamity is neere, and the things that (hall come upon them make hafted 36 For Jehovah will judge his people, and repent himfelfe for his fervants, when hee (hall fee that the hand is gone, and there is none Phut up, or 37 left. And lie (hal fay , Where are their gods, the Rocke in whom they 38 trufted for fafety e Which did eat the fat of their facrifices, did drinke the wine of their drink- offerings? let them rife up, and hel pe you, let him 39 be an hiding -place for you. See now that I, I am he, and there is no God T pon them I Willheape op evill forrowes, Upon them 1 will fpendmypiercing arrowes. They (hall b burnt with hunger, and devoar'd with burning coales, and bitter plague out - pour'd : and teeth of beats upon them I will bring, with poyfon of ferpents in dull creeping. Without,?hefworáu!ha bereave them quite, and from the inmoftchambers fearing fright : both the choife young man, and the virgin faire, the fuckling, with the man of hoary haire. I Paid, i would them into corners drive, I would men of their memory deprive. Were it not that the wrath of th'enemy 1 feared, left behave themfelves flrangely their adverfaries /bould, left they Jhould fay, cur high hand bath doné all this, and not lab. For they a people rtihà/e coánfels aregone, and underftanding in them there isnone. o that they wife were, would this underfland, that they confider would their latter end. * How fhould one make a thoufsnd fee in chafe, and two make even ten thoufandflie apace, except their (}tong Ricke had them fsld away, Jehovah hadthem/hutupto decay, For their Rieke as net like our Rocke mighty, andjudge, let be our very enemy. For their vine of the vine of Sodome is, and of Gomarrahs blafted vine branches their Grapes they be the gripes of poy fnedgall, the cGoflers that they bave are bitter all. Their wine is of the dragons ?elfinfell, and of the afj es whofevenome u cruel!. Is not this fame laid up in flare with me, even fealed up within my treafuree ? ro me belongs vengeance, andterepay in time,when as their foot/hie/fide away for day of their calamity is nie, and things that come on them, come haply: For Iahwill to his people doe judgement, and /or his fervants will himfelfe repent, when4e /hall fee that their [(tong hand isgone, and! f but top,or.remaining there is none. vfnd he /hall fay, mhere doe their gods abide, the rocks on wham for fafety they rclide ? They which theirfgcr fces fat devoser'd, which drank the wine en their oblations powr'd ? let themarife andthewyña helpfulIgrace, let him be unto you au hiding place. Beheld yee now, that I, even I am he, and God there is not any betide me : Nnnnn' with /,l/MU17GImmirnn ati 4s =3 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39