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146 Motes to die. DEUTERONOMIE XXXI I. with mee : I doe kill and make alive ; doe I kill and quicken, mound, and Ink' hole I make wound, and I heale ; and there is none that 401delivereth out of mine hand. For I lift up my hand to the heavens , and fay, I live for ever. 45 If I whet my glittering (word, and mine hand take hold onjudgement, I will render vengeanceto my adverfaries, & will reward 42 them that hate mee. I will make rowes drunke with blood , and my (word (hall devoure flef t, with the blood of the (laine, and of the captives from the begin- 43 fling, the revenges of the enemy. Shout joyfullyyee nations with his people, for he will avenge the blood of his fervants , and will render vengeanceto his adverfaries,and will make atonement for his land , for his people. 44 And Mofes came,and fpake all the words of this Fong in the Bares of the people, bee and Hofbea the fonne of Nun. And Mofes made an end of fpeaking all thefe words unto all Ifrael : And hee Paid unto them, Set your heart unto all the words which I teflifieamongyou this day, which you (hall command your fonnee, to obferve to doe 47 all the words of this Law. For it is not a vaine word for you , becaufe it is your life ; and through this word yee (hall prolong., your dayes upon the land, whither yee are going over Iordan to po(feffe ir. 48 And Jehovah fpake unto Moles in that 49 felfe-fame day, Paying; Goe up into this mountaine of Abarim, mount N ebo,which is in the land of Moab, that is over againft Iericho, and fee the land of-Canaan which I am giving to the formes of Ifrael for a poffeffion. 50 And die in the mount whither thou goeft up, and bee gathered unto thy peo- ples, as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor, and was gathered unto his peoples. Becaufe yee trefpaffed againft me among the fonnes of Ifrael, at the waters of Me- ' ribah of Kade in the wilderneffe of Zin, becaufe yee fanEtified me not in the midit 52 of the fonnes of Ifrael. Yet thou (halt fee the land before thee , but thither thou (halt' not goe in unto the land which I am giving to the fonnes of Ifrael. 45 46 ancient of mine hand none away can take. For to the heav'ns my hand 111ft on hie, and fay, I live unto eternity. If that my glittering f nord I /harp do make, and that mine häd on judgement held doth take, unto my foes I render will vengeance, and them that hate me I will recompence. Mine arrows I wil drunken make with blood, (my fword(hall al fir fleJh devoure for food) with blood of them that woundedarc, er thral, even from the firfl beginning princrpall, (hall be revenges on the enemy. Tee Gentiles with his felkeJraut jovfully, bloodof his fervants fr avenge wilke, and render vengeance unto them that be his adverfaries, and atonement make both for bis land, and for his peoples fake. 412 41 42 43 tilnnotations. D D Here beginneth the three and fiftieth SeEtion of the law : See Gen.6.9. e eare] or, hearknlee heavons. Mofes begin- ("Ike this prophetical) long, calling as with the found of a trumpet , the heavens and earth, j (and all the creatures in them,) to bee witneffes of his word, (as in Dent. 3 o. t 9. and 3 t .28.1 the more to affeet the hearts of the people. So Efri u beginneth his prophetic againft rebellious Ilrael,' play 1.2. For though men die , yet heaven and earth endure, Pfalm. sr 9.89.9o.9í. Eccleft.4. And though men will not heare , yet other crea- tures(hall heare andwitneffe agajnft them lof. 24,27. and Ina] or.that which I fhall fpeak : as, and bee fhallprepare, Mal. 3. r. is expounded, :hiesfhall prepare, Mar. r.2. and let the earth beare] or, heare 0 earth ; for he changeth the per - fon, and in Efay I. 2. he changeth the order allo, Heare yee heavens, and give eare thou earth; and in Ierem. 22.29. O earth, earth, earth beare the word of Iehovah. Verf. 2. Al dollrine] or, My received learning : 2 the dottrine of religion is fo called, becaufe it is received from God, not deviled by men ; as in r Chron. 11.23. I received of the Lord that which alfo I deliveredunto you. So our Saviour faith, As my Father bath taught toe, I (peak thefe things. Iohn 8. 28. And fo it Mould bee received of the hearers, as the word of God, not of men, r. Theft a. 13. frail drop] or, let it drop ; as being a will, and allo a promifc that his dottrine fhould bee' profitable and effettuall, as the raine; which as it maitethnet for the formes of men, Mich. 5.7. fo it commeth downe from beaten and returneth not thither, but wattretb the earth, and m,httb it bring farthawl bud : in like fort, theword of Godfhall not renew unto him void, but it (hall accomplith that which bee pleafeth, Efay 55. to. 1 r. The Chaldee tranflateth, My dolirine pall be fweet at the