DEIITERONOMIE X X X 1 1 $be. airs: the Greeke kt it be expelled a the raine. as the Greeke tranllateth. Soin Pfal. 9' -. t 6 Ie- the raine ] which n1.lketh the barren earth fuuithtil, & ïo refenaeth the w ,rd of God, and eff_ft thereof in the hearts of men : fée Efay 45 8. Contrary to fs1Ce teachers which are clouds without nu er, Inde v.12. For , who fo boafieth hirry.- felfe of a pia g f it chiids and rìnde without raide, Prov.2 5. s 43 fhal drill] or, let it dijisil, or ro damne : as the Greeke tranllateth , Lt my words came dorme as the dery ; a nd the Chaldee, /et my f eech be receized as the dew. The manner of delivering Gods word is here , and often, likened to a drop - pinEzek.2o.46. and 21.2. Matth z.6. the Word it telfe, to raine or dean', figures of heavenly gra- ces. See Genet 27. 28. the fmall raine ] or fin ell drops ; in Hebrew Seghnirim , Co named of haires, like which it falleth. Or it may have affi- nity with Sagbaar, aftorme, and meane aftormy raine, figuring thedoftrine of the Law, which as it was given with tioxme and tempefl, Heb. i 2.18. fo it worked' like effeft in the confcience. So the Greeke tranllateth it a fhowre, or floury raine: the Chaldee, Of the rainy minds which blow upon the tender hrbe. thejhomrer] the ftrong or greater raine, which falleth with mánifold drops, or with vio- lence as arrowes: theChaldee tranllateth them drops of tbedatter raine; whereof fee Dent. 11.14. The with - holding of theft was a punishment, as in Ier.3. 5. the Poorer have beetle with- holden,and there bath beetle no latter raine : the giving of them was a blelfmg, Ptal.65.1 t. and 72 6. Mic.5.7. graf ] as the people fometime are likened to graffe, for their fraile and momentary hate, Efay 40. 6, 7. fo here they are likened to graft & herbs, 1 which grow by the raine,Iob 38.26.27.that they ( hould not be unfruitful) hearers, like (tones or I fandy ground, whereon nothing groweth. 3 Verf 3. proelaime] or publish, preach: but the Chaldee turneth it, pray in the name f the Lord. giveyegreatnef]ortn j fly, that is, magnifie him: fo inIudes . to the only mif2Godon,Saviour be glory and majelly (or greatneffi and in t Ch ro. 29.11. Thin, OIehoueb, is the greatmf, and the poser, and the glory, &c. Verf.a, The Roc/¿e] that is, as theGreeks tran- 4 flatcth, God: fo in verf 18.30. 37. r Sam. 2. 2. 2 San1.22.2 32. God is called the Rode, becaufe of his might , liability and immutability ; and to his Church lier is a firme foundation, Matth. 16. 18. and Chrift is the Rorke, i his mike] in Greeke, bis workes ; fo worke, in Pfal. 95.9. is sesrlgs in Heb. 3. 9. and it implieth his workes both of creation, and redemptlon of his people, and all other wrought in them; which are làid to be perfli, or unblemifbed, becanlè there is nodefeft no fault in any of them. There- fore in it the righteous doe rejoyce,Pf.92.5, his roay, r]! hat is,hisadminifiratian,bie doings. judge - meni]that is,moll judicinus,right & equall:aid fo (hat they find that walke in them, Pfal.25.8,9.10. faishft.5se ] or faith: underftand,a God offaith, that is, maid faithfufl and true , that all may relie safely upon hint and his word. without imrpni- ty] or, there is no iniquity, (no injurious evill) in him, Isaiah is righteous , my, and no iniquity. is in him. right] or righteous: in Greeke, jvftaudbolythe Lord is. As his faith is conllant to thole that fol- low him,fo is his jufi'ice righteous to such as for- fake him. VerC5. Tbey have oorruptedthemfel ver]or,Itbath corrupted it felfe; fpeaking of the people (as is exprelfed in Exod.32.7.) as of one man,and pro- phefying here their falling away from God. Or, It bath corrupted (it Celfe) before him, that is, before or againft God. The Greeke tranflateth,they have finned : and corruption is Mid both for finite, as in Gen.6, r t.and for deftruftion following fine, as being alwayes the changing of the Ilote ofa thing from good to cviii, And-this con. rupting themselves, was chiefly by idolatry, as verse 15,16,17, &c. Exod. 32. 7. and implieth alto their délhuftion ; and it is afcribed to tbemfelnes, that it might not bee imputed unto God : fo in Hof. 33. 9. Hereupon Eftias called them children that were corrupters, Efay 1.4. & this their aftion is oppofed to the perfeftion of Gods worke , ir, verf. 4. their feet] or,theirblot, theirblemifh; that is, their vice, or evill, ( as the word is explained in Doit. s 7.1 .) and thereupon their blame. This is oppoCed to Gods faithfulne(lè in verf 4. and it is an effeft of their forefaid corruption , and an evident ligne thereof. not of bit fanner] that is, not filch a fpot (or blemilh ) as is bathe Ions of God through their infirmity, whereto all are fubjeft; but fuch as is in a crooked and perverfe generation,that will not be reclaimed from their vices.And this is a declaration of the effeft of the Law in Israel , which was added because of trans- greffions, Ga1.3. t 9. and when it came,fin revived g and the palfions of fins, which were by the Law, did effeftually worke in their members, to bring forth fruit unto death, as Rom. 7.9.5. But the grace ofGod through the Gelid workethcon- trary effefts of lanftification, which theApollle laieth downe in thefe words ofMofes thus ; That yet may be blamelef andfncere,the children of God, un- blemifbed (or fßatlef¡'in the midi of a crooked andper - ver fe generation , among sham thine yet as lights in the rearld bolding fall the word of Iijè,Phih 2.15.16. The Chaldee expounded' it They have corrupted them= felves, and not him; firma that have fervid Idoh. crooked] or froward it is contrary to ffrait or even, Eloy 42.16. and they that are tiros in heart, are an abomination to the Lord, Prov 1 r. so. This title Peter gave tinto the fewes that re- filled the Gofpell, Alt.2.4o. and herein the peo- ple are oppofed to God jufl and rightenus,in ver.4. as they that perverted all equity, Mich. 3. 9. and had made them crooked patties, Efay 59.8. perver fe] that turne and writhe themfelves and others, as wreftlers ale: but this word is ap -, plyed to filch as are perverfe in miede and counfell Iob 5. 13. used alto by our Saviour in Luk.9 41.0 faithle(f and perverfegeneration, Hereby Ifaels habit in evil! is fignified, refifling the Ho- lyGhoft, Aí`í.7.5'. fo that their corruption and fpot could not bee cured, but rcmmalned upon' Alnnnn s them' 1/MP/MulNsasaentdnìlhl