t +J DE.LITERONOMIE XXX II. them as malignant ulcers. Compare Efay Ier.5.3 6 Verf.6. requite] or reward, recompence. This is a lharpe rebuke of the ungrateful) people (let downe therefore queftion- wile,)who in faith and obedience Ihould have lhewedat lealt their thankefull hearts , as did he which laid , What (ball I render untolehovab for all hie beneficial! re- wards unto me? I will take up the cup of falv.stion,aad call upon the name of Iehovah, Plàlnre. i 16.12. 1 3. fool ] or vile : the Hebrew Nabal,is Etch afoole, as hath his underft.tnding and judgement faded and depraved,whereupon he becommeth vile and wickcd,faying in his heart, there is no God,Pdt1. 14. 1. and blafpheming his name, Pfalm. 74. 18. This fvok, or vale perron, is oppofèd to the noble or liberal!, Efay 32. 5. The Chaldee here tranfla- tech , people which have received the Law , and are not will. Father] by regeneration, as 1 Pet. r. 3. Deut.14. 1 . bought thee]or,thy purchafer,thy Poffr, sinner ;fee the Annotations on Exod.s . 16. And this aggravateth their finne,who denied the Lord that bought them , as 2 Pet. z. r. for the oxe knowetb hie owner (or him that bought him ) though Ifrael did not krtow, Efay 1.3. made thee] not only in the firft creation, as Gen. 1. 26. but in exaltation to dignity after redemption , as God is raid to have made Mole's and Aaron,! Sant. 12.6. who advanced them to that honour in his Church. Therefore this word is mfed for a degree of grace after creation , as in Efay 43.7. I have createdhim for my glory, I have firmedhim, yea lhave made him. So Chrift is laid to have made twelve, when he ordained them to the office of Apoltle- fhip,Mar.3.14..And Paul faith of Ifrael,that God exalted tbe people, when tbey dwelt m Jlrangers in the land of Egypt, Atl13.17. effabl ed]formed, fitted, and ordered firme and fiable, that thou mighteft abide in his grace. \erf7. of old] or, of the world and ages pafl , all 7 which will teltifie of Gods grace unto his peo- ple. Thus Mors confirmeth that which he 1pake of Gods goodnelfe towards them, in verL6. and by this the Saints confirmed themfelves in their troubles and feares, Pfa1.77.6.7. &c and 119.52. and 143.5. So in Efay 46. 9. Remember the firmer things of old , far I am God , and there is none eft, &c. 1 generation and generation] that is, all genera- tions, and every of them : fo in Pfal.89.2. to genera- tion and generation; and Eflh. 3.4. day andday,that is , every day: and Ezr. lo. 14. citie and citie, that is, every citie. be will fhew] This the Pfal- milt confirmeth, Laying, 0 God, with our cares wee haze beard,onr Fathers have told unto us, the worke that wrought fi in their dayes, in dayes of old, &c. Prat. 44. 1.2. &c. So in Iudg.6.13. Where be all hie miracles, which our fathers told us of? Verf. 8. dividedinheritance] that is , appointed 8 and gave lands and Countries for the nations to inherit ; as mount Stir to the Edomites,Deut.2.5. Ar to the Moabites, Deut. 2.9. and fo to others, Amos 9.7. For God both made of one Used all man - knd, for to dwell on a 11 the face of the earth: and bath determined the times before appointed , and the bounds of their habitations , that 11 ey f ou'd fiche tie Lord, if haply they might feele after him, and find bird Alta 7. 26.27. feparated] into di.tinft families, and peoples with lèverait languages whereof fee Gen.1 o. and r t. chapters. bounds] or, borders, limits of the peoples ; which may bee refer- red fpecially to the peoples in the land of Ca- naan, whole bounds God proportioned before- hand, according to the number of the formes of Ilhael,that they might be poffefhora of it after the Canaanites.Though generally there is alto s pro portion betweene the 70. nations reckoned in Gen. io. and the leventy foules of Ifrael, which was their whole number when they went down into Egypt, Gcn.46.27. Deut. 1o. 22. 'and more particularly betweene Canaan with his 11. fons, Gen. so. 15.-18. and the twelve fons of Ifael, which became Patriarchs to the Church of God, Exod. z.1: -4. Gen. 48.28. Aft.7.8, the fons of Ifrael] in Greeke,tbe Angelo of God: fo the Lxx trati- fisted this place purpofely, left the heathens fhould here take offence , that Ifrael fhonld bee matched with the 7o.natibns,that is,with al peo- ples of the world. And the Icwcs fuppofed there were feventy Angels, rulers cf the 70. nations; , and therefore they fay according to tlx number el the Angels ofGad,whereby ehey-nreatie lèventy.Their opinion is to be feriae its R. Menachem on Geo.' 46. where he faith, It is a generall rule that there is one ( degree áf)glory above anoiher, and they that are beneath, are afecret frgrzificati:n of chafe that are above, and t/ e 70: f erks (Gen. 46. 27.) f gnif e the 70. Angels that are round about the throne of (Gods) glory, which arefee over the nations. But we are warned to beware how over intrude our felves into thole things which we have not feene, Goloff.2.18. Verf9. portion] or part, which bee bath divided mato himfelfe, Exod. 19.5,6. and for whom hee 9 long before prepared an habitation. And as hee bath taken his people for his portion, fo they a- gaine take him for theirs , Pfal.142.6. and hee is called the portion of lakob, Ier. 1 o. 16. and 55.19. : This word Paul applicth to our heavenly calling inChriff , fpeaking of the. portion cf theinheritarnz of the Saints in tight, Coloft 1.12. foieb] that is, the pofterity of Iakob; which being the name'. of his infirmity,before he was called Ilrael,com- mendethGods love unto his, when they were weake and unworthy. And Jakob is the generati- , on of them that Cecile Gods face,Pfal.24.6. the line] or, the cord of bit inheritance, that is, his he- ritage, as by line ornseafure befallen or allotted to him ; and fo his peculiar , whom none other can, challenge. Compare. Plàlme 16. 6 7Verf.1o. Hie fcsmd him] that is, Godfound lalob; I 50 meaning labobs pofterity , the Ifraelites, whom God found,, and was prefcnt with them in the wilderneffe , to helpe them in all their miferies. Therefore the Greeke tranflateth, He fufftced him: and the Chaldee, He fuffired their neceffities: as fin- ding is ufed for fvffìcing, inNumb. 11.22. Gods people of thensfelves doe all gee affray like loft lhcepe : but hee Cceketh and findcth them , for their