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DELITERONOMIE XXXII 1491 their Calvation,ECay S3 6. Päá.19.176, Luk. i 5. 24.-7.32. lardof mil lernei] a mild or defart land, where no inhabitants were, no dwelling title, no fool to fcifane him, P.A. 107.45. Ier. 2.6 Se: before in Dan. 8. 15. The wilder/ref fi- gured the peoples of the world , Ezek. 20.35. a- mang;t whomGods people 4raie3, til hee found them up: for when we were yet firmer:, Stefternie.e, he loved tn, and reconciled as to hips elfe by the death of his Son,Rom.5,8: i o empty place] in Ghaldee, a dry place ; Hebr. emptinef : a place not to be inhabited , as appeareth by the oppofition inEi.aY4S. 18. So all men naturally are empty, till they befilled withg; ace, and made tbehabita- tion ofG,d tb; ougb the Spirit,Eph. a.1 1. t 2. -a 2. bawling of the de fart]or,yeainnof Iefhimen: the wil- dernelfe is called a place of bowling, for the wild beafts that dwell there, or for the wants that men find therein : and Dimon, which fsgnifieth ade- jart,or deßlation , may be taken for a fpeciall wil- dernelfe to named,as in Nuns. 21.10. or general - ly, for all defolate wafte places: & filch was that which Ifrael wandered in,PCal.78.4o. The Greek and Chaldee tranflate it,a materlejf place; and fo in ECay 43.20. God promifeth to give waters in Iefbi- mon, (or in thewildernej.) It figured our duce in finne, without Gods Word and Spirit, which are likened unto waters, ECay 44.3. Iohn 3. 5. and 7,38.39. lee led blm about] to wie, in the wildernelfe forty yeeres,as Deut.8.a. Or, bee compafd him about,to wit,with his love and provi- dence : fo the Greeketranflateth, be cempafd him, and the Hebrew well beareth it.Thus David faith to God, thou wilt rampage me about with Pings of de- liverance, Pfal.3 2.7. and in Ier.31. 32. eompaffing is ufed for going about to winne ones love atad fa- your ; which may allo bee intended here. The Chaldce tranflateth, Hee placed them round about his divine Majffie : which may have reference to If- rads encamping round about Gods Tabernacle, , Nuns.,. inflrufled him ] or made them to un- derfland, to wit, by his Law, and by his Spirit, as Nehem.9.13.20. So the Chaldee explainerh it,he learned them the words of the Lam. apple of his eye] or, the black (the fight) of hit eye ; that is , with all diligent care and love tendering them. ThusDavidprayeth, Keepemeas theapple of the eeye, Pfal. 17. 8. and the Prophet faith, He that touched; you, toucheth the apple of bit eye, Zach 2.8. I i Vert t t. an Eagle] the chiefeft of all birds, which limilitude God therefore applieth to him - felfe here, and in Exod. t 9.4. fiirretb up] or, maketh up her Heft, that is, her young ones : which the Eagle rowieth tip with her cry ; fo God did his people with his Word and prontlCes, whiles they fleet in their finncs in Egypt. This is decla- red in Ezek.2o.5,6,7. and the hiltory is in Exod. 4.29, 3 0, 31. Soto the Church it is laid, Awake, awake, put on tby flrengtb,0 Sian,&e. ECay 53 i. and .4mike thou that,fleepefi,sud floral up from the dead, and Chrifi fhall give thee light, Ephef.5.14. flutte- retb] or moved, and cherifheth. This is the word tiled in Gen. s. 2. the Spirit of Godmoved (orfutte- red) upontbe face of the waters. That openeth the meaning here to be Gods motions by the Spirit in the heart of his people. fpreadetb ab,aadl as preparing her lelfe to flight, and thereby pro- voking her young to goe with Iser.This God per- formed by fpreading out the wings of his power.. againit Egypt in plaguing them, and for Iliad in preferving them from thole plagues ; fo making way for his people to paffe ont of the place of their bondage. taketh them] that if they bee flacke or negligent , thee may procure them to come away. So God by his Angels tooke hold on Lorr hand,and led'him out of Sodora,Gen.19.16. and hafted the departure of Iliad out of Egypt, Exod t 2. . on her wings] in gentleneffe , and for their Cifety : not in her talents wherewith the beareth her prey.And the Eagle foaling high, her young being onberwings, are fife from all danger. Thus God led ICI-ad-Cafe t thorow the red fea, Exod. 54. and into the wilderneffe of Sinai, where he Paid into them, Tors have Jane what Idid to the Egyptian:; and I hase borne you upon Eagle: wings, and broughtyou unto myfelfe, Exod.19.4, So Chrilt giveth to thewoman his Church, two wings of agreat Eagle , that fbee might flee into the wilder= nef , into ber place where fbee n, nourifked, Revel. /2.14. Verf, t2. alone lead] or lead him alone; which may be referred to Jehovah their only leader,and fo the Greeke explaines it : or, to the people lead alone, as in Num.13.9. and Deut.33.28. they are faid to dwell alone; and thus theGhaldeeiuterpre- teth it. lead him] that is lead Ifrael,condu&ing them thorow thewilderneffe in fafety as Deut. 8. which merde is often mentioned,Pfal.78.14, 52,53. and 136.16. Neh.9.t z. The Angell of his prefeneePaved them, Elày 63.9. with him ] with Jehovah;or,with Iliad; as the Greek manatee h, with them. God ere&&cd his Tabernacic,and let his true worlhip in,without commixture with the idolatry of the nation. And unto that they fhould have kept them raves , as Hal. 81. 8,9,1o. The Chaldee paraphrafeth, there fhallneferviceof Idols be eft ablifhed before him. Verf, t 3. made him ride] made I lrael to conquer i 3 and triumph : fo riding is often tiled for tongue- ring and fubduing: as, PI-aim.45. 4. and 66.12. Rev.6.2. and 19. t t. t4. high pltoes of the earth] or, of the land to wìtCanaany, ±rhich they conquered: and by the high places, are meant the mountains, and high walled cities which they Ctbdued, Deut. 1.28. A like promire is made in Elày 58.14. I will can fe thee tti ride on the high places of the earth: and in Dent. 33.29. thou Jhaá tread' upon their bi,b places . The Chaldee here tranfla- teth, Hee placed them on the ff rong places of the earth. andhee did eat] or , that bee might eat the Greeke faith, beefed them with thefru/osof thefreed:. fruit] or, fruitfalnefs, all things that grew in the fields. honey out of the roeka]that is,honey of Bees twillingin rocks:or bony fruits, as dates and the like,which grow on palme trees, (as olle on olive trees,) in rocky places: that whereas rocks and hones are ultally barren, God made fuch places fruitful' to Ifrael; even as bee ._t Nnnnn 3 gave I2 NIB`l i`i Il i111/