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VEIITI3R9NOMIE XXX1l. andimages,&c.And this is the fecund pact of their finee, to tdrne to idols and devils. abominati- ons] chat is, abdntinable idols,-or falfe gods, and ocher Iinnes,as Levit. 18, 26,27. Dcutero.7.25. 2 King.23.13. 17 Verf. i 7, to der that wafte and /deftroy man= kind , as their nadte Shedim here fignifieth : fee Levit. t 7.7. and thefe are in chip refpeft oppofed to God, who maker!) and fave& his people, v.15. So Ieroboams calves are called Devils, z Chro. it. 15. & all theGenti!es idols areDezilr, i Conic). 20. and Antichrifts, Revel. 9.20. And irlo devils the )aêaelites facrificed their fames and their daugh- ters, when they facrificed them unto the Idols of Ca- naoa, pal.' 06,37,38. whom theykrewnot] had no knowledge or experience of any good from them : or, gad} which knew not them, that is, had done them no good ; as on the contrary the trueGod faith, Idid know thee in the wilderneffè, Hgf13 .5. where theChaldee explaineth, IMF- plied their aerefties. came lately up] Heb. came from neere, that is ,from were time: which when it is fpoken of a thing paff, mcaneth lately ; when of atl>,ing to come, it nteaneth shortly, as irnEzek. 7.8. ' were not afraid] with horrohr, left they Ihould be hurt by him. So the origginali word properly lignifieth, and therein dhft"ereth from that feare or reverence which wee owe to the true tGod. He me.tneth, that they were filch Gods as could neither doe good nor evil!, as is faid in Ier. t 0.5. Bee not afraid of them for they cannot doe eviff, neither alit is it in them to doe good. 18 Verft8. the Rock] that is, as the Greeke faith, t&t&God, and the Cháldee, the firing Fore, that is, the strong God : fee v.4. begat thee] with the I ward of truth, that thou fhouldit be a k end offirfl- I fruits of hit creatures , as Iam.1. 18. The Chaldee ,expoundeth it, created thee; which may all() bee applyed to treating in Chris Nat unto good worker, as Ephel eenmindfrdl] in Greeke, buff fa fithen: this and the word following, haftforgot- ten, (bewail their long continuance in their ltn, whereof God complained by the Prophet, My people havefargotten me dayec without number, Ier.2.3 2. And is not only forgetfulneffe in mind,but in at- feâion and aftion; as when they made a Calfe in the wilder'neffe, they forgoes God their Saviour, Plàlm. rob.' 9.25. So God when he will puni(h them, threatneth, I will utterly f rgetyort , and frfake yore, her.23.39. Hereupon he faith, Remember theft 0 Iakob and Ifrael,for thou art my fervant ; ¡have for- med thee , thou art my fervant, 0 Ifrael thew not thy fe!(èforgetful] of me, Efay 4421. that formed thee] or, that broosgbt thee forth : in Greek , that note. rifbedthee: in Chaldee, that made thee. God is hebe- likened to a father that begat, and a mother that bare or brought forth; both which doe let forth his love, and the worke of his grace. 1 Verf.t9. faro] the Chaldee faith, it ma revealed 9 before the Lord. God the Iudge firfi taketh notice of the finne, as in Gen.' 8.20.21. omtemptu- cagy abhorred ] or, bathed, defpifed a katbfome ; which the Greek expreflithby two words,be seas jealous, (or fervent) dad bee was provohpd: theChal- die , hit anger mac _prong. This word , which is commonly ufed for mens cohtemptuousprovo- king or defpighting of God, is here and in Lam. 2.6. applied to God his delpifingand loathing of line and (inners. the provekng] or, the an- gering, the indignation or grief¢, caufed by his Ions and daughters, that is, by them which had Keene his children by his gracions calling of them, and would kettle fo to bee !till but their Ipot was not fuch as his childeitns, v.5. VerC 10. will Bide my face] the Chaldee ex- pounds it, will tale away my divine prefmce. It mea- neth al fo thewithdrawing of his favour ; there- fore his children often praied againft this, Pfal. 27.9. and 102- z 3. Exod.33 t 5,16. And when God threatneth indgement to his people,he faith, I will Fero them the!iacke, and not the face in the jay of their calamity, 1er. 18. 17. And here their punifh- ntent is anlwerable to their fìnne t as they Orli withdrew their love and obedience from God, fo hee withdrew his prefence add grace from them; that though they fought hid), they should not find him,Prov, s 28 The contrary is promi- fed to the faithful!, They fhall fee hit face,Rev.22.4. will fee] and'let others lie : as the Greeke faith, I willll flaw what_hall be to th.m at the laf Now the last endtof (inners , if they convert not , is their deltrtiERion,P.itl.73.17, c 8. Prov. 11,12.1 I. and 23.32. very froward] Hebr. ageneration of frowardnegis, or, of perversities, that is , a moft fro. ward and perverfe people. This word Patlu:eth of heretickes,Tit.3.11. nofaitbfnofirmneffq truth , or liability t for faith hath the name of ftedfitftneffe : fee the notes on Exod.17.12. Verf s f. natgod] or, - nogod: a prophetic of the reieftion of the 'ewes, with the taupe thereof. They left the Lord their.God, & tooke another, for they made him jealous and angry : the Lord allowill leave them and take another people, fo they (hall be provoked. their vanities] that is, as the Greche a, their idols, or, as the Chaldee expounds it, their firvieeofidols. So Pals are called vanities, Ier. 8.1 9. and 14.22. 2 King. 17.z 5. bccaiulè they are nothing, i Cor.8.4, not a people f or, no people that is, by the Gentiles' which arenot now my people, whom I will call to my faith and obedience by the Gofpell,wher.. by the Iewes (hall have occalion of jealoufic and anger. So Pau! expoundeth this in Rom, t 0. 19. &c. And in 1 Pec.2. to. rabid, m time pap werenot a peoples but are now the people of God. And in Hof t }' 1 o. In theplace where it woo fetidunto them, Tee are not my people; there it fball bee f aid unto them, Tee are the fanner of the living God. Thus God threatneth to' cake his Kingdome from the Iewes, and give it ta' the Gentiles. e foa /fh nation ] and there` fore vile and defpifed: fo this is a reward of their foolish defpifng of the Lord, forementioned v. t 5. The Iewes underftand theft things of the Chaldeans, which envied em captive & l'o grin ved them; becaufe it is written, Behold the toad of the Chaldean, this wa nee a people , &o. ECty 23. r3, Eat the Apoltles expofitlon is heavenly, /hewing the reje&ion of the Iéwes for refulug Chrlit; .. .._ and 151 20 2' 1