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152 DEUTERONOMIE XXX II. ! and calling of the Gentiles , (efteemed of them fooles) for which the Jewes were angry,as appea- reth by Ko61. 11. 14. 1 Thef. 2. 15,16. which Gentiles are calledfio/ifkbecamé they were carried away after dumbeidols, i Cor.i 2.2. Whereupon it iS faid , They are abogether brut((] and faolifh : the fiocke it a dolirine of vanities, Ier. i o. 8. Thy became vain in thew imaginations , and their foolifis heart was darlcned : proffmg them( l es to be wife, they became fooles, Rom.i.21,a6. 22 Verf. 2 2. kindled in mine anger] or , burneth from mine anger, or, through my nofirill, that is, by the breath thereof.By fire is meant Gods fiery judge- ments , which by the enemy, drought, blalting, and other waies he would bring upon their land, Amos 2.2.5. So in Ezek.3o.8. God,faith he,wil fit a fire in Egypt,which the Chaldee there expoun- deth , peoples_prong as fire; but here the Chaldee tranflateth, For an Eafl-wind firong as fire commeth firth from before me in anger. As before, God with- drew his good things from them, fo now hee threatneth to intuit evils upon their land, & up- ' on their perlons. the loweft hell] or, the hell of lownef, that is, the lower} part of the earth ; for fo Sheol, or Hell,here and often meaneth,as Nun,. 16.30.32,33. See the Annotations on Gen.3 7.35. This meaneth ä moli vehement tire, which should burne downeward, even to the middeftof the earth. the earth] or, the land, wherein Ifra- el dwelt, which fhould bee wafted with warre, drouglir &c. that no man should dwell, no fruits fhould grow thereon : for God turnetb fprings of waters into dry ground; a fruit/ull lot/din-to faltnefiè (or barrenne) for the wicitedrtef ofthem that dwell therein, Pfa1.107.33.34. So upon the famine in Ilrae1 the Prophet complaincth; The fire bath devoured the pafiures of the wildernef , and the jl eme bath burnt all the trees of the field, Ioel 1.4.- -19. foundaeionsof the moums]that is,the itrongelt places of the land, lernfalem it felfe, founded on the holy moun- raines, was deftroyed by the fire of Gods wrath, Amos 2. 5. Lament.2. 1;2. 3. So it is laid, The Lord bath lndled a fire in Sion , and et bath devoured the f undations thereof Lam.4.11. 23 VerC 23. 1 will beape]or,will adde : I will confume, will fpend evils on them : the Greeke faith, I mill ga- ther together evils againfi them. Theme plagues con- cern the people, as the former did their land. arrowes] that is, plagues that (hall conte fud- denly and fwiftly , Zach. 9. 14. Arrows meane plagues of all forts, as the Scriptures merit ion the mill arcorbesoffamine, Ezek. 5. 16. of peftilence, P,á1.9 e . 5. and other fickneffcs, Pfal. 38. 2, 3. lob 6.4. of wart es,Ier.5 o. t 4. of' thunder, lightning, &c. 2 Sam. 22. t 4. 15. And among the Gentiles this phrate was Mid , as the peftilence is called, an evil/ arrow, by Homer in Iliad. t. Vert. 24. burnt] in Greeke, eonfumed: Mofes ufeth a word not elfewhere found in Hebrew,but in the Chaldee it fignifieth to beat or borne ; and fo it may intimate their deftruliion by the Chal- deans , at what time they were fo burnt with fa- m ine,that their vifages were black as a cole,their skin clave to their bones, Lament. 4. 8; Others 24 tranfl ate it,filledor wiled; fo it anCwereth to their finse, who had filled themfelves, and kicked,ver. 15. and now for a punithment fhould bee filled with hunger. This the Chaldee favourer], tran- flating it, Nome up (or f eollen) withfamine. And this is the firlt evil[ arrow offamine, as Ezek. 5. t 6. the burning cole] hereby the lightning or bot thunderbolt feemeth to be meant, as inPlà1.7848. or the burning carbuncle, a fiery ulcer on the body, as in Habak. 3. 5. this word is joyned with the pefislence. Properly the word fignifieth fiery coley, Song. 8.6. figuratively it is applied to arre res that fly, Pfal.76,4.The Greekeand Chaldee here expound it, de_ oured with focales. bitter] in Greeke, incurable. flinging plague] in Hebrew, Ketch, which is the name of a deadly (tinging dif- cafe, joyned with the pefiilence, in Ptáline 91.6. which the Apoftletranllateth a fling, in 1 Cor.,5. 55. from Hof .13.14. and fo the G recke there ex- poundeth it.Buthere the Greek calleth it the di- leafe Opifihotanor;which is a ftrange and vehement difeale in the neck, when by the ftiffeneffe of the nerves or ltnewes, the necke is (trained backward to the (boulders, and killeth a man within foure dayes, as Coml. Celfuc (hetveth in 1.4. c.8. But it feemeth here to be more generall,for the pelt and other terrible ficknelfes,whereby God footle cut- tech off the lite of man with bitterneffe. The Chaldee expoundeth it evull fpirits. the tcerb] Hebr. the teeth ofbea/Is,wild beafts to devoure men and carrell : feeLevit.26 32. Ezek. 5.17. and 14. I 21. ferpents] or, creepingthings, wormer : the Chaldee tranflateth it, dragons that creeps in the duff. ' The wild heath kill by force ; wormes and fer- peuts by fecret (itbtiley. Veri25. With .ut] abroad cut of the cities. 25 the (word] of the enemy by wirres. bereave] or rob, to wit, all forts and fexes, as after follow- eth. Thus God threatneth his foure fore judge- ments mentioned in Ezek. 14. 21. Revel 6.8. the (word, and the fammine, andthe will beafis, and the pefti- knee, to cut offfrom themman and beafr. terrour] inward terrour of ccnfcience, whereof fee Iob 15.20.--24. terrours of death, as Kai. 55. 5. and fo the Chaldee tranflateth it, dread of death; mea- ning that they fhould even die through feare. both the joung man] to wit,fhall be bereaved: fo all Torts (hail be cut offwith thefe judgements. Verf. 20. feaster them 1mo corners] or, drive them 26 from corner to corner: in Greeke, elifperle them; in Chaldee, defdroy them. Here God fheweth the mea- fure of their punithments,which though they de- ferved to have in all extrentity,yet he would mo- derate in mercy. VerC 27. Were it not] or,but that 'flare the wrath 27 (or provocation) f the enemy. God fpeaketh there things after the manner of men: and in regard of his glory ( that the enemy should not blaf- pheme) hee would fpare Ifrael from utter deftrn- ffion. So God pleadeth allb with themin Ezek.,22.44. behave themflvesfirange- ÿ] or, male firange of the matter , deny and diffem- ble the truth of the things which the Chaldee expoundeth , magnifie themfelves. Compare Pfal.