,////lrimn tlGrMurY/r l/ f llEtlTßROIsOMIE XXXII 153 Pfa1.'14o.8.Or, it may mean¢ the ftrangcand in- humane dealing of the enemies againft Ifrael. z8 Verf.28. For they] that is, thelfraelites, as the next'verle fheweth and it is a reafon of the de- ftrat ion which God thought to have 'brought upon thens v. 26. it. may altà be applied to their enemies. void of counfelr] or, as the Greeke tranflatcth, whichhave loft eounfel, in that they have forfaken Gods Law, which Ihould be their coun- fellor, P.àl. r 1 9.24. 2y Verl: ay. O bat hey were] or , as the Chaldee tranflatethit,If they were wife Compare Praia 07. 43. Hof. r 4.9. under (laud] which is the effe& of wifedome,whereof they deprived thentfelves. confider their latter end] (tudy and apply their minds to Gods workes pati,prefent,and to come: this want of wifedpme in them, the Prophet la- nienteth, Sbe remembred not her latter end, tberef re fire came down wonderfuly, Lament.1.9. 30 Verf.3o. one chafeatbortfand] Seeing God promi- fed Ifrael that they, fhonld chafe their enemies, and an hundred of them Ihould put ten thoufand toflight,Levit.s6.7.8. how fiould on the contra- ry, one enemy chafe a thoufand of them, if God had not fold the Ifraelites for their fumes their Rock] chat is, God, as the Greek tra nilateth: fee v.4. fdld them] in Ghaldee, deliveredthem, meaning to the enemies, towhom they were fold even for nothing, as PGd.44. Efay 52.3. and this was for their iniquities, Efay 50. 1. floe them up] in Greeke, delivered them; meaning into the enemies hand, as P1è1.31.9. So God is faid to flout up (that is deliver)bia people to the fword Pfal.78, 6z. See this phrafe in Deut.23.15. 31 Verf.3 s their Rock] the god on whom the hea- thens relye : fo the Greeke explainet h it, For our God if not like their gods. The perfon is changed, as if Mofes,or the people fpake of the heathen idols, that they could never have given their worfhip- pees power over Ifrael, if God their Rocke had not fold them. Iudges ] for the enemies were afraid of the God of Ifrael , becaufe of his former judgementson theEgyptians,[ Sam.4.8. Baboons conferred the power of God; & his good - nefre unto Ifrael,Numb. 23.8. 12. t 9,20.2 1, &c. The Egyptianswould have fled, for they percei- ved that God fought for Ifrael, Exod. t 4.25. 32 Verf.3 2. their vine] the vine of lfrael, fo othor Prophets compare Ifrael with Sodom and Go- nsorrah,Efay 1.10. Ezek.16.45,46,56.Although therefore there things may be applyed to the hea- thens, yet chiefly they refpe&t Ifrael an their apo- ftafie ; for, what thingsfoever the Lam faith, it faith it to them that are under the Law, that every mouth I maybe flopped, and all the world may become guilty be- fore God, Romans 3. 19. By the vine here , theChaldee underftandeth ,puniifbmmt,tranflacing, Their vengeance it lib the vengeance of tie people of So- dom. And that fuch were their finite and punilh- ment, Ieremy complaineth in Lam.4.6. This may all.° be applyed to the apoftafe of Antichrift. of the vine] or, above the vine of Sodom, that is, worfe than it. God had planted Ifrael a noble vine, wholly a right feed, but they turned it into the degene- rate plant of a flrange vine, Ier.2.21. So God plan- ted the C riltian Church in Chrift the true vine, Ioh. 15. 1. but they degenerated , and worfhip- ped the beaft Antichrilt, whole ride io fpiritttallj called Sodom, Revel. i 1.8. blafledlelds] or, blaffedvines (or vine branches ) that grow in Go- morrahs fields. So the Greek tranfateth it here, a vine branch. And the Hebrew Shedémab, which is fometinìe tired fora field, or vine, Efay 16.8. is in Efay 37.27. blafted corne,and for it in z King. 19. 26. is written Shedephab, which properly fgniti- eth bl. fled corne, orblafling, Deut.28. 22 which fente I thinke is to be retained here, as the Chal- dee tranflateth it, tbeirfmiting or beating, that is, when Gomorrah was burnt with fire, Gen. 19. and the fields and vines in them blafted, they brought forth none but bitter & hurtfull grapes; fo did this people Ifrad, and fo doe Antichrifti- ans. their grapes] thegrapes of them andhim,that is,of them all,and of every one, for fo much the Hebrew forme impliech; by grapes meaning their workes,as in Efay 5.4. gall] that is, bitter, venomous, and hurtful! as theChaldee explai- neth "it, the gal of ferpents : See 1)=.2 9.18. molt buter ] Hebr. c/uflers of bitterneffìr ; meaning, molt evill and noifome do£ trines & aftions : and as fontecime it is ufed for bitter of i &ions , Iob 13.26. fo here the Chaldee applieth itto the re- ward of their evil! workes. Th: brefs ofChrifts Church (out of which the people luck the wine of Gods graces by theminiftery of the Gofpel) are likened co drafters 9f grapes, Song. 7.7. So here on the contrary is ltgnified the corruption of true dottrine by talle Prophets and minifters of Ancichrift. Vert; 33. their wine] wine is fometime ufed to lignifie the fruits & graces -of Gods Spirit, Song. 4. t0..and 5. s. and 8. z. Here it fignifieth the corrupt dottrine & herches wherewith the lewes poifoned themfelves and their ddciples : and the wine offornicaiions,that is,the herefies and ido- latries of Antichrift,wherewith all nations have been made drunken, as Rev. t 7,2, poifon of dragons] in Greeke, fury (or bot wrath) of dragons, that is, their doftrincs and a&ions are venemous and deadly to foule and body, as being do&rivet of devils, and the poifon of the old dragon whomAntichriftians adore, t Tim.4.1. Rev. i 3. 4. and 12. 3, 4, &c. So in Efay 59.5. They batch Cockatrice egges, eJ`e. bee that eatetb of their egfes dieth. cruel) in Greeke, incurab /efuryof alpes; in Chaldee, as tbegalef agoes,the cruel! ferpenis; which are venemous ferpents that will not be charmed, Pfal.58.5,6. and fo it noteth their incurable nia - licioufneffe: and when it isllfed for punifhment, it noteth alto the grievourneffe of it , as, Weill feckthepogo ofaffes, the zipers.00nguefloall fiaj him, Iob 2,0.16. Verf. 34.thit] in Greeke, thefethings t that is, the fins of Ifrael forementioned; as the Chaldee expounds it, all their works. laid up ira flore] which the Chaldee interpreted?, manifeft before me. Their evil( fruits,the grapes of Gomorrah, & oh gall,God"laid up for to punifh. foaled up]notto // ////JIIJInIIEM1I fill Ulf í 33 34