F15+ loft,cr fotgotten, or left unpnnifhed , whet e- ` fore the Chaldee paraphrafeth laidupagainf the day of judgement in my h eafurics. According to this phralc Lb fpeaketh My tranfgreffien is feakd up in a bag, and thou Joweß up my iniquity, Iob 14. 17. !peaking of his fins which God left not nnpuni- flled: though the time & meanes of pnnifhment is to man unknowne , as a fealed booke cannot bee read, Efay 29.1 t . in my treaftlries] or,ammgmy treafsres : meaning Gods fecret wiredome and knowledge,when and how to punilh them for it. So the Apoftle fpeaketh of treaftres ofwifedome and knowledge, Colon' 2.3. and in Iob 38. 21 , 24. the neafures (or trea fieries)offorro and of baile are men- tioned , which God referveth againft the time of trouble, againfl the day of batte! and warre. 35 Verf. 35. Te me vengeance] or , vengeance it mine, to punifh Ifrael for their rebellions , and to pu- nun' their enemies for abating them. Therefore the Apoftle maketh this a general]. do&rive, and teacheth no to commit our injuriesunto God ; Beloved, avenge not your (elves, but rathergive place unto wrath; fer jt is written, vengeance is min, I will repay, faith the Lord, Ron,.12.19. And by this he would deterre us from finne, Heb. lo. 29.30. in the time] or , at the time, to wit which I have appointed, that rs,in due time ; or, as the Gr. tranflateth,in the time when their foot fhal! Jlide : mea- ning, then his vengeance fhould be feene. their foot fballJlide] or , fha! be removed; which the Chaldee expoundeth; they fha! be carried captive out of their land. But it is more gencrall,and fignifieth their fall into manifold afi&ions,againit which David prayeth, and comforteth himfelfe in the mercy of God, Pfalm. r 7. 5. and 38.16.17. and 121. 3. and 94. t 8. calamity] The origi- nall word properly fignifieth afogge, or tbickjllud, and is fitly applyed to the time of affliftionand difinall day; which the Greeke tranflateth,dayof perdition; and the Apoftle talleth the day of judge- ment, the day of perdition of ungodly men, 2 Pet. 3.7. that fba/l come upon them]or, that'are ready for th. 'i and for him, that is, for every of them. make bafi e] Heb. maketh haf e: a word fingular and rnaiculine, joyned with the former word plurali and feminine, to intimate a particular battening of every judgement in fore tneafure. This len- t ence the Apoftle hath reference unto, when pro- phcfying of falfeteachers, he faith, their judge- ment now of a knit time lingreth not, and their perdition f umbereth not, 2 Pet. 2.1.3. 36 VcrC36. ¡ledge bit people] that is, punifh the evil, and defend the gdod againft the oppreffors. So againfc filch as torfakeChriftPaulalleageth this fentence, T be Lord will judge his people ; and addeth, It is a farefull thing to /all into the bands of the li- ving God, Hebrews to. 30. 31. And for defence the Pfalmifi faith , Iudgeme, O God, and plead my estsfe'againff anunmereifieUnation, Pfal43.1. re- pent himfelfe] change the courte of his adminiltra- tion towards his people, as a man when hee re- penteth changeth his way.This is fpoken of God not properly,(for he cannot repent , r Sam. t 5. 29.) but after the manner of men _as is noted on DE>r1TERONOMIE XXX II Gen.6.6. For this repentance of God concer- ning his fervants, Motes prayeth, in Pfal. 90. 13. and God promifeth,if a nation turne from their evil) , hee will repent him of the evill that bee thought to doe unto them, Icr. s 8.8. and perfor- med it cowards the Ninevites, Ion. 3 t o. and to- wards the Ifraclites, Amos And hereup- on men are exhorted to turne unto the Lord, For he is gracious andmerciful! flow to anger , and of great kindnef i,and repenteth him of the evil!, Joel 2. t 3, the hand] of his people, that is, their ftrength; which the (creek explaineth thusr be leech them feeble.So band is for fl rength,or power ; as, the band (or power) of the frord,lob 5.20. the handofthe dag,Pful.3 a.21. and there is (hut rep] or, and nothing is flout up or left : or, andcome to nothing (confumed) is he that isfbut up, and that is left. And fo it may be under - flood both of perlons and of goods, that there is none Phut up in the enemies hand, as captive or pri- loner , none left untaken by the enemy ; or, none flout up in houfes,cities towers, to efcape the ene- my ; none left efcaped fromdeffruftiun.It meaneth an utter overthrow in their Race and kingdome; as the overthrow of Jeroboams houle is threatned in thele termes, I will cost off rom Ieroboam him that poo feth againfl the wall, him that it (but up and /eft in If- rael, 1 King.14.1 o.The like is threatned to Ahab, t King.21.21. And this compafhon here promi- fed , was in Come fort (hewed to Ifrael , in the dayes of Jeroboam, fonne of loajh, as it is written, For the Lordfaro the affiilion of Ifrael, that was very bitter, for there wen not any flout up, nor any left, nor any helper for Ifad, 2 King.1446. Verf. 37. And be (ball fay] that is , the Lord (hall 37 fay, as the Greeke verfion explaincth it. God here upbraideth the idols which Ifrael followed, as being vaine,and unable to helpe them : whereby Ifrael alto receiveth a fharperebuke , and checke of confcience for leaving the Lord, to follow fach. It may alto be referred to the gods of the heathens,over whom God thus triumphed, after he bath redeemed his people. But Jeremy ufeth the like fpeech againft Ifrael , Where are thy gods that thou haft made thee? Let them arife if they can belpe thee in the time of thy trouble, &c. Ier.2.28, Verf. 38. did eat the fat] that is , to whom they 38 burned the fat of their facrificcs;whichtherefore Ore Paid to be eaten by tholegods; as the facrifices to the Lord, was called his bread, Lev.2 t.6. let him be] in Greeke, kt them be : but this bath re- ference to the Roche (the mighty God)forementi- oned, verC37. in whom they hoped for fafety. So God Paid to Ifrael Gee and cry unto the gods which yee have ehofen , let themfave you in the time of your tri- bulation, Iudg.l o. r 4. It is a ( harpe reproofe,with an upbraiding of their folly. Verf.39. See now] in Greeke, See fee. God ha- 3 9 ving manifelted the vanity of falle gods, provo- keth all to come unto hint, who is himfelfe alone eternall,powerfull,:nd gracious.Ioswthan in his Thargum paraphrafeth here thus; When the word of the Lord fh. all be revealed fir to redeeme his people , !see will fay to all peoples, See now, &c. I Iam he] in Greek,Iam: it is the more vehement by doubling the