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____..47/////aLlhlill,l il,, DEUTERONOMIE XXX1I 55< the word I, as the like is found in Efay 43.25. Hof. 5.14. it meaneth al(m, lam the fame, that is, eternall and unchangeable : fo inPlàlm. 102.28 Thou arc he , which the Apoftle expoundeth, thou art the rime, Heb. I.t 2. Ionathan aforefaid ope- neth it thus, I bee that am, and have beene , and I hie that (hall be. This aecordcth with Gods defcri- bing of himfelfe in Rev.r.4. and 1 C5. And here the myláerie of the Trinity is implied , as in Deut.6. with me] in Greek, befides me; and fu Elày he faith , befides me there is no God, Elay 45. 5. I doe kill ] none but I have power of death and life : So Amts in her Song faith Ie- baysh Vats and m,lZth alive , /)e brhugeshd'mno to the grave, and bringeth up, r Sam.2.6. Hereby Chrilt is knowne to be very God. For at the Father raifeth u0 the dead, and msketb thaw alite ; even f the fnnne malteds alive whom he: will , loh. 5. 21. Hee hath the keyea f hell and of death , Revel. I. 18. Gods killing and wounding, implieth the hatred which he bath in juftice againitfinneand (inners : his reviving and healing, fheweth his ¡ove out of grace to his creatures, and mercy in refpé& of their mifery. /beak] fo in Iob 5.18. Hee ma- ketb fire, and bindeth up; be wounded) , and his hands doe beale. And inHof .6.r.He bath tome, and bee will Neale rw : he bath fmitten,andhe will bind me tip, Iona- than in his paraphrafe faith, I have [mitten the peo- ple of the houf f Ifrael, and I will beale them in the lat- ter dyer. that delivereth] or , can deliver : fo in Efay 43.13. even before the day was I am be, and there is none that delivereth out of mine hand: I will work¢,, and who fhall let it ? It teachcth us the outs- nipotencie which God only bath. 40 Verf.4o.For ju[r]or, svhesllifisup my band; which is a fgne of fwearing, as inGen. 1 4.22. Exod.6,8, 4.3 o. So the Greeke litre ex- plaineth it , /will lift up my hand unto heaven and fweare by my right hand, and fay, &e. Though the lifting up, or ltretching forth of the hand,is al fo for a figne, to make the hearers attentive Day 49.22. A &.26.1, Ilive] understand, at I live: there are the words of an oath; as in 1er. 4, 2. thou (haltfweare lehovahliveth. And becaufe God can fweare by no greater, hee fweareth by himfe fie, Heb.6.I ;. So the Angell liftedtaphishandtoheaven, andfweareth by him that livetb for ever and ever, Revel. 10.5.0. And as an oath is for confirmation, and to Awn the immutability of his comfcll, Heb.6,16.17. fo here God confirmeth the former threatnings and promifes by an oath ; which Ionathan in his Thargum explaineth thus; At I live fa will Inot break¢ mine oath fns- ever. 41 Verf. 41. my glittering fmord ] Hebr. the lightning of my [word, that is, the bright glittering blade of mq fivord;which the Greek tranflateth, If Iwhet my fmord like lightning. So in Gen. 3.24. the flame of a fword,that is , a bright flaming fword ; and in Hab. 3.11. at the (Muting of the lightning of thy ffieare, that is, of thy glittering fpeare. Thisfnulitude [hew- eth Gods judgements to bee fwift , violent , powerful!, terrible,as in Zach.9. t 4. his arrow (hall gie firth as tbe lightning. So in Ezek. 21. so. his fwerdisfurbifhed that it may glitter. onjudge- i ment] that is,on weapons of j ndgment ; the arrows ; after mentioned,v 4z.or,t..b; hold fit(tf.e íword) in judgement. -Here indgemcnt fèemeth to be meant of rigour and feverity, oppofed unto mercie , Jam. 2.13. Efay 34.5. Verlé 42. drunk with bland] this f¡gnifieth a great flanghter of the enemies, and a till fètisfy- ing of Gods jnftice upon them. Like this is the dipping (or eatbruing) of the foot in the blood f the ¡monies, P,:d. 68, 23. pall denture, or fnall eat fiefh; which the Chaldeeexpoundetli, (mill Rill among the people:. So the Lords fmord is 'laid ro devatpe, in Jet.. I a.I 2, nirh.the blond] or firm the blond. . the flaine] or the wounded; (peaking lìngularly of one,but meaning every oue,as theGreeke traufla- teth,wonndedones. the rapt ites] Hebrew,thecap- tivitie; which word is oftennfed tor a multitude ofcaptives,or prifoners tubes in war: as in Num- bers 21. 1. DetlterOOnmic 21. 10, Judges 5. 12. So the Chaldee tranflateth, of them that are lord, and of captice.s. from the beginning] or, from the head: which word is fometime Sled for the first leginning,Judges 7.19. but commonly for the head, chief¢, and principall ; and fo the Grecke here tram, flitted' it, from the head; whereby the beads, rap- taines, and chief¢ of the enemies are meant, on whom God would take vengeance. Or, from the beginning, that is, from the fiat time that the ene- mies have opprelfed Gods pcople,God will leave none of them unpuniflred. revenge: ofthe enemy] that is, revenges ¡hall be executed upon the ene mie, for all their wrongs that ever they did to Ifrael lince the beginning. Verfe 43. Shaft joyfully] or fng s in Greeke, rejefie. nations] on Gentiles. with hit jeople] the Greeke addeth this word with , which the A- polite alloweth in Roma 5.10. So, befdlowetbnot era, Mark 9.38. is explained,be fodoweth not with ose, Luke 9.49 The Chaldee expoundeth it, Laudyee people¡, the judgement 'Otis people. It is an exltory ,- tion tothe Gentiles, t o ling ¡walks unto God,for his mercie to them and to the Jews ; as the Apo- faith, Tbat the Gentiles might glorifie God for *wi- de ; of it is written, For this eaufe I will eonfcffe thee a- mong the Gentj s, and fng unto shy Name. And again¢ he faith,Rejoyreye Gentiles with his peopie,Rom. t 5.9, 10. the blondof his fervants] in Gr. his fins. So in Rev. 19. 1, 2. much people in heaven lay Allelt j t, and glorifieGod , for judgingthe great Whore, and avenging the blood of his fervantr at her hand: meaning the blood that was fled, as in Pfà make atonement] and ighereconciledunto: in Greeke, will purge the land, to wit, from the finne and uncleannef(ethereof; as the high Pried on Atonement day did Make atonement fir the holy place, becaufe of the tmcleannej of the formes of Ifael, and becaltfe of their tranf reJJianr , in all the; ¡(mien , Lev. 16 ì6. So it is a prophetic of grace in Chril }, whofhould sake expiation for his Church and people; for hint God fore- ordained to beapropi= tiation through faith inhis blood, Rom 3.25. fir hit people] the Greeke tranflateth it, the land f bit people the Chaldee better, for his land and for his people, /peaking according to the types offöld; Where 43 ////////N/®sion!i'ITIMII'I//war