150 DEUTEItONOMIE XXX Ill. where the land of Canaanwas the inheritance, the people of Ifrael the heires,that was called, the Lords land, Hof.9.3. and they the Lords people. 44. Verf 44. Mofes case] the Greeke addeth , unto the people; and Ionathan in his Thargumaddeth, f om the tabernacle the houf rf dotlrine. thie fang] in Greeke, this Law, as in v 46. So Afaph called his fong, a Law, Pfalm.78. t. H fheab] in Grceke,Ieftls : elfewhere called after the Hebrew, loihua : fee Numbers 13. 17. and Deuteronomie 31 1419. 45 Verf. 46. fit your heart] that is , Your bearu; as, harden nos your hearu,Pial.95.S is interpreted, your hearts, Hebr. ;.8. in Greeke , attend withyour heart. It =met h a diligent con fideration and applica- tion, which elfewhere God explaineth thus, Be- hold with thine eyes , and beare with thine cares, and fet thine heart upon all that I 'hall fhew thee. Ezek. 40. 4. and 44.5 47 Verf.47. avaine word] or, avalsething; t hat in doing thereof you fhould lofe your labour ; but in keeping it , there isgreat reward, Pfal. t 9. 12. your lofe ] fo Paul faith, Moles deferibeth the rigbteoufneff which is of the Law, that the manwhich dotb theftthings f lan live by tbem,Kom. t o.5.6. where hee oppofeth it to the righteoufiseffe of faith. And by life is meant etema1liife, &o. Dee shit and thou fhalt live,Luke 50.23.-28. Vert. 48. in that flfe fame day] Hebr. in the body (or firength)of tbis_day. See this phrafe in Gen. 7. 13. and 17.23. 49 Verf. 49. Nebo] the performance of this corn mandement,fee in Deut. .1. &c. See alfo Nuns- 27.12. 501 Verf. 50. untothy people ]thy godly forefathers : in Greeke, thy people. See the Annotations on Gen. 25.8, mount Hor ] whereof fee Numb. zo. 23. &c. 55 Verf. 51. trefpafd] in Greeke, difobeyedmy word. Of this trefpaffe, fee Numb.2o.to.11.12. Here Moftt at his death maketh acommemoration of his finne, for an acknowledgement of Gods juflicc againft him , and a warning to all peo le, not to difobey by his example. Meribah1or, contention of Cadefh : fo the Greeke sranflateth it, comradiUIon. 52 Verf.52. before thee] or, over again thee, that is, a farre off, for fo this phrafe often fgnifieth , as is noted on Numb.2.2. So that may be fa id here of /Llofees, which Paul fpeaketh of the godly fathers, Tbefe all died in faith , trot having receivedthe promifes, but havingfeene than a fare, and were perfwaded of them, and faluted them, &c. Rehr.' 1.13. 48 14:131312I `` C IzA P. XXXIIL *. Males bleffmg Ifrael before his death, Cheered, the Majefy of God , and his love to the people , ingazing them hie Law , andguiding them thorow the wilderneff. 6 The blefegof Reuben ; 7 Of Judah ; 8 Of Levi; 12 Of Benjamin; 13 Of lofeph; 18 Of Zabulon and Iffetchar; 20 Of Gad; 22 Of Dan; 23 Of Naphtali; 24 and orAfeee. 26 The excel/ende of God, and of Ifrael under hit protetlion, who Amid dwell in a franfull land , and through hit helpe fobdne their ene- mies. 40 ANd this is the ble1Gng wherewith 1. Moles the man of God bleffed the fonsof Ifrael, before his death. And z he l'aid, Jehovah came from Sinai , and role up from Seir unto them ; bee fhined forth from mountPisaran, and hee came with ten thoufands of Saints : from his right band the fire of the Law for them. lei, the lover 3 of the peoples, all his Saints , are in thine hand, and they fate downe at thy feet, every one (hall receive of thy words. Moles corn- 4 manded us a Law , the inheritarce of' the Church of zaceb. And he was in Ieflmrun a 5 King, when the heads of the people gathe red themfelvestogether,t he tribes ofifrael. Let Reuben live, and not die,and his men 6 be a number. And this Of the 61 fling) of Judah : and 7 hee Paid , Heart:, Jehovah, the voice of Ju- dah, and unto his people bring thou him: his hands be enough for him,andan helpe from his diftreffers be thou. And of Levi he Paid, Thy Thummin and 8 thy Vrim, with the man, thy gracious faint, l whom thou ternptecjfl in Maffah, conten-I dedil with him at the waters of Meribah. Who Paid of his father,and of his mother, I 9 refpeot him not, & his brethren he acknow- ledgeth not, and hisfonnes he knoweih nor, for they obferve thy raying, and keepe thy Covenant.They fhall teachthy judgements 1° unto Jakob , and thy Law unto Ifrael : they 1ha11 put incenfe in thy noftril,and the whole burnt- facrifice upón thine Altar. Blelfe, O 11 Jehovah, his power, and the worke of his hands favourably accept thou: fmite tho- row the loins of them that rife againft him, and of them that hate him that they rife not againe. Of Benjamin he laid, The beloved of Je- 12 hovah (hall dwel in confident fafetyby him: he Atli cover him all theday, and betweene his (boulders he (hall dwell. And of Jefeph, he Paid, Blcffedof Jeho- vah be his land:for the precious things of the heavens,for the dew, and for thedeepe that coucheth beneath. And for the precious things 13 14