15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 s; 24 25 ï6 27 ï8 29 DEUTERONOMIE XXX III. things , the revenues of the Saone ;, and for the precious things the thrufling forth of the Moones; And for thechief things of the an tien: mountaines;and for thepCecìousthings of the everlafting hills. And for the preci- ousthings of the earth,and the plenty there- of; and the favourable acceptation of him that dwelt in the bramble-bafh, let it come on the head of Jofeph , and on the crowne of the head of the feparared among his bre- thren. His glorie (bee like ) the firftling of his bullocke , and his homes the homes of an Vnicorne : with them hee !hall pufh the peoples together, to the ends of the land; and they are the ten thoufands of Ephraim, and they are the thoufands of Manaffes. And of Zabulon he faid , Rejoyce Zabu- Ion in thy going out, & Iffachar in thy tents. They (hal call the peoples to the mountaine, there they fhall facrifice the facrificcsofJu- ftice,for they fhal fuck the abundance ofthe feas,and treafures hid in the fand. And of Gad he.faid, Ble(fed be he thaten- largeth Gad; asa couragious Lyon he dwel- leth and teareth the arme with the crown of the head. And he provided the firft part for him, becaufe there in a portion of the Law- giver :no 4e proteCted;and he camewith the heads of the people;he did the jufiice of Je- hovah,and his judgments with Ifrael. And of Dan he faid, Dan is a renting Ly- ons whelpe,he fballleape from Bafhan. And of Naphtali he faid, Naphtali fatif- fied with favourable acceptation, and full with the bleffing of Jehovah, poffeffe thou the Sea and the South. And of Afer he faid,Bleffed with fons be Afer,let him be favourably accepted of his brethren,and dipping his foot in oyle. Iron and braffe thy fhooes, and as thy dayes thy ftrength. There is none like God, Jefliurun , woo ri- deth upon the heavens for thy helpe, and in his excellency on the skies. The God ofan- tiquity ù thy manfion, & underneath are the armes of eternity, and he will thrufl out the enemy from before thee , and will fay de- ftroy. And Ifrael (hall dwell in confident fafety alone,the fountaine of Jacob, upon a landof corne andnew wine,alfo his heavens, (hall drop downe dean. O happy art thou Ifrael ! who is like thee ô people ! Saved by Jehovah the fhield of thy helpe, and whole fword it t',y excellency, and thine enemies (hall falfly deny unto thee, and thou fink tread upon their high places. 157 vinnotations. 0 0 0 Here beginneth the 54. and haft Sc c}ion or9 LeCtureof the Law: fee Grief 6. 9. He man God ] which the Caldee expoun- of deth the Prophet of the Lord. So Samuel is called a man of God, t Sans. 9. e, 7, and in verf. 9. he is alto called a Seer,and this is added, be that, is now (called) a Prophet, was before time called a Seer. So there three names are one though a man of God is fo named in refpeß of his divine calling to the miniftery (wherfore the Miuifter of the New Te- foment is alto called,a man of God, r Tim.6.1 r. 2 Tins. 3. 1 y.) a Seer is in refpeft of the VilionS which they faw,Efay t. 1. and a Prophet, for ut- tering the things feene and taught of God; See Gen.20.7. Exod.7.t. Verf.2. from Sinai] or, as theGreek tranflateth it,umoSinai: for the Hebrew Min, which ufually fignifleth From, is fometime put for unto, by the Interpretation of the Holy Ghoft hintfelfe as, from Baale of Iudah, 2 Samuel 6. z. is by another Prophet explained to Baalah, t Chron. 13. 6. So the Deliverer frail come from (or out of )S im., Rom. 11.26. is the fame that heelball come unto Sion, Efay S9. so. (Alin bafhamajim from Heaven, 2 Chron. 6. a I. is El hafhamajim,uma(or in) bea- ven,s Kings 8.3o. Thus Mikkedem is to the Safi, or Eaftward, Gen. í 3.1 I. Nitfl fa). bon is North mard, t Sam.14.5. and fundry the like. Sinai is a metmtaine in Arabia,Gal. 4 25.where God gave his Law, Exod. 19. from (or out of) that mountaine, God came unto Ifrael, and(as the Chaldee inter- preteth) mar revealed there unto them ; and from thence came with his people to condtt3 them towards Canaan. Cr catase onto Sinai , and to his people there. And this is the firft chiefe bleffing tmto Ifrael,Gods Law, Tabernacle; Statutes, and Judgements given them at Sinai : after which he called them to journey towards the land of pro - mife, Dent. 2. 6, 7. rofe up] as the Summe ari- feth; for of that rBing the Hebrew ward is pro- perly ufed. The Chaldeetranflateth it, the bright- ne of his glorie from Seir appeared unto us. So E- faias prophefying grace to the Church,faith, The glory f Jehovah it rifle ( as the Sunne ) upan thee. And of the heavenly Jerufalem which Chrift hath built , it is faid The Citie bath no need of the Sunne,ntither of the Macee to fhine in it ; fit the glory of God dodo lighten it , and the Lambe ie the tight thereof, Revelar. a r . 23. from Seir] the mountaine of the Edomites, Deut. 2.4,5 As Ifrael compaffed Edoms land, they were flung with fiery ferpents for their murmuring : then God appoynted the Brazen ferpent (a figure ofCbrift) to be let up to heale t hem, Numb., .4, - -9. And heerewas a fe- cond degree of grace, whereby God Chided auto them, as he doth unto us by his Gofpell,after we have been under the Schoole- matter o his Law, Rom. 7.4,-25 . Ga1.3. 23,24,-2 6. unto them] O0000 or, 2 1f/iUVfV