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r58 DEUTE'RO11OMIE XXXIII. or, unto him, meaning Ifrael ; therefore the Chal- dee expcundeth it, lento us. pinedforth] or , fhi- ned brigbt and cleare as the Sunne fhineth in his ltrength. This word is Mid for the clearemani- feftatiyn ofGods power, in faving his people, or punilhing their enenies,Pfalm.82. and 94.1. and 5o. 2. The Greeke, here tranllateth , bee haflened from mount Pharan; the Chaldee , bee was revealed in bit might upon mount Paran. Pbaran] or,Pa- ran, the name of a mount, and of the wilderneffe of the Ifmaelites, Gen. z i .11. thorow which If- rael travelled,Num.r o. i z. Neese it,Mofes by the fpirit of God explained the law mere cleerly,and repeated this booke of Deuteron. Deut. Lt. &c. So the Prophet after fpeaketh, the Holy One (came) from mount Pharan Selab, Habak. 3.3. Some of the Hebrewes underhand there things otherwife thus , Hee rofe up fromSeir unto them , that is, to the formes of Efeu, that thy might receive the Lair , but they would not. From thence bee went to the formes of .pfmael , that they might reeeive it , but they would not. And then bee came unto Ifrael. R. Sol. Iarehi on ' Deut. 33. So Jonathan in his Thargum on this place, and R. Eliezer in Pirkei, chap. hi. But un- to us it Iheweth the third degree of Gods grace, who after we are come unto Chrift by faith,doth fan&ifie us by his fpirit,informingvs in his truth and wayes, and fo prepareth us to enter into his heavenly reif, as by Mofes hee prepared Ifràel to enter into the land of Canaan, Ronr.8.2,3, - -1 I. IGal.3.2,14. and 4.6.and 5.s6,i8. of'Saints] Hebrew, offantlitie ; meaning, flints of fanaitie, which Ionathan in his Thargum expoundeth,ho- y Angels. So Stephen faith, that Ifrael received the Law by the difßofetion of Angels , Aftes 7.53. and IPaul talleth the Law , the word fj oken by Angels, I Hebr. 1.1. So wee by grace in Chrift are come to ten thaufando of Angels, Hebr. t2. 12. which are all mint! ringfftirits, fen forth to minifier for them who (hall bee hires of falvation, Hebr. 1.14. Compare Pfalm. 68 18. Or by Saints wee may underhand the Ifraelitcs,(as in w.3.)witb whom,or for whom God came from Sinai. from his right hand] to wit, went, or, at bit right band was. the fire of the Law] or, of the ordinance; Hebr. Efh dash (of which word Dath , the Greekes borrowed their word Tatte, to order, or ordaine the Legall fire, or thefiery Law) and it is fo called, becaufe the Lord fpake thofe words out of the midfl of the fire , Deut. 5.2 t.and to Thew the nature and effe& of the law, which is like fire, Jer.23.29. The Greeke tranfla- tech it, Angels Angels with him: the Chaldee thus, His right hand wrote out f the midfl of fire, the Law bee gave unto us. Anfwerable to this Legali fire is that fire of the law of the Spirit,which was given with cloven tongues like fire , Attes 2. 3, 4. The He- brewcs fay by Tradition,that the Law appeared, written with blaeke fire upon rebite fire, before the Lord. R. Mofes Gerundenl. and Sol. Iarehi on Deut.3 3. which feemeth to be either mytticall or fabulous. Llnto inthe fire of the Law is the Spi- t rit ofGod, whiles wee being baptized with the 11,íy Spirit and with fire, Matth.3. 11. are by the Law of the Spirit of life in Chrifl lefut , madefree from the Law offinne and death.Fix trans 8.verfe z. Verle 3. Yea the heer ,of the peoples ] that is, yea ( or certainly, ) bee keeb, or, ¡Au (O God) lovefl the peoples, or protellefl them. The Hebrew Chobeb'hgnifieth a loving embracing, or hiding,as in the berme ; and fo implyeth Lace and Prou Ilion. And the peoples are meant of the tribes of Ifrael, as in Judg. 5.14. of er thce Benja- min, among thy peoples ; and in Aft. 4.27. the peo- ples oflfrael. The Greeke tranflateth And be fa- red bit people: the Chaldee, yea, he loved them for tribes, that is,ofhis love thole and difpofed them to be tribes. It may imply alto the Orangerscon- verted unto God. And now in Chrift there is neither kw nor Greeke, neither bandnor free for wee are all wtyin him,Ga1.3.28. all bit Saints] that is,the Saints of Ifrael,as the Chaldee expoundeth all the Saints of she boute rf Ifrael. Or, the Saints of God, as in Pfal.34. ro. Feare lehovab ye his Saints. So hit Saints may be Mid for thy Saints, as hisCommandemnts, Dan. 9. 4. for thy commande- ments : fee the notes on Deut. 5.10. in thine hand]in thy power and cuftdy under thy gui' dance,care,andprote &ion.Handisoften for power: fo the Chaldee tree tranllateth, with power bee ' brought them out of Egypt t and in the band, is un- der the guidance and direftion,Numb. 4.28, 33. fo the Greeke here tranflateth, andalltbe fanfüft- ed ones are under thineband. It noteth the fafety of Gods people , as Chrift faith of his fheepe, none I frail pluke them out of mine band, my Father wbieb gave them me is greater then all, and none it able to ',broke them ont of my Fathers band, 28,28. fate downe]or, were fit d wne,ererejoyned : the He- brew wordTutest here ufed , is not found elfe -1 where ; but after the Arabick , it fignifieth to fit downe;and the Greek word Tbakeo toff, feemeth to be borrowed of it. And it hach reference here to the Ifraelires,abiding at the foot of mount Si nai,to receive the Law,Exod. s 9.and to the man- ner of Difciples fitting at their Matters feet, to be taught;as Paul faith,he was brought up at thefeet of Gamaliel,Alts 22. 3. The Greeke tranflatech,' and they are under thee: the Chaldee, and they were led under thy cloud ; refpefting the guidance of IG rail thorow the wildernelfe, i t, t z. Other Hebrewes refer it to the peoples comming into the Sanfluary,to learn Gods commandements, for that is called thefootflooleof his fees,( Pfa1.99.5. Ezek.43.7.)Chazkuni on Dent 33. every one (ball receive]or,be (fpeaking of the people) (ball re- ceive: which theGreeke tranflatetb, he received: the Chaldee,tbey received. Verf. 4. Motes commanded us] there are the 4 words of the people, therefore Jonathan in his Thargum prefixeth , The fames oflfrael faid , Ma- fia commands, &c. The Law was firI and properly of God; but being given by Mopes miniftery, it is called 7 he Law of the .Lord by the bandofMofes, 1 Chronicles 34.14. and there- uponthe Law ofMofes, 2 King. 1\4.6. Luke. 24. 44.John 7.23. i Cor. 9. 9. And the particular things commanded of God in the Law, re faid to bee commanded by Mofes,Marke a.44.and The 3