01011/!%%/LdlílU 1 ú11 llEüTEftONOMIE The Scripture it felfe openeth this phrafe, for that which in z Kings 21. 8. is written, "Moles commanded them is in z Chronic. 33.8. expoun- ded, by the hand of Mofcr. inheritance] or, pof- f 'Ton, to have and enjoy it to them and their po- lterity,ásathing of worth and excellency. Here- upon David faith , Thy Teflimonier hate I taken as an heritage for ever, fir they are the joy of mine heart, Plà1.1 t 9.1 1 t. So men are faid to inberite the pro- mifes, Hebr. 6.12. to inherite the bleffing, Heb.I a 17 I Peter 3. 9. to anbrite eternall life and falvation, Math.19.2 9. Hebr. 1.14. she Cbureh] or, Con- gregation; in Greeke, the Synagogrte of IalZob, that is, of the polterity of Jakob,the twelve tribes;as Jo- nathan in his Thargum faith, The Church of the tribes of lake. S Verb 5. be was]Moles was in lefurun a King; which the Greek tranflateth, a Prince. So the He- brews (as Chazktmi on this place) fay,Mofs was the King: and Maimony in Mifn. in Beth habchi- rah, chap. 6. fill. It. Moles our mailer ivataKing. So Princes are called Kingì,in Pfal.to5.3o.Ier. t 9. 3. Or it may be anderlsood of God himfelfe,that he was their King, as t Sam. t a. t 2. I Jburun] in the Chaldee, pad ; fee Deut. 32. t 5. the beads] that is, thechiefe, the Governours, together with the people, as was at the giving of the Law, Exod.19.7,-17. 6 Verf. 6. Let Reuben live ] the Chaldee addetti, to 10 eternal!. This biding may refpeft Reubens frnne with his fathers Concubine, for which hee loft his birth-right of his father,Gcu.3 5.22. and 49.4: and the finneof the Princes of that tribe which rebelled with Korah, Num. t 6.1, &c. But mercy is here promifed inChrill, that he fhould live before God among his brethren. So he went armed before them againit the Canaanites,Iof,4. 12. and not die] theChaldee expounds it,and let hint not dye the frond death; (by which name the Scripture calleth eternall damnation Revel. 20. 6,14.) So Jonathan in his Thargum paraphra- feth, Let Reuben live in this world, and not dye with the death wherewith the wicked (hall die in the world that it to come. It is very ufuall in the Scripture, to fee downe things of importance and earneftneffe, by affirmation of the one part,and denial! of the other; as in Efay 39.1. Thou fhalt dye and not live; Num. 4.14. that they may live and not dye, Pfal., t 8. 17. Jhall not dye but live,Gen. 43.8. that wemay live and not die, Jerem. 20.14. Cnrfrd bee the day, &c. Let not that day bee bled, i John 2.27. It is true, and be not lying, I Iohn z.4. hee is a lyar, andthe t,nib is not in him, Iohn 1.20. bee eonfejdand deni- ed not, r Samuel I. r I. and remember mee , and not forget thine handmaid, Dent. 9.7. Remember, forget not, Deuteron. 32.7. 0 people foobf , and not wife; and many the like. a number] by a number may be underflood few: as in Deut. 4.27. Gen.34.30 men of number is a few men, Toone numbred ; and in Efay ro. r 9. a number meanethfew; and then the former deniall net, is again to be repeated to this fenfe,andhís men be not few in number, Exam- ples of fuck underftanding the word not are !hew- ed in the Annotations upon Numbers 4.15. O- 159 therwife, by a number is meant a great number ;; as the Greeke tranflateth, many in number. Onke- los the Chaldee paraphraft expoundeth it, and let bia fine: receive their Inheritance by their number : and Jonathan paraphraleth Let bioyoung men be num- bred with the young men of bit bretbren of the knife of Ifooel. Verf. 7. the bid iingof Judah] the word biding is to be underftood from v. 1. And Jonathan in his Thargum fupplieth it. So doththe Scripture often,as in 1 King.a 2.24. which way went the firi:? the word way is fupplyed from 2 Chron. t 8.23.. and fundry the like,as is noted on Gen.4.2o. and 24.33. Here Indab the fourth brother is in the tè condplace,for the honor of the kingdome which was to be in this tribe, Gen. 4.9. and he marched forntols of all the tribes,Num. r o. t 4. fo he is bet before Levi here, (as hee is allo by his precious (lone in Rev. 2 t.19.) Simeon his name is quite o- mated in this bldling, for by his finite of old he loft his honour,and was to be fcattcred in Ifraid, Gen.49.5,7, and his pofserity for their fin in the wildernes were greatly diminifhed, that being at the firftmutter fifty nine thoufand and three hun- dred men,Num. t. he was at the latter mutter but twenty two thoufand & two hundred, Num. 26. 14 Neither were there any Judges of his tribe,as God raifed up of fundry others, Iudg. 2. t 6, &e. Yet forafmuch as Simeon' Inheritance was in the midP of the inheritance of thefomer of Indab, Iob 19. 1. and he went with his brother ludab to fight a gainft the Canaanites,Judg.t.3. it is thought that his bleffmg was implyed in ludab'; and lò Jona- than in his Thargum coupletli Simeon with Ise, dab in this place. Howbeit the Greeke in many . :Copies joyne Simeon with Reuben in the former biding thus ; Let Reuben live and not die; and let Simeon be many in number. the voice] when he prayeth, as the Chaldee tranflateth, Receive, 0 Lord , the Prayer of ladab . when hee goeih foorth to warre. This blclfing is to be compared with Ia- hgbr,who likeneth ludah to a Lyons whelpe, gone up from theprey, &c. Gen.49.9. and it had ac- complifhment in David,who was of ',dab, and a fighter of the Lords Battels ; ioi cvhiclt he often prayed,as his Pfalmes tetifie. Likewife inAbijah slid the Iewes againfi Ifrael,2 Chron.i ;.14, -18. in Afa, warring againls the Ethiopians, 2 Chro. r 4. s I, 12, 13. In Iehefapbat fighting againfs the Ammonites, 2 Chron. 20. 5, 6, --- 18. in Eze- (tas againft the Affyrians, 2 Chron. 32. 20, 21, 22. and others. But chiefly in Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Iudah, Revel. 5.5. him God did heare alwayes, Ioh. 11.42. bring thou him] the Chal dee addeth, in /v=3 and Thargum Iouathan ad.. deth, from the barrell in peace. This had acconi plilhment,as otherwile,l0 in David' return to his people and kingdome, 2 Sam. }9.11, - -15. and Chrilis retorne unto Ifrael,whereoffee Rom., I. 26, - -3 t. be enougb for him] when hee fighteth, as God taught David' hands to wane , and his fingers to fight, Mime 144.1. and girded him with strength to battell,a Sam. 22. 35, 40. The Greek tranflateth, jud;nfar him; the Clbald. execute Qo 099 2 zengeame_ 7 /// / / //10imas, 111Îq1Ì91