ÏplLl uh IIfWVk Io llEüTERONOMIE XXXIIL neighbour, and fenne,that had finned in making and worfhipping the golden Calfe, and fo filled their band(or conlecrated themfelves)unto the L O R D, that hee might give upon then a bleffing, Exod.32.26, - -29. ackrrowledgeth not ] or, at-' &nowledgednot : the tint refpeð the Law, Levit. 21. the other theirfaft,Exod, 32. To this latter the Chaldee referreth it,tranflating t la us,IYho had no compaffion ou his father, or on hie mother when they were guilty of judgement ; and accepted not the fa- cer ( or perfant ) of hit brother, or of hit fnne. hit fame] or, Warne, that is, any of his fonnes, or children : fee the notes on Deut. a. 3 3. knowerh not]or,knewnot. Here knowledge is ufed for care or regard, as in Job 9. 21. knowing is oppofed to diff ofeng; and in i Theff 5. t 2. know them which labour among you, that is, regard them : , and in Prov. i 2.10. a righteous mm l¡noweth ( that is,regardetb, or bath care of ) the life of hit brats for they ubferve] that is,by Law are bound to òtiferve, Levir.2t.or, they have obfervediti their praltife, Exod.32. The Greek tranilateth itfingn- lärly, He bath obfervéd think oracles, and kept thy covenant. VerC i o. They fhall teach] or, Let tbent teach. As in v.8. hee mentioned their gifts and calling, in v.9. their fan&tificàtion; Co here he teacheth their adminiftration in the Word Praier¿ and other mintlteriall duties. For it is laid , Theyfhall teach My people ( the difference) betrreene the hog and pro- p ane, andeaufethemtodifcermbetweent hetmoleanegnd the dune; and in controverfre they fhallfiend in judg- meet, and they fall judge it according to my judg- ments 6c. Eeek44.2 ;, 24. Compare alto Levit. to 11. Deut.17.9,10,1 t. and 24. 8. and the com- mendation which God giveth of Levi , in Mai. 2.6,7. The Law of- trnthwar in hit mouth, ánd quuy war not found in his lip:: be walked with mee in peace and equity, and did twine many away from iniquity. For the Priefts lips fhauld keepe knowledge, and they fhoteld fake the Law at his mouth fir he it the Angell of the L 0 R D of Hof e. onto Jakob] by lakgb and Ifrae, are meant , all the polterity oflakob, and the weak¢ with the ltrong: for the Church in refyyeit of her infirmity is called Iakóh,Amos7.2,5.8. and for her valour by faith ii furnamed Ifrael: fee the Annotations on Gen.32. 18. Thus Chrift commanded Peter to feed both his Lambes and his Sheeÿe, I h. 21.15,x 6. Inrenfe] the fweet perfume which the Prielts burnt daily upon the golden Altar ; a figure of Chrifts mediation with the praiers of theSaints, Fad. 8.3,4. See the notes on Exod. ;o. This was the peculiar work of the Prielts,wherefore it is writ- ten, It pert aineth not unto theeVzziab, reborn in- cenfe unto the Lord, but to the Prieffs, the former of Aaron, that are conficratedto burn incenfe, 2 Chem. 26.18. intïiy nafriß]ornofi,thatis, before thee; or,as the Greeke tranflafech,in thine anger : for the Hebrew Aph fignifieth both Nufe and Anger: and both agree well with the Prielts worker for When God in anger fenta plague among the peo- ple, Aaron put incenfe in his cenfor, and made at- tonement for the people, fo the plague war f aied, Mom, ;Gl 16.46,47,48. the whole burnt -ring] Hebr. the Calif; whereof fee Lev.6.22,2,3. the Greeke here tranflateth it the continua! (oblation.) Here- by all other lacrifices are meant , which the Prielts offered on the Lords altar, Levi,.[. and 2. and 3. wherein the worke of Chrift,offering him - fèlfe for his Church, was figured. Verf.. r i. bit power] fo the Grecke tranflateth, bit ftrengtb; By power, is meant fometime an army of men, as h ek77.1o. fo here the fir! praierit for a bleflìugI on the perlons which admini- ftred,that they t light be increafed and ftrengthe- ned in number And in knowledge. Wherefore the company of Levites is called an heff or arcade, Num.4.3. &c. In this lènfe Maimony(in treat. of the Releafe and xabile, chap., 3.A. i 2.)expoun' deth it , faying, The Levitee are feparated fart tlx waiea oftbe world, they wage not warre like the other If- radius , neither have they inheritance, &c. but the) are the power ( or armie ) of God , as it it written, Bleff Lordhs power. Sometime by power , riches and fubltance is meant, as in Deut .8.t8. and .fo the Chaldee expoundeth it here. For whereas Levi had no inheritance among the tribes,but had the Lord, and his firlt- fruits,tithes,and offerings for their inheritance and livelihoods Yam.' 8 20, 2 t. &c.Mofes praileth for a biding on this means of theirs. workeof hit hands] all his admini- f ration,indo&rine, burning incenfe,facrificing, &c. Compare Luck. 43.27. that rife againft him] as Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, that rolè tip againit Moles and Aaron,were all deftroyed with their Militants; Nam.[ 6, VerC,2. Of Benjamin] or, Vnte Benjamin, who is hleffed here before the other Tribes,and before his elder brother Jofeph,becaufe the lot of his in- heritance was between the forte: of Iudah and the fomree of Zofeph; and !erufelem (where the Levites after adminiftred in the Temple) belonged to Benjamin, fof.t8.1[.28. And in the heavenly Jeresualem (the Church of Chrilt) theft ft foun- dation is a Iafper, which was Benjamins honer Bev.2I,r9. Dowd. 28. 20. And when the other Tribes fell away from the Ringdome of Judah, and Priefthood of Levi, Benjamin continued with them in the truth, a Cheat. 1 t. t,3. t 2,1 3. Beloved] meaning the tribe of Benjamin, who as their father was beloved of lakob, Gen.44.2o,22. 29.30. fo his polterity fhould be beloved of thé Lord. fait deceit] or praier -wife, let him dwell. in confident fafety] that is, boldly, fecurely, ffely. by bin] by the Lord, who would tender this little tribe,as Iakob tendered Benjanlin,whom he kept at home with him, Gen.4z r,. So Benna ribs 'polterity dwelt in Ierufalent and the coatis diet - abopt, by the Temple of God. he lhall rover him] or let him, meaning God, cover him: f0 the Greeke tranflateth, God overfhadowetb him. The word meaneth a covering or proteétion from cvill, as in Efay 4.6. The Chaldee expoundeth it, hefallbeafieEarerhim. all the day] or, every day in Greeke, all dales, that is, continually andfor ever. bitfhoulders]that is,Benjamhs;and' by (kidders are meant thecoafis of his land , as G0000 3 Numb_ II 12 4 //UïG\ r 11'11AI iV/I^1 Arallaraggiell*,