162. DELI7ERO NOM Iì; XXXII!. Numb. 34. t1. the fhoulderof the fia ofChinneretb is the fide or coat} thereof. So this is a prophefie, that the temple (wherein God dwelt among]} his people) thould be budded in Benjamins lot, and in the head or chiefe citie, which was Ierufalem. lie fball] that is, Godfball dwell : fo the Chal- 1 dee tranflateth and in his land the divine Majefy thall dwell. And when God had chofen mount Sims for his habitation, he faid, This is my rrff for ever, bere will 'dwell, Pfal.13 2.14. 1 Verf. 13. of Iofepb] or, unto Iofepb. Hee is next 3 bleffed,bccaufcthe tira birth -right was derived unto him, t Chron.5.2. And his pefterity were many and great in Ifrael, his land] Jofephs inheritance in Canaan. And as the Land which the Lord cúrfeth , yeeldeth not fruit, or bringeth forth thornes andbriars, Gen. 4.11, 12, and 3. 17, 18. fo the land which hee bleÍfeth, bringeth forth much.and good increafe, Pfal.65. to.-- t 4. The Hehrewes fay, Thcrewas not of all the inheritance of the tribes, a landfo All of all geod things as Iofephs was. Sol. larchi on Deut.33. for the precious things] or,mitb dainty fruits. Of this word, fee the Annotations on Gen. 24. 53 of the heavens] which God by the influen- ces and moifture of the heaven and aire caufeth the land to bring forth.And thefewere figures of fpirituall bletlings in heavenly things by Chrift, ¡ whereby the barren nature of man is made fruit- full. for thedetc] or, by the dew, and raine which maketh the earth to fru&ifie.So Ifaac blef- fing Iakob, faid , God give thee of the dew of toe hca- tent, Gen. 27.28. On the contrary, David faid fora curfe,yee 'nowt aines f Gilboa,let there lee no dew, neither let there be raine uponyou, 2 Sam 1.21. that coucbeth beneath] or, that lieth under; whence waters fpring out of the earth: fo the Greeke tranflateth, ftbe deeper of the fount aines beneath. Likewife the Chaldee, for the welling fountains and deeper that proceed from the ¿ape places of the earth beneath. See Gen 7.11. and Doit. 8. 7. This is another :mane of fruitfitlneffe, as in Ezek. 35. 4. The waters made him great, the deepe fer him up on kith, with her rivers running about bit plants.And with this biding Iakeb bleffed Iofepb , in Gen. 49. 25. but Mofes here inlargeth it. 14 Verf..14. the revenues] that is, the fruits which by the warmth of the Sunne are brought forth. It is faid by the Hebrewes, that Jofephs land lay open to the Sunne, which made the fruits Tweet. Sol Iar- , chi on Deuter. 33. the tbrrsfling forth of the Mooney] that is, fruits which every Moone thru- lieth forth,or caufeth to grow every moneth: for all fruits. grew not at once ; in one moneth they gathe- red frsmmer fruits ,in another Olives, in the third Dates, faith Chazkuni ; and Sol. Iarchi addeth, There are Ionic fruits which the Moone ripeneth, as Cucumbers, and Gourds. As the Sunne by warmth, fo the Moone by moillùre maketh the earth fruit - fill. Ver. 15. chiefe things] Hebr. the head, that is, principali ; the Greeke tranflateth it, the top of the mountains. There fruits arc firf} ripe. ancientmomrt.]Hebr. mountains of antiquity, or, f priority,which were from the beginning : fo after, bills of eternity that is, everlafling hills; which are fo called, becaufe they are unmoveable & lafling, have beetle from the beginning, & (hall continue to the end of the world; or becaufe of their con - tinuall fruitfulneffe. So in Habak.3.6. Compare thiswith Ialgb: blefling, Gen. 49.26. Iofepbs heri- tage in Canaan had many fertile mountaines -and hills often mentioned , as Mount Ephraim, Itidg, 17. I. the mountainesof Samaria, Amos 3.9. and 4.I. and 6,1, Verf.16. the pknty thereof] all creatures that fill the fame, Pfal. 24. I. the favourable acceptati- on] or, the good mill, favour. The Greeke tranf- lateth and the things acceptable unto him that appea- red in the Bramble-bufb : The Chaldee thus, and the goodwill of him whofe dwelling it in heaven , and unto Mofes bee appeared in the Bramble -bufh. of him that dwelt] or, f my dweller, that is, of my God that dwelt in the bramble, that is, God which appeared unto Mofer there,Exod.3.2.where the Angel Chri ff appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midfl of a bramble - buffi, which burned, but wasnot confumed: a figure of Chri(Is prefence with his people in affliaions, that they perifh not in them. let it] that is, let this biding come, or, is ¡hall come; the Greeke faith, let them come the Chaldee, let all theft things come : and the original] word come, implieth an abundant and fpeedy comming. Compare Gen. 49.26. from whence Mofees taketh this bleffing. the crowne ofthehead] where- by is meant an open , apparant, and plentifull powring out of thefe blelTings , as the like phrafe is ufed alto in curies, Pfa1.7.17. the feparated among bit brethren] or, the Naziriteof bit brethren, meaning Iofeph, who was feparated and exempted to bee a choife and chiefe niais among his brethren : as the Greeke tranflateth it, the honoured (or glorified) among his brethren: fee the notes on Genets 49. 2 6. So Chaekuni here explaineth it, lofeph tbatmat Prince of all his bre- thren. Ver(..17. His gorie ] or, Hee hashglory (or beau - y,eomelinef) like bof rfl- bornebulocke. The Chal- dee expounds it, 7be chicle of bis fotones, his, glory, &a. And Cbaakuni applieth it to Jofua, The fill King which the holy blef ed ( God) chofe him of Jofephs feed, was Jofua, Oc. and a King is likened to a bullocke, which is king of brafis. hornes]which figni fiefirength, and glory, and kingdame, Pfalm. 75. 5, II. and r 1 2. 9. and 89. 18. 25. Luke 1.69. whereupon bornes are ufed to denote Kings,Dan. 8. Revel. r 7. of an 1/ nicorne] that is, of Vni- cornes, the fingular put for the plural! : it is a beat} which will not be tamed, ío6.39.9. I o, 11. See the notes onNumb.z3,22. peifh]inChaldee, kill. So in Pfal.44.6. ends of the land] or theearth, to wit , the land of Canaan , ,tor b fua with his hornet & armies conquered al that land. and they]t he hornet forementioned. So Chaz- kuni on tisis place faith, the bornes are she ten thou - fand of Ephraim, Oc. And here hee giveth to E- phraim the yGanger ,ten thoufand:, & to Mandeb the elder but thotrfands, according to Iakbs propheíe. that 16 17