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DELI TERO NOM 1E XXXIII, that Ephraim should be grease(}, Gen. 48.19. and fo was his increafegr cater than his brothers , in Nnmb.r.33.35. though in the loft muif cring of them, and now when Mafia bleffed them,the men of Manaffeh were many moe than of Ephraim, Numb. 26. 34.37. See the notes on Gen. 48.19. The ten thoufands of Ephraim,are referred to folks: and his men that conquered Canaan; the t haafandi df Manaffes, to Gedeon and his men, (Iudg.7.) by Sol. larchi, on Detit.3 3 3 8 Verf. 18. f Zabulon] or , to Zabulon ; and with hint bee joyneth Ifàchar his brother , (both foes of Lea) as partner of his blefEng. So thefe two joyned in one, and the fours next ( the fonnesof the handmaids ;) are let and bleffed together next after lofilar And it is a tradition of the Hebrewes, that there five Zabulon , Gad, Dan , Naphtali and Afer , were thole five mentioned in Genelìs 47.2. when Iafeph tooke of his brethren five men, and prefnted them brferei Pharaoh. Iol. Iarchi on Deut. 33. and Thargum Ionathan on Deut.47.2. Rejeyce Zabulon] that is, God fo bleffe thee,as thou mails have caufc to rejoyce in thy profperity. thy gob ng out] to trade in merchandife by (hip - ping; for Zabulon, by Iakbs blelfing, was to dwell at the haven of the Seas, &c. Gen. 49.13. fo here Mofis bleffeth them with good ihcceffe in his trafiicke, or goingout to warres, asGenef 14.8. 2 Sam. 11. Y. & fo the Chaldee here expoundeth it, in thygoing out to warre againff shine enemies. And in Iudg,_5. 18. Zabulon is commended for jeopar- ding their lives unto the death, in the high placer of the field. and Ifachar] to wit , rejoyce thou alfo. Ifachsr was elder brother to Zabulon, Gen. 30.18.2o. yet Jakob bleffed Zabulon firft, Gen. 49. t 3.14. and fo doth Mofes here ; and God in par- ting their inheritance preferreth ZabiGa giving him the third lot, and Ilfacha r the fourth, Iof. 19.1 o. 57. in thy tents] that is, in thy dwelling at reit, or tarrying at home;for fo the remaining in tents is oppoléd unto going forth to warren, or traf- ficke, or hunting abroad, loC 22.4. Iudg.7.8. and 5.a4. Gen.i 5.27. And tens is often ufed for ones home, houleorci tie , as, the tents of Ialgb, Mal. 2. 1 2. where the Chaldee tranflateth, the cities of Ia- bob: fo thefe tent of Iffachar, meane his quiet life at home, differing from Zabulons going a- broad to trade.Chazkuni (on this place)noteth, thatIlfàchars land was good so few,and be fate in tento to kerpebio fields; and Mofesprayeth that be mightprofper and rejoyce in his fields. And fo Iakob faidunta him, (in Gen. 49. t4.)couchbg between two bounds ; be- tneene the limits, to kepe his fields. The Chaldee translateth, and Iffàchar in thy going to appoint the timer of the folemne feats in Ifrael : having refe- rence to that which is written in 1 Chron. 12. 32. of the firmer of Iffachar that had nnderffandingfor the timer , to know what Iliad ought to doe, &c. which Come of the Hebrewes understand of the times and feafous of the yeare, new mooues,and feafts. So Sol. Iarchi here expoundeth it, and Iffachar prfper in thy frttin, in tents, for the Law , fitting and tusking interca'ation of the yeares, and appointing the new moneo; as it is fold (in n Chron. 12. 32.) Andof the firmer of Ifachar, that knere underflanding for the tuner , &c. the heads of them were two bun - dred, they were heads of the Gounfell, implayed here- abouts, &e. Verf. t 9. Th y (hall call] or, let them call , and Co (hew their thankful neffe to God , by inviting o- thers to Gods houle, & (hewing them a good ex- amplc,by their own frequenting the Lords moun- taine. the mountains] mount Sion, whereMo- res by the Spirit,forefaw Gods Temple fhould be builded. The Chaldee paraphrafeth,T hey fhallga- :her the tribes of Ifrael to the mountain of the hoop; of the Sastluary. Though by peoples the Gentiles alto may be implied, whom they having occafion to trade with, ( hould provoke to true religion,as in Efay 2,2.3. All nations fall flow unto it, and many people fhallgoe andfay, Comeyee, and/es usgoe up so the mountains of the haute of the Lord, &c. of jut tit] that is, ju(t, righteous and acceptable fa- crificcs, offered in fait h,according to Gods Law: as the Way of juffice,is a jail & righteous way,Matt. 21.32. So David exhorteth, Sacrifireyee the faeri- fices of jnfiice, and truff unto Iebovah, Pia]. 4. 6. the abundance] in Greeke , the riches of the Sea; which the Chaldee expoundeth , they fhall Bate the riches of tbi peoples : taking liar figuratively for peo- pieer, as is often in the Prophets. So in ECajr 16. The abundance of the tea fbal7 be converted unto thee, &c. and than /halt alf fucks the Mike, ogt the Gen- tiles. treafures hid in the farad] or, hidd,n Crea-. firer of the fatìd. The Greeke tranflateth, the mer- ehandife of the nations, that ámelllry the feea coaf. Verf. 20. inlargeth Gad_] this may be underflood of Gads inheritance which the bleffed God would i5 asheepromiled Ifrael , I will in- large thy border, Exod.3 4.24. Or underftood of his perfora, & then his inlarging is his deliverance out of diltre(fe, as in PCal.4.2, thou half inlargedmer, when Iwas indifirrffi. So it bath reference to Gads troubles,prophelìed in Gen.49.s 9. fee the Anno- tations there; and the hillorie of Gado inlarge- ment by Iephthah,in Judg.. ,t. a couragious Lyon]fee this word in Gen. 49. 9. There were of the Gadits in Davido time mighty worriers, whole faces were like: the /a e s of Lyons , andwere as fn.ift as the Roes upon the mountains, 1 Obro. 12.8. the arms] this noteth ltrength,as the crowns of the head, principality; meaning that none fhönld bee fo (trong or excellent, but Gad amnia "overcome them. The Greeke tranllatcth , he lhall breaks the arme and the Ruler : theChaldee , . hen (hall kill rukrt with kings. This may llave reference both to his warres in fubdning the Canaanites, going arnica before his brethren, Iof.1.t 2.13,14. and to that fanions vi&tory which he got over the Hagarims, r Ghron. 5.18,19.2 r 2 2. as allo CO the couragi- ousactsof ',ha, i King 9. and so. chapters. VcrC21. be provided ties rff part for him ] or, as z the Greeke t ranflatetll, heu faro bin fe f- fruits : or, bee provided in the beginning (at thefirft) for himfelfe. Gad, with Reuben, law the Land of Iazer and Gilead, that it was a place for cattell; and the fumes of Gad and of Reuben asked of Mofes and of the Princes , that the land might be given them for /Iiiu®++rïnjlF