I64. i)EUTERONOMI E XXXII'. fora poffelfton,Numb.3 i.1, -5. It may alto be I le filled with blcffing,tf ( or fiun) the Lord. under$ood of the Lord, that he provided this the fea]this the Chaldee interpreteth,the feaofGi- lirft portion for Gad;or,that Gad himfelf faw,that nof.nr,c: fled in the New Tetlahtent the lake of Gent - i.,cnjoyed(as the Chaldee expoundeth it,rteeivrd) nejares, Luke 5. t. in Hebrew Chirmeretb ;Numb. bit fr(!part. Sul. Jarchiopeneth it thus, Egan, 3 4.1 1, Deut. 3. 17.R.So1.Jarchi here faith,Thefea ( or pr Tided ) to receive hi, portion in the land rf Si of Chirreretb fell to Ida portion. hen and 0gb, which was the fbfi- fruits (orlegin- Verf:24. with fosses] or,forfosnes, for Multi- 24 rude of children ; t he Chaldee faith, with she blef- f ng of fönmes : as in Afees tribe there were now 53. thoufandand foure bunked men ofwarre ,Numb.26.'' 47. let him he] in Greeke, he (hall be acceptable to his brethren. dipping] in Greeke, bte fha/i dip his foot in Ile, that is, ]hall have plenty of ogle, that he may let his feet therein: according to Ja- kobsblefiing, that his bread fhpuld befits, Genet. 49.2o. Verf. 25. tbylheces ] that is, the ground under thee (hall have Mines of iron and braffe, that thy feet may feemc to be íhod with them. This alto may lignifie his flrength, to tread dowse his ene- mies ;as Chrifts feet were Of fine bratfe.Rev.t.r 5.1 thy flrengtb]or,thy old age. The Hebrew Do- bee( here only ufed,)is in Greek tranflated ftrengsb: and fo the Chaidce expoundeth it, as the days of shyyoutb, thy ftrength. The Latine verfion,and o- thers expound it old age, fo named of weaknell-e meaning that his old age fhouldbe Prong and lufty,as the dayes of his youth, Others, fame, or report ; that as his dayes were, fo his fame thou Id be as long as he lived.Chazkuni faith,Daba is the fame that Daab,weakneffe or debility, (as Cebe; is the fame that Cefeb a Lambe ) and that it meaneth the days ed./ age in which a man is weal,e; as if bee fbsuld fay, even in thesime of their old age they pall be firo Verf26, lefkurem] that is, O Ifrael : feelieut. 32.15. The Greeke tranllateth, There is none like the God of the beloved one: theChaldee faith; there is no God like the Ged of ¡fiat/. This conclúfion concert-0%h all the tribes of Ifrael in general]; ce- lebrating the glery and goodnelfc of God, com- municated with Isis Church;& their participater on of his races,to their perpetuall happinelle. riiesb] which is aligneofhonour and Of his fpeedy comming to helphis people :fo in Pf.68. 34. For which caufe he is Paid alto to ride upon the Cherub, 2 Sam. 22. II. and to ride upon his horfes and chariots of falvation,Hab. 3. 8. This was fulfil- led in the warres againft the Canaanites, Jof.1 o. 10, t 1,13. and before,againft the Egyptians,Ex.y. 2 3.and o 4.24, 25. And Chrift still rideth in hea vets ttponawhite her/I, to conquer the 'enemies for his Churches Cakke,Rev.6.2.and 19. t 1, -- 16. The Chaldee tranflateth,in whofe habitation (or,di- vine majefl ie) is in the heavens. in thy helpe ] or, far shy helpe : in Greeke, thine helper. in his ex= eelleneey] or, fir bit high mayeftte, magnificence; in Chaldee,flrength.So in Pfal. 68.35. Gods workes are for the manifeftation of his excellent glory, in the helpe and falvation of his people. skies] the higheft heavens,which the Greeke calleth the firmament; the Chaldee,the heavens ofheavens. Verl.27. The God of antiquity ] that is, she anci- ent (or eternal!) God; which the Chaldee inter- preteth, ning)rffitbduingtheland. in a portrcn of t Law- giver] the portion which God by Mors the Law-giver gave unto Gad,Numb.62.73. pro- idled] or,bidden, rowed, pied : there in the ten - eed Cities they left their wives and children un- der Gods proteEtion, whiles they went to warre before their brethren,Num.32.26,34,3 5. &c. Jof. 1.14. be came] that is,Gad came. with the heads] that is, thePrinces and Captaines of the people,withwhom Gadwentto warre, Jof. 1.14. and fo it is a prophefie of a thing to come, as al- ready done.Or,be came to the heads, to the Princes, when he delired to have that land given him, Nun1.32. 2. But the former feemeth fitteft; and fo Sol. Jarchi explaineth it, T hey went armed before them when they conquered the land. inflict ] that which was jail and right in the Lords eyes,and his judgements upon theCanaanites in deftroy- ing them : fo Iefea commendeth their obedience, JoCa2.1,2,3. It may alto have reference to other judgoments,as thofe executed by lebu, 2 King. 9. and I o. and by Elias the Prophet upon Beals Priefts,l Kings 18. Verfe zz. Lions white] in Chaldee, ftrong as a 22 Liens whelp. In Gen. 49. 17. lakeb likened Dan to a Serpem,for his fubtil and fecret undermining of his enemies : Mofes here likeneth him to a Li- on, Which lignified his ftrcngth and proweffe, (hewed when this tribe fought againft Lefhem,and fmste it with the edge rfthefrord , JoC 19.47. Judges 18.27,29. he fhall leape]or, that leapeib;re- ferring it to the Lion leaping from mount Bafàn, where Lions kept : for Bafan was not Dans pol- fetfaon,but Manaffehs, Deut.3.13. Numb. 32.33. Jol13.7,8,11. Chazkuni here faith, becaufe Ba- fan was a place of Lions and wilde beafts , be likneth him to a Lion. The Chaldee expoundeth it , bis ¡land !hall be watered with the rivers that run from Balkan. 23 Verf.23.Napbtali J in Greeke, Neptbalcim. Hee was Dans brother, both of them borne of Bithab Rachel; handmaid;but Gad and Afer were of Zil- pba , Leah: maid. Mofes keepeth not lakobs or- der (Gen.49.) in biding the tribes. fatitfied with favourable acceptants ] in Greeke, the fatiety (or abundance) of acceptable things : hee meàneth, that the tribe otNapthalí fhould have in their land many good and acceptable fruits, through Gods favour and biding. There àlfo the light of Gods favour in Chriffabundantly appeared, Matth.4. 13, 15 , 16. and Capernsnsn in this tribe was Chrills Citie,Mar 2.1. Matth.9. 1. wherein bee did many mighty workes, Match.' 1.23. the blrllmE of l hot:ah]blcflings given of him ; and, as Chazkttni expoundeth it, Whofoever wameseth into his land, and fietb the firth ripe finites,fbalbleffi the Lardfor them. But the Greeke tranflateth, let him 25 26 ,27