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////i IMIITIÍ. .hikil/ fl DEUTERONOMIE XXXI V, írete[h, God tbat was from the beginning. Here - u on David intitnleth him the God that fttetb from mrtiquity,(or abideth of old) Pfal. 55. 2o. and AGtph Ia ith,God is my King from antiquity, Pfal.74. I Z. And bee is before all things, and by bìm all things enßfi. Colo.7.t.t7. is thy manfon]or, will he tip, habitation : or,prayer -wife, be thy mart- fiat that is, thy pro:el!ion ; as the Greeke tranfla- teth, mill protect thee. So Mofes faith, Lord, ibau h. fl been our manfton ( or habitation,) in every ge- neration and generation, Pfal. 90. 1. Vndelr this name Manfion, all things needful! are implyed, both for life and salvation in this world, and in that which is tocome,Joh.14 2. armesofeter- nity]that is,eternall(or ez eel efting)armeo : or,armes ofthewor /d. Ifrael is prote&ed under Gods ever - lafling armes or power; God is their defence o- ver and under : hit left band is under the beadofhis Church, and bis right hand doth imbraee her, Song 2.6. The Greeke tranflateth, under the flrength of she merisfling armes: the Chaldeeexpoundeth it, and by his word the world was made. Sol. Jarchi ex- plaineth it thus, and underneath his Manfon doe allfiring armed dwell. The armes of the world were S'ihats and Ogh, and the Kings of Canaan , which were the firength and power of the world, et. but their firengib Ras weakened before him. But the armes of eternrty arc rather meant here of the acmes of the eternall God,who is moil ancient without begin- ning; and etcrnall,withoest ending ; who faith,/ am the firf(, and Tam the laff : and befides me there is no God, Elày 44. 6. deflroy ] freaking to If- rael.,whom he would enable to dellroy their ene- mies : the Greeke tranflateth, Perifb, !peaking to the enemy. So God by Chrilt, not onely prefer- veth his people from harnic, but deflroyeth him that bath the power of death, that is, the devill, Heb.2.14.and with him all other enemies perifh. a8 Verf28.ahne] lecure from enemies, as Jet. 49. 31. or, alone, and(hall not be reckoned amonz the na- tion. Numb.23.9. This dwelling in fafety had accomplifhment underChrill,ofwhom it is Paid, In his dyes ludah (hall be faved, and Ifrael fha/l dwell fafely,Jer.23.6. the fountains] that is, the people which flow out of Jakob, as out of a well or fountaine:fo that fantaine is here ufed for a river or fireame iffuing from a fountains, as in Pfal. 104.1o.'and waters often fignifie peoples, Revelat. 17.15. Thus David called them of the fnuntaineof lfrael, Pfalm.68.27. and Efaiac faith, which are come forth out of the waters of Iudah, E- fay 48.1. The Hebrew word fometime fignifieth a fountaine,fometime an eye ; in which latter fen( fotue interpret it here, the eye of lakob,fhal'hlooke unto a lane nfcorne,&c. his heavens] the hea- ven or ay re over the land of Ifeael, (hall drop down dew, whereby it (hall be fruitful!. Thus Moles confirmeth to Iakobs feed the bleing which Ifaak gave limo /abyb,Gen.27.28. Spiritually /sea- ven: fignifie the Ecciefiaficall elate, Revel. 4. t.. dew and raine lignifie heavenly do&rine , as Deu- teron.32.2. 29 VerI29.who if like thee]not any people. So Da- Mel fald, What one nation in the earth islikethypeo- p1e,li/e Ifael, 2 Sam. 7. 2g. See al Co Dem. 4. by Iehovah] or, in lehovah , that is , Ch, , called Jehovah our righteoufnef, Jer. 23. 6. , fhiddof thy helps] chat is , thine helpfull Ihield, wci aideth thee again( thine enemies) the Chal- dee faith, firong for thine he /pe; the Greeke sly helper millfhield (orproteft) thee. fword,is thy exedleney] iii Greeke, thy glory ( or boaflieg : ) that thou mayft truly glory in his ftvord , not in thine own:as the Churchdoth in P(al.44. 4,7. they inhe- ritednot the land by theist owns (word : and, mj (word fhallnot lave me. Cltrili appeared with a two-ed- ged lìvord in his momh,Revelat. t .16. and with a sword in his hand, as Prince of the Lards brit, Job 5'. t 3, 14. and the faror'd of the ff'irit is the word of Gstl,Ephef.6.17. . fhal faßy duty] (hall diffem- ble that they were thinelnemies, and faine to be friends for feare. This D.widacknowledged, the fans ofthe flranger fatly deny unto me, Píàl me i S. 45 The Greeke tranfl.tteth,fh lllieunto thee. Clt:.zku- ni explaineth it thus , 76y du are enemies to thee in their heart, (hall fal fey deny unto ihee throulA flare, andfhallfhew tlxmfelzes b y friends, and JOoceil be obedient to da tby pleafure. And Sol. Jarchi given an example, as the Gibeonites which lid, from a zee), farre country thy fervarns are cmne,. &c. tread on their high places ] or , on their .heights : in Greeke ,.thou foals ride upon their seeps: ice a like phrafe in, t z. The Chaldce expoun- deth it, thou (halt tread on the lynts of the necks of their Kings : which thing was fulfilled in lofuabs time, Joli to. 24, 25. By heights or high places, are meant all the high and fortified places,wher- in the enemies kept for their fafety; as moun- tains high walled Cities, &c. Datidwile,, he was fafe féom his enemies,rejoycerh that God had fez him upon his big/splaces,2. Sam.a2.34. And as it is the glory of God, that he treadeth upon the high places of the earth,. Amos 4. 53. Mich t. 3.. and upon the high places (or heights ) of the Sea, Job 9.8. fohecompmnicateth this glory to his people, that fhould vanquilh all their enemies ; as was al- fo laid inDeut.32,.13. be made him ride on the hi h places of the eatrb.-And by the weapons of their warfare, which are mighty through God, they pull downe ttrong holds, and call down ezeryhigh rbing that exalted, it ;ells againfi the knowledge of G o%te 2,5. Death Ball be fwallowcd up in vi &cry, t Con' 5. and Satan himfelfe (hall he trodden underneath their feet,Rons.16. MAAAAAMMAAAAAMMMAA il CHAP. XXXIV. I Moles from mount Nebo viewrth the land 5 Hee dyeth there , and is buried of God. 7 His age and vigour when he dyed. 8 The Ifraelites mourns for him thirty dyes. 9 Iofhna fiteceedetb him. to TbepraifecfMofees. ANd Mofes went 'up from the plaines of Moab onto mount Ncbo, to etc top of Pifgah,which is over :: ;ainft Jericho :