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:66 DEUTERONOMIE XXXIV. Jericho : and Jehovah caufedhim to fee all aI the land from Gilead unto Dan. And all Naphtali,and the land of Ephraim, and Ma- nafíeh, and all the land of Judah , unto the 3 I hindmoft fea. And the South,and the plaine ofthe valley of Jericho,thc Citie of Palme- 4' trees, unto Zoar. And Jehovah laid unto hitn,This is the land which I fware unto A- braham, unto Ifaak, and unto Jakob, Paying, unto thy feed will I give it : I have caufed thee to fee it with thine eyes, but thou (halt 5 not go over thither. And Moles the fervant ofJehovah died there in the land of Moab, 6 according tothe mouth of Jehovah. And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over againít Beth - peor,and no manknoweth 7 of his Sepulchre unto this day. And Mofes wow an hundred and twenty yeeres old when hedied,his eye was not dimme,nor his natu- 8 rail moifture fled. And the formes of Ifrael wept for Mofes in the plaines ofMoab,thir- ty daies : and the daies of weeping,oftnour- y rang for Mo(es,were ended. And Jo(hua the fon of Nun was ful of the fpitit of wifdome, for Mofes had laid his hands upon him , and the Eons of Ifrael hearkened unto him , and e did as Jehovah commanded Moles. And there arofe not a Prophet finte in Ifrael like Mofes,whom Jehovah knew face to face. In all the fignes and wonders which Jehovah fern him to doe in the land of Egypr,to Pha- raoh , and to all his fervants, and to all his I a land. And in all the mighty hand,and in all great terrour which Mofes did in the eyes of all Ifrael. II I t,innotations. MOfes went up]as God commanded him,Dcu. 31.49. ?fairies ofMoab]in the wilder- neffe where Ifrael pitched, and where Alofes had explained all this Law unto them.See Nun.22.I Dent. 1. r. 5. The Greeke retaineth the Hebrew name, Arahoth Moab. mount Nebo] or , of Nebo, that from thence bee might view the holy land, as John from an high mountain was (hewed the hob, Ierufakm, Revel. z 1.1o. and Ezekiel like- wife before him,Ezek. 40. 2. Nebo was the name of a mountain,& of a City by st, which was gi- ven for a poffeffion to the Reubenites Numb. 32. 3738.1 Chron.5 3, 8. Pita!: in Greeke, rha fga : in Chaldee, Ramatha: fo named of the bigbnel of it : See Deut. 3.27. Iericbo] in Greeke Ieriche, a City within the land of Canaan, which the Ifraelites firfi conquered , by faith canting the wall to fall downe, Jot 6. Heb. 11.30. See after on verfe 3. oaufed him to fie] as inverfe4.or, (hewed bim , as the Greeke tranflateth. from Gilead] in Greeke, the land of Galaad: But Gilead was on the confide ofJordan, and given to Reuben, Gad, and halfe tMLfanajh, Deut.3%12, 13. being conquered by Mofes him felfe,fo that there was no need to view that, but from that Countrey forward he viewed all the relit. Therefore the Hebrewes expound the word Erb, by Min, From; Paying, From Gilead which wow on the outfid oof lordao, towards the Sumx rifing,wberein Mofes norm pending; onto Dan , which is the border oftbe land of Ifrael, as it it written, from Dan even to Beerfheba, (t Sam.3. 20.) Chazkuni on Deut.34. Others referre it to a tpirituall vi- liion of things to be done after iu this Countrey; as Jonathan in his Thargum' paraphraferh, The Word ofthe Lord (hewed him all the mighties oftlx land the valiant ai'íes which fhould be done by lepbthe of Gilead,and the vilfories ofSampfon forme of Manoah of the tribe ofDan, Likewife Sol. Jarchi expoundeth it, He fbewetb him the faunesof Dan committingido- latry , at it ie written (in Judg.l 8.3o.)and the forte of Dan fet up the graven image: and be fhewed biro Sampn, that fhould come out of him for a Saviour. By Dan here we are tounderhand Lem,or Lai1Yt a city in the furthelt part of the landNorehward, called alto Dan,Jof.19.47.Judg. r 8.2752 9. Verle 2. all Napbtali] in Greeke, all lie land of a Nepthali,whichlayalto Northward in Galilee, Matth. 4. 15. of Ephraim and Manab] meaning the halfe tribe of Manaffeh that dwelt within Jordan; this was the middell of this land in Samaria : fee Jolt6,and57.7,ut1. (flu- dab] which was the Southern part of the Coun- trey,Jof.t5.1. &c. for the land was farro more long than broad: and by namingthefg few chicle countries,he- implieth all the reff with them. Thefe aifo in ThargtemJonathan and Sol.Jarchi, are applied to the captai see, ofthe houfe of Naphtali, that were joynedwithBarak,andthe Rings which L: fun thefonne ofNun,oftbe tribe (Ephraim, fhould kill ; and the valiant ails of Gedeen fosse of loath , of the tribe ofManafb, and all the Rings of Ifrael, and kingdome oftheboufeof ludab, that fbould rule in the land, until the Sanivary fbould be deflroyed at the !aft. the bindmofl ] or, Kane fa,that is,the maine fea,which was the Welterne coati : fee the notes on Deut. i 1.24. Verf.3. the fiutb 3 inGreeke, the Wildernef : the utmoft Cities of the tribe of the fonsofJu- dah,towards the confis of Edom,detcribed in Jof. 15.21. &c. So in Num. 34. 3. your foomh quarter (ball be from the wildernef of Zin, along by she waft of Edom,&c. Thus 'Wafer viewed the land after the order that Abraham did at the firft: fee Gen. 9. with the Annotations there. God here fheweth Moles all the kingdomes, and glory ofCanaan,from an high mountaine, for his com- fort and Strengthening of his faith, who faw the promifes a farre off,faluted them and dyed,as did his godly forefathers,Heb.; 1 , t 3. On the con - trary,the Devill takethChrift up into an excee- ding hie mountaine, & fheweth him all the king - domes of the world, &the glory of them,to draw him