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DEUTERONOMIE XXXIV. 167 him(ifhe hid beetle able) fromthe faith andfer = ti ntolt' rael ,togooverJor dan into the Lan d,Jar vice of Goa, unto the wor(hip of Satan, Match. 1. aeon:ding to the msutb]in Greek and Chal- 4.8,9 the plaine of the valley of Jericho ] in doe, by the mord. Thee day of his death, by the Greeke, the regims about Ietiche: this calk part Jewes tradition,was the feventh of Adar, (which which Motes viewed , was the hrft which the we calf February : ) fo Jonathan in his Thargum Ifrael ire spóffefied,Jot: z.t.and . 16. and 4. 3, on this place faith ; O,, shefivenif, day of the mouth 19. Sol. Jarchi here faith, God (hewed to Mo- ofAdar,Mofes the Matter of Ifrael was borne ; and on fes, Solomon Gaffing the vet ols of the Smeluary at it the feventb day of the month of Ada; he war taken out of is faid,In the plaine of lordm did the King cafe them, the world aChronicles 4.t7. Citieofpalme- trees] fo Verf. 6. lie/storied him) that is Jehovah buried tÇ Jericho is called here, and in 2 Chr.28.15. Judg. hini,orMicbae,(that is, Chrifl, who is Jehovah, r.i6 and 3. 13. and of them and other fragrant one with the Father,)Iude verfe9. Signifying that fruits there growing,as Balfam and the like ; the none but Chrift thould abolifh the Law and Or- Gitie had the name Iereeho, by interpretation, 0- dinances given by Mor,Roni.S.3.Ga1. 3. 13, s 4. doeiferoue,or Fragrant. unto Zeal.] in Greeke, Col. z. 14, 16, 17. Heb. 9. 9, t o, t Ace. and 1 o. Segar. Thus the late part which Moles viewed, 15--9. And this was a fpeciall honour Cinto Mafs was both ncereft litho him, and the pleafantefl of perfon,whom the Lord loved when he was dead, all the land of Canaan : for all the plaine oflardm and buried his corps (which we find not ddneto wa" well watered, it was at the garden of the Lord, any man elle in the world,) wch he will alto raire Gen, t 3.10. up incorrupt ible& glorious,at the day of his ap- 4 Verf.4. I fware]that is,I promifedby oath: fee pearing. in a valley]he died in the ntonntain, Gen. 12.7. and 22. 16,17. Pfal. 105. 9, t o,11. Deut.3 z. so. but was buried a valley. aver thy feed] in Greekeyour feed: in Chaldee, againfl Beth-Pehor ] the Greeke faith, heeré to the thy fermes. caufidthee tefee ] in Greeke, I have hante if Phogor ; of which place, fee Deut. 3. 28. fheeredit t o thine ejes. This view was by the near no man hya retb]Godwould not have Mofes vellous worke and grace of God towards his fer- fepuichre to be knowne(thongh the Devill con - vant;that in one place and cime he fhould behold tended with him hereabout; Jude verte 9.)becanfe folarge a countrey; and in it ( by the eye of his there fhould be no occafion of fitperltition or i- fpirit)fo many mÿfteries as inthat holy Land ( fo dolatry thereby,as is thought of Come. Chazkuni called in Zach.z.12.) were comprehended : and faith,that none which inquire of the dead ( as Deut. it being the land eflmmanuel,(or ofChri(l)Efa.8.8 18:11 .)mightfel,e into him. The chicle caufe fee- the beholding thereofwas the beholding of the meth to be a myflerie that the Law ( whereof blefings to be enjoyed by Chrif JeCus;nnt0 whô Mofr was the min iller ) being once dead and a- Mofes and his Law is a Schoolemafter, Gal. 3. 24. brogated toy Chrilt, (hotdd never more be fought not got over]towit,over the river Jordan,be. after,but quite abolilhed out of the con fcience of mule' Mofes had not beleevedtofan &ific the Lord finnert,that the grace ofChrift may live &raign in the eyes of the Connes of Ifrael,Numb.20.12: alone. See Gal. 4.9,I o,r t,and 5.4 Al fo that the And as he and others could not enter into the legall rudiments fhould by the comming of the good land,betau feof their unbeliefe, Gofpel be taken away tronc Ifrael, never to be all that are of theworkes.of the Law , and not of found or enjoyed by them any more. For Chrilt thefaith ofGhria,though they may behold the deftroyed both their City and San &nary, as was Welling a farte off, yet (hall they not enter in to foretold in Dan 9.and they have beetle many claies enjoy the fame,Gal.3 9, -i 2.Rom.9.3 5 ,3 2. without a King,and without a Prince, and without a fa- VerC 5. fervam ] fo he is often called, even of crti ice,and without an image,andwithout an Ephod, and 5 God himfclfe,JoCi .2.and in the NewTeftament, without T eraphim ; and tb (hall be instill they ye- as Rev. r 5.3. 7be fang ofMof s the fervam of God, turne and fekee tex Lord their God, and [the fonce of] This title he had in refpe& ofhis otñce,heing go- David their King,HoC3.4,5, vernourofIfrael :asDavidalfohad,inPfal.i8.1. Verf.7. yearee old ]Hebr.formeoft20ye ares :fo y and 36.1 .See Numb.12. died there] in the the years ofhis death out in the 2553 ycare Inountaine, Aaron died on the top of the world : and his yeares accord with Noes of mount Hor,Numb.zo.28. In that the death of preaching arid preparing ofthe Arke, Genef 6.3: Mo ces immediately followed after his viewing of his pe]in Greeke,bis eyes : his eye-light fai- theprontifedlaud ,itfore(hewedthe end and a- led hint not, as did Ifoarks,Gen.z7.1. The is brogation of Mofes Law, when men are come to alfo ufed for the outward appearance and color the Gofpel of Chrift : for,after that faith is rome,wo of thing,as Exod . i o.5.Num.11..7. fo it,may be are no longer under the Sehaolemafler. Gal.3.25. The meant here alfo, hie vifage was not wrinkled. Chai - Law bath dominion over a man at long al be liveth kuni here expoundeth it, the AJ,ining of hit face, fir the woman which bath an husband if bound by the mentioned in Ex.34 30. his natcorallmtyflsore] Law to her husband fi long as be livetb ; but if the hit radicali humour, wherein the life and ltrength husband be dead fie is loafed fora the Law of the bof- of the body confitletb,which when it is (pent and' band: So we alfo are broom dead to the Law, by the dried up,a man dyeth.The Greeke tranflateth,bi, body ofChrifl, that we fhould beta another, even so lips were not Corrupted : the Chaldee faith,the h :- him who is railed from the dead, Rom. 7. 1,2, 4. nef( of the glory of his fare war not changed: having. Therfore upon this death ofMofes, God fpeaketh reference to Exod.34.3o, &e. fled Jthat is,de- parted 11.111111111111/