16 $ DEUtERONOMIE XXXIV. 8 9 I6 parted from him.Thus outwardly and inwardly Mofèr retained his vigour, beauty and naturali ltrength ;that he dyednot through tcebleneffe, or defe& of nature, as molt men did at his age, though he had beetle a man of fotrowes,and bro- ken with many cares for the people. And hereby the continuati torce of the Law is fignified/the easier whereof decayeth not in the confcience of (inners by number of dales , or multitude of workes, till God take it away, and abolifh it by grace in Chrift.Tbe Law bath dominion over a manor long as he lizeth : whiles we are in the flefh, the pafons of ins Which are by the Law doe worke in our mena - bers,to bring forth fruit unto death. Rom.7.1,5. Verf.8,tbe plaines of Moab] in Greeke, Araboth Moab by Iordan,overagainfilericho; as v. 1. thirty ¿ayes] fo long they mourned alfo for Aaron: fee Nnmb.2o.28. Verf. s.Iofea]inGreeke,Iefue the firme of Nave. of wifedeme ] in Greek, ofunderfianding the fpirit of wifedonee, meaneth wifedome miniftred by the tpirit of God, wherein he was a.figure of Jefus Chrift,who being All oftbeholy Spirit, entred upon the worke of his miniltration here on earth,Luk. 4.1, &c.On him the Spirit of the Lord refted, the Sprit o f wifedame and underfianding, the #irit of counfell and might, the J irit of knowledge, and of the from of the Lord,Efa.11.2. laid ] or,impofed hie hands upon him: of this fée Numb.2y.18,- -23. As Mofes by impofition of hands authorized Jefus the fonne ofNun,and bare record unto him: fo the Law ofMofes which was in the heart and bowels of Jefus the fonne of God, gave authority and 'bare record unto him,Hcb.7.A&s z6. 22, 23. and Mo- les himfelfe appeared talking with Jefus, and fpeaking ofbis deccafe, which be fhouldaecomplifh at le- rufalem,Luke 9.30,3x. hearkened unto him]that is,obèyedhim: as after alfo they promifed, in Jof.i.i 6,17,s3.See the notes on Numb.z7.2o. Verf ro. kgsew face to face] the Chaldee faith, was revealedunto birdfaeernface. So inExod. 33. rs. it is fìid,lehovab#alteunto Mofes face to face.at aman fpeaketb unto hie friend: and in Numb. $.he faid,witb him will fpeeaIo momhtomonth. Sec the Annotati- ons there. Vert: 12. the mighty hand ] that is, workes wrought with a mighty hand, and powerfull go- vernment; and adminiftration ; according to that which is laid, Humble your f Ives therefore, wider the mighty hand of God,&c. r Pet.5,6. great ter- rier J that is, workes done with great terrour ; which the Greeke tranflateth, great martels: the Chaldee,greatvifions. Thefe things doe magni- fie Mofes office and adminiftration,that the Lawes web he hath written and confirmed by fuchdignes and wonders might be acknowledged to be of God ; wherefore he and his writings are worthi- ly celebrated throughout the world, confirmed of God himfelfe.Num. 12.7,8. approved and ex- pounded by all the Prophets after him,byCbrift, himfelfe & his Apoftles; fo that they which heare not him,willnet be perfwetded though one went from the dead,Luke s 6.31.1dut unto us God hash railed up a Prophet like unto Moles, as he promifed, Deut. 18.18,A &s 3. 21.even Jefus the fonne of the Moll. High,amanapprotedcfGed among the Ifraelites,I by mirades,wanaers andfignes, which, God did by him in the middeff efthent.A &s 2.22. Heb.2.4. in whom Godwar reconciling the world unto him f lf,z Cor.5.19. whom God buried not,as he did Mefes,but railed him from the dead,that he law no corruption.Of him Moles wrote, and to him give all the Prophets witneffe,tbat through kit name, whofeeter teleeterb in ' him (hall reeeiveremiffon of firms, Mies 1 o. 40, 43, And by bim,all that belette are juffifted from all things, from which we could not be juflijiedby the Law IfMofes, A&s 13.19.Tbm is the true God and eternalllijé,n Joh. 5.2o. To him be honour, and glory,andpraife, throughout all generations ; and let all the cartlabe filled with bitgloty,Amen,and Amen. 12 A