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c#1íacrat,5 zas&4 r a ,.-. > '°'°°°..,uc ,na, st , JS Ya. YZ,4 lA :er. 1b.4 Jr4 S SYo 'x- 'S 3 "Z. Y x `?y Jxk ay. lets. Ir* .. g`.3X.:v VÁV,VVRt' , Ifyyyyyyymi-tyyy yYiVrffyyt3as-a Y Y V A TABLE OF SOME PRINCIPALL THINGS OBSERVED III THE ANNOTATIONS ON THE FIVE BOOKES OF triz0SES. A Aron and his formes made Feld, Exod. 28. their firft offerings , Lev. 9. Aaron, death,Num. 21.24,28. Abib,the month which we call March, Exod. 13.4. and 23. 15. Dent. 16, 1, Abraham, name interpreted, Gen. 17.5. Accepting the face, what it is, Gen. 19.21. Adultery punithed with death, Levit. 20. 10. Den-. teron. 22.22. Afjliimg of the foule, by falting, &c. commanded unto all ICräel one day in the yeere, Levit. 16. 29. It was to be from evening to evening, Le- tilt. 23. 32. All, or every, for all fort,;.Exod. Almigbtie, or All- futìeiént, Shaddai, Gods name, Geu. Altar; Gen. 8. zo. Altar of incenfe, Exod. 30. a, &c. called the Altar of gold,Exo.4o.26. Altar of Burnt - offering, or Brazen Altar, Exo.27.1, &c. and 40.29. The Princes Offerings at the dedication of the Altar, Nam.7. Amaleá,Gen.36.iz. His deltruttion commanded, Exod, 17.16. Dent. 25.19. Amen, what it fignifieth, Nunn. 5.22. Amato, for within, Gen. 2.9. Ammonites, Gen.19.38.Ifrael might not fight with them, Dent. 2.19. Amorites, ufèd for all-heathens in Canaan, Gene - fis 48.22. And for bus, Gen, 2.17. for that, Gen. 12.13. and 27.4. Exod.8.29. forfor,Gen.12.19. Exod.e 5. 2. for or, Gen.13.8. and 19,12. for then, Gen.3. 5. -for that m, Gen.13.15. or namely, 1 Chron. i. 36. for a p. lion of the minde, Gen. 27.28. And for both: (or fatperfluons) Gen.36.24. and 4o.9.(and 8.6.) for who, wbich, &c. Gen. 49. 25. or that which, Denteron.3 z.1. for therefore, Gen. 3 i 44 for if, Or and if, Genef. 18.3o. Exodus 4.23. Levit.z6.4o, Angell, what it fignifieth, Genef.16. 7. and 32.1. Chrift called an Angell, Gen. 26.24. and 48.16, Exod.3.2. and 14.19. and 23.20. The heathens opinion of Angels, Gen. 32,1. Amdning whit it fignified,Exod.z9,s.and 3o.26. The Anointing oiledefcribed, Exod. 30. 23, &c. who were anointed therewith, Exod. 30.33. Anfwering, what it is from God, Gen.36.3. Appearing before God with three things, Exo dus 23.15 . Arke, reba, Gen. 6.14. Ark, Aron, Exod.z 5. to. Arabia, whereof it was named, Gen. i o.7. Aram, called Syria, Gen. 24.10. and 25.20, Armies or bolts of Ifrael, Exod.6.26. Arrowes for plagues, Deut.32.23. Af,, of what ufe, Gen. 49.11. Af mbly, or Church, for multitude, Gen.2 8.3. Afcending, for burnnrg, Exod.27.20. Afured faÿieog, Gen.z2.16. Atonement, Exod. 29.36. Lev. i. 4. Atonemem day, with the Law for making reconciliation for the Church, once in the yeere, I.evit.16. Avenging, and bearing grudge, forbidden, Levit, 19. 18. B BAal -pear , the Idol wherewith Iihael joyned, Num. 25. Babylon, Gen. and a r. 9. Backe parts of God, what they meane,Exo.33.23. Balaam and Ba /akwith their florin, Num, 2,2, &c. Balaams prophefies, Numbers 24. his death, Numb. 31.8. Baidnef made for forrow for the dead, forbid= den, Levit.2i.5. Banquet, named of drinking, Gen. i 9.3. Battlements to be made oh houles, Dent. zz.8. Be:rfheba, The Well of the oath,Gen. 2 1.3 2. and 26.33, Before one, i. expofed to him, Gen. 13.9. and 20. 15, and 34.10. Begin , how it is ufed for the doing of any thing, Gen. 9.20. Bekah, an halfe fhekel , Exod.38,z 6, Belial, what it fignifieth, Dent.,3.I 3. Bel, on the high Priefts garments, Exo. 8.34,35 Beliefs, or faith,what it meaneth, Gen.t5.6. Exo- dus 17. 13. Bending the head, what it meaneth; Exod.4,3 i. Benjamin, Benoni, Gen. 35.18. let before the chil- dren of the bond- woman, Exo.1.3. Shoulders ' of Benjamin, what they mean, Deut.33,' 2. I Bethel, a Citie, Gen.' z.8. and 28.1 9. VP PPP Bob- / / [ / //Us®lE®'viiiialu