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I H E TABLE. D 9enaf ue,Gen.14.15. f he Dam and the young may not be taken together, Dew. 22.6. Dan, a place called Lefbem, Geua 4. 14. D.en, Conne of Iaak, b, Gen.3o. Darkeneff, Gen,i,z. Parke, for not feene,Exod.9.32. Daughters for women, Gen. 30.13. for branches, Genef. 49. 22. for towns or villager, Numbers 21.25. Day, Gen.1.5. Day for time, Dent. 27 2. bayes for ayeere,Gen.4.3. Exod. 13. to. or anexaitime, Gen.29.14. Theeighth day myfticall, Gen.17. 12. The third day mylticall , Exod. 19.1 t. The Deafe not to be cnrfed,Levit.19.14. Defireable, i. precious, &c. Gen.27.15. Devils were facrificed unto by the Iewes, Leek. 17.7. Deut.3z.17. Devoted things, Levit.27.28.29. Dew, a blelfing, Gen.27,28. Exod.I6,3. a figure of heavenly do&rine, Deut.32.z. Diviners and divination forbidden, Deuteronont. Dying, what it implieth, Gen.2. t 7. Of the foure deaths that malefa&ors were put unto in II a- el,, Exod. 21. rz. No atonement for the dead, Numb. t6. 48. Asking of the dead forbidden, Dem.' 8.i 1. Of Divorce, Dent. 24.1. the copie of the Bill of divorce, Ibidem. Poe, for labour or,vorke, Exod. 5.9. Doe , for facri- fce,Exod.x2.25. Doe, forobferve, Exod.34.22: Doings of Egypt and Canaan may not be fol- lowed, Levit. 18.3. Doore of the Tabernacle,what it fignified, Levit. 1.3.Daore of theTabernacle for all the Court- yard, Levit.8. ;. Writing the Law on the Door- poor, Dent.6.9. Dragon, Tanin, Exod.7.g. Dreamer, of what fort and efteente they were Gen.2o.3. and 37.5. Drinke largely, or drunken,how ufed fodtetime,Gen. 43.34. Pules,Genef.; 6.15. Duff for innumerable, Gem 13.16, and 28.14. for bale and vile, Gen 18.27. Pwellingfor fojourning, Eeeod.z.i y. acid 12.4o. E EB1les winfs,a fimilitude of Gods government of Ilrael, Exod. 19.4. The fimilitude of an Eagle more fully expreffed, Deut.32.11. Earth what, and whereof named, Genef. 1. x o. Earth, fer the inhabitants of it, Gen.' 1.6. Eafl -wind, Exod. t 0.13. and 14.21. Eat, forconfume, Gen.31.40. Deut.7.16. Edom; why fo named, Genef. 25.30. here denieth Ifrael palfagethorow his land, Numb. zo.18. &e.Ifrael might not warre with Edom, Deut. 2.4.5. &c. nor abhorre an Edomite, Deuter. 23.7. Eden a countrey, Gen .2.8. Egypt, for the land of Egypt , or Mizraim, Genefs 12.x0. Eizap, or byf pe, Exod. r 2.22. Elder, Hebr.greater, Gen.10.2 t.and 27. 1. Elders for chiefe officers, Gen. 50.7. Exod. 3.16. Seven- ty Elders affittance to Motes, Numb.' 1.16,,&c. The Elders prophefie,Numb.i 1.25. Embroiderer, Exo d.26.36. Enfignes of thetribes,Num. 2.2. Epleab, a mealtre or bulhell, Exod.16.3 6, Ephod, a Priefts garment, Exod.z$.6. Ephraim, why fo named, Gen.4r.52. Efate, why fo called, Gen. z 5.2 5. hee is furnant ed Edom, Ibid. ver.30. Efiimation or valuation of perfons at their feverall ages, how much it was, Levit.z7.3, &c. Evening and Morning, put for the w hole day, Gen: 1.5. Evening for latter times, Gen. 49. 27. The two evening:, Exod. t z.6..Vncleanneffe till the evening, what it fignified,Levit.i1.24. Ever, for till theyeere of Jubilee, Exod.z 1.6. Every one, Gen.' 5.10. Evil!, for affli!ïion , or finne caufing it, Exod. x o. Io. for difpleaf:ng, Gen.z8.8. and 48.17. Evites, Gen.10.17. Eunueb, what it fignlfieth, Gen.3 7.36. Euphrates, a river, Gen.z,14. Eye for the whole face, Exod.10.5. Setting the eye on one, what it meaneth, Gen.44.z 1. An evill eye, what it meaneth, Dent.' 5.9. F FAce, for the upmofi part , of a thing, Genef 1.2. Face of God, what it meaneth, Genef 4.16. Exod.33.o. Setting of the face, what itfigni= fieth,Gen.y, t . z 1. Face for anger,Gen.3 2.20.To accept the face,what it is,Ger . r 9.2T .and ; 2. zo. Face to face, what it meaneth, Exod. 33. It. Hiding Gods face, what it is, Deut.32.20. Failing for flaire, GeneC 14.1 o. for fitting ¿Dane, Gen.24.64. for dwelling,Gen.z 5. t 8. Falf Prophets, and theirpunifhnscnts, Dent. 13. land 18.20. Fainting of the heart, GeneC.45.26. Families of beats, Gen. 8.19. Familie for kindred Gen.z4.38. Levit.20.5. Familiar fpirit,Ob,forbidden, Levit. r 9.31. Dent. 18.11. Farre be it, Gen 18.15. Fat of facrifices,Gen.4.4. that is the beft,fo Gen. 27, 28. Fat, what it fignified, Exo. 29.1 3. Dent. 32. 15. Fat of bullockes, Sheepe and Goats might not be eaten, Levit. 7. 23. Fat of the Peace- offrings burnt to the Lord,Lev.3.3. Father, for author, imventer, &c. Genef. 4.20. for King or Ruler, Gen. 20.2. for grandfather or arts teffor,Ex.2.18. Fathers not to die for their Ail. dren,nor children for the fathers,Deut. 24. 16. Feare,the title of God,Gen.3I.42fb3. Feare of God, what it effeâeth,Levit,25,17. Fe aft, what it meaneth, Exod.5.1. Of the t bree Feaffs which.Ifrael kept in a ycer,Exod.z3.14, PPPPP 2 íf,1 ® 1A81/Mil l'imITN