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THE TABLE 15,16. Of keeping the Lords Fees , Lev. 23. Dent. t 6. r.2, &c. Field for Censor y, Gen.' 4.7. Filling the band, foreonfeerating, Exod.29.9. Finding, for comming upon one, Gen.44.34. Fine linnen,orb4,ffe,Gen.41.42. Exod25.4. Finger ofGod,tor his Spirit,Exo. 8.19: & 3r.18. Firfi birth - right, and firk- borne, Gen. 25.31. Exod.r 3. Deur.21.15, &c. Firfl- f nits, and lawes for them,Exod.22 29. and 23.19.Firff- pruits with profetfon prefented to the Lord, Deut.z6. 2. &c. Firfiling.rof bealts fan&ified to the Lord, Exod.13. Deut.x 5.19. &c. Meat - offering of Firft-fruits Levit.z.I4. F'efh oppofed to Spirit, Gen. 6.3. Flefh , for the privie members, Gen. x 7.13. Flecke, comprehendeth fheep and goats,Lev.l. t o. Fopy nebalah, Gen.3 4.7. Forgetting of God, what it tneaneth,Deut.3 a.18. frgotten Iheafe, &c. to bee left for the poore, Deut.24.19. &c. Forme, what fairneffe it meaneth, Gen.29.17. Found, for prefmt, Gen.' 9./5. Forty, a mykicall number, Deut. 25.3. not above forty (tripes to be given an offender, Ibidem. Frankincenfe with the Meat - offerings, Lev. 2. 1.2. Fraudulent opprelfion forbidden, Levit. 19. 13. Deut.z4.14. Fringes commanded to bee worne, Numb. 15.38. Deut. z z, x 2. Frontless, Exod.13.15.9. Fire, what it fignifieth,Exod.t 2.9. Fire - offering, Exod.29.18. Fore alwayes burning on the Al- tar, Lev. 6.x3. Fire commeth from the Lord upon the Altar, Lev. 9.24. For offring (frange Fire the Priefts are burnt, Lev.l o. t,z. G GA/l and wormwood, what they 6gnifie, Deut. 29.18. Garden for Paradife, Gen,2.8. Garments of they fìgnified,Exod.28. 2. &c. Garments of men and women are to bee di(tinguifhed, Deut.zz.5. The Iinnengarments which the high Priek was to weare on Atone- ment day, Lev.16.4, Gate for Citie, Sn ength, &c. Gen. 22.17. for place of afmbling, Gen.3 4.2 o.The Gate of the Tem- ple, which was called the gate of Meaner, Nuns. 2 27. Gathering for taking away, Gen. 30.23. Gathering to ones people, what it meaneth,Gen.25.8. Gealous, why God is fo called, Exod.2o.5. Gealenfee in men, the Law thereof, Numb. 5. 14. &c. Gelding of any creature held unlawful] among the Jcwes, Deut.23.I. Generation, how ufed,Gen.2.4. and S.I. Generati- on jr people,Gen.6.9. Gentiles cflecnidi no people, Dcut.3z.21. ;c, h a peece of money, the twentieth part of a lxd cl, ! xod.30.13. G.r,eim, the mount of bleffing, Detti. 1 1.29.30. Giants, Nephilim, Gen.6.4. Giants, Rephaim,Gen.14.5. Deut.2.1 I. Gibad, or Galaad, a mount and coantrey,Gen.3 s. u 21.47. Girdle, Exod.28.39. Giving forfeiting or putting,Gent.1.I7. and 9.12.' and 17.5. for full ring, Genef. 20.6. for taking, Gen. 42.30. Giving for the voice, for loud fptak ing, Gen. 45.2. Gift or bribe forbidden Exod.1 23.8. The 24. gifts which the Priefts had for their maintenance, Numb.' 8./9. Girding for readineee, Exod. t a.s 1. Gleanings to be left for the poore,Levit.r 9.9. and 23.22. Glory, whereof named, Gen. 31.1. Glory for glori- ous wor&ee, Exod.r 6.7. Gods Glory, what it figni- fied, Exod.33.18. Goats ufed for facrifice, Lev.' .10. and 3.12. and 4.23.28. The two goats wherewith expiation wasmade for the Church on Atonement day, with their rites and fignification,Levit. 16.5. 7.8, &c. God. AL'lohim, Gen. t.r.God,. i,Gen.r4.t8.The name God added to things forexcelleucy ,Gen. 23.6. and 30.8. To be a God to any,what it is, Gen, 17.7. and/8. 13.2t. Gods for imager, or reprefentations of God, Gen.;1.30. Strange gods, Gen.3 5. z. God, for a Ma er, &c. Exod.4. z6. & 7.1. Gods for ludges,bxod.21.6.Why God is called the Living God, Deut. 5.26.How God is faid to repent , be forry, &c. Gen. 6.6. and 11.4. Deut. 32. 36. How God is our life, Deut.3o.2 0. God liveth, an oath, Deut.3 z.4o. Goe, for die, Gen.r5.2. Got in, for convoying or eying with, Gen.6.4. and 16,2. Going out of the Santluary was unlawful] for the Pricks in the time of their fervice, Lev.z 1.1 2. Good, andgoedmf, what it fignifieth, Genef. 1.4. Good for fine, Gen.z.12. for pleafeng, Gen. 16.6. for faire,geoelly, Gen.24.I6. Exod.2.2. Gofhen, a couutrey in Egypt, (Sen.45.1o. Grace, Gen.6,8. Finding gram,what it is,Gen.35. 15. and Grapes to be left for the poore,Lev.19.10. Of ea- ting grapes in another mans vineyard, Deut. 23.24. Grazen images forbidden,Exod.2o.4. Dent. 4.16. &c. they are to be deftroyed, Deut.7.25. Greater, for older, ,Gen.27. a. and 10.21. Grove or tree for religious ufe,Exod.34.1 3.Dent. 7.5. and 16.21. H Hff And , forMin ry, Exod.9, r 5.A high hand, what it meaneth, Exod. 14.8. Hand on the throne, what? Exod. 17.16. Hands lifted up, or fpread in prayer, Exod. 7. s x. and 9.29. See Lifting. Hand for worke or plague, Exod.9.3 and 14.31. Hand for power, Num. t 1.23. Hand- full of the Meat - offering was burnt on the Al- tar, Levit.2.z. The Hanged are cnrfed of God, & may not abide all night on the tree, Deut.z1.22.23. Speak{ng