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///i/41ini117riwd/ii f/ THE TABLE, Speaking to the heart, Gen. 34.3. Setting of the heart, Exod. 7.23. and 9.21. Hating, for, leffie loving, Gen.29.3 t. Heere, for underhand, Genef. t t. 7. for hearkening glady, Exod.4.3 t. Hear/ay, for tidings, Gen. 2 9.13. Hravms,what they arc, Gen. t.7. Heavie, applied to dimm: eies, deafe cares, &c. Gen. 48.10. to riches, Gen.' 3.z. to flownef, Exo. 4. t o. to hardtef of heart, Exo. 7.14. Heave - offering, how it was used, Exod. 29.27. Hebrew, why fo called,Gen. 14.13. Hell, what it fignifieth, Gcn.37.3 5 Hin, a measure, how much it contained, Exo 29. 4o. and 30.24. To the Heart' head men should rife up, Lev. 19.32. Holy of Halles, a place in the San`luary, Exod. 26. 33. The high Prieft might not enter into it,but one day in the yeere, and how, Lev.' 6. 2,3,&c. Hong, unlawfull in the facrifices, Lev.2. i t. Honey afigure of heavenly graces, Deut.3 2.13. Honour, what it fignifieth, and to whom it is due, Exod.3o.12. Horeb, a mount called alfoSinai, Exod.3.1,12. Haft,Saba, what it implieth,G en.2.1. The Haft or Came of Iliad muff be cleane,Dent. 33.9, &c. Hoare for time, Exod. 9.18. Humbling a woman, for defiling, Gen. 34.2. Hur, a man in Iliad, Exod.t 7 i o. IAakob, why fo named, Gen.25.26. and 27.36. 1 lab, the name of God, Exod.t 5.2. Idols forbidden, Lev. 19.4. Idolatry with the mo- numents thereof to be dellroyed, Deut. I2.2. Enticers and revolters to Idolatry to die,Deut. 13. and t 7. z, &c. lehovab, what it fignifieth, Gen.z.4. Exo.6.3. le- bovib, Geu. i 5.2. lefurun the name of Iliad, Deut. 32.75. lefur,or lofted, Exod. 17.8. he was finIt named Ho- fear, Nutt++{{rba 3.16. he is appointed Governour after Mdfes, Nums 7.18,8íc. Ietbre, lecher, Exod. 3.1. If, used In fwearing, Gen. 14.23. and 21.23. in praying, Gen.24.4z. in vowing, Gen.28.20. fee [bat, Gen. 31.52. Iles for Gsunt ries, Gen.10. 5. Image of God, what it meaneth,Gen. i .26.and 9 6. Imbalming, what it was, Gen. 50.2. Impofetion of hands, what it fignified, Exod. 29.10. The manner of Impofition, Lev. 1.4. Ineenfe, how it was made, Exod. 3o. 3 5,&c. how offered,Exod.3o.8. lncenfe altar, Exod.. 30.1. Ingendering with divers kinds forbidden ,.Levit. 19. i 9. Inheritance, what it fignified,Gen.2 t.I O. Inbe itan- ces might not paffe from tribe to tribe,Num.36 Iniquity, for punifhmem, Gen. i 9.15. In, for After, Exod. 2. 23. ln, for &casefe, orfir, Dent. 9. 4. Inwards, for heart, Exod. 29. 13. lardan, or laden, a river,Gen,i 3.10. Num 34.12. I na: fee 'Tue. The lournie, of Ifrael from Egypt to Canaan, Num. 33. The fanáifying of their latrnies by Mofes, Num. t o.3 5. Is, for is become, Gets. 3.2 2. Ifaaljhis name interpreted, Gen. 17.79. Ifrnael his name, Gen. t 6. i i. for Ifmaelites, Gene-. hs 28.9, Ifrael, why fo named, Gen.3z.28. Iffaehar,why arealled,Gen.3o. 18. why put in the fist place before his elder brethren,Gen.35.23. Issues that defile men and women, with the clean fing of them, Lev./ 5. The Iubila or fiftieth yeere, Lev, 25. 8,Stc. bulging for delivering, Dent. i 0.18. ludgements, or judii oil lames. Exod. 2 t. i, &c. bulges and Officers to be set up, with their dutie, Dent. 16.18, &c. The fispreme hedges in the place which God lhall chuli, and their autlio- ritie, Deut.17,8, &c. Iufl,Gen.6.9. lull ire, Gen. t 5.6. IA] lice in weigìits and meafure, Lev. t 9.36. loft judgement regal red, Deut.25.1,8íc. Lev., 9.15. K KAdefh the name ofa place,Gen. t 6.14. called Enm:fbpet, Gen. t 4.7 Keeping, and Keepers, of divers forts, Exod. 22.10. Kidneyes, what they fgnificd, Exo.29.13. Killing of facrifices, and who did it, Lev. 1.5. The Kings authority and ducy,Deut. t 7. i4, &c. Kiffmg, how used, Gen. 31.28. and 45.40. Know, for accompany, Gen. 4. 1, 17. and i9.5. for care, or regard, Exod.2.25. Korahs rebellion and punishment, Nuns. 16, L LAube of the first yeere, as Ram of the second, Lev. 2.10. Lambe is the yong of lheepe, or cif goats, Exod i 2.4,5 Deac.14.4. Land of Canaan was the Lords, and might net be fold for ever, Levit. 25.23. what it figured, Genets 12.5,7. Land-marks not to be removed, Deut.19.14. Latter dales, what they are, Gen.49. i. Laver, and the fignification thereof; Exod.30. i 8.' the manner of the Prielfs fass&ifying there - frons,ibieL vert 19. It was made of the womens looking- glaffes, Exod. 38.8, Laughing, for joy, Gen. 17.1 7. ând 21. 6. through weakneffe, Gen.18.n2. in mockage, Gen.21.9. The Law the inheritance of the Chuceh,Deut.33. 4. Law- giver, Gen. 49. 10. Law, how it was gi- ven, with what preparation of the people, and with how great tcrronr, Exod. 19. and 20. ch. The Law delivered to the Meth, Dent. 31. 9. Of reading it puhlikely at the end of fives yeeres,Deut.31.1 0,11, 8tc. The fire of the Law, Ef h drib, Deut.33.2. Laying on bands : fee Impofetian. Leading, for feeding, Gen. 47.i 7. Left band, for North, Gen, 14.1 c. Leprofee, a plague, Exod.4.6. The Law for Lrpro- hes,and their cleanfing : whether on mens per - fons, garments, or houles, Leviticus 13. and 14. chapters. Left, a word of affirming, Gen. 3.3. _ _ PPPPP 3 Lez en /,y///N/dIINIla4EN 141111