THE TABLE. Leven, what it fignified,Exo.12.15. what it was, Exod. iv. 20. Levites given to affilt the Priefts, in Bead of the 8 rk-borne of Ifrael, Num.3. 12,45.2nd 8.16. The number of the Levites, Num.3.15, &c. The age and time of the Levites fervice, Num. 4. 3, &c. and 8. 24. The Levites charges when the Tabernacle removed, Num.4.15, &c. The man- ner of confecratingthe Levites,Num.8. The 48. Cities and Suburbs which fhould be given to - the Levites, Num. 35. Levites were to teach the Law, Dent. 33. lo. Levies power, what it mea - neth, Dent. .33. t 1. Life, in Hebrew Lives : and why, Gen.2.7. Lifting up thehand, for fwearing, Gen. 14.22. for doing any thing, Gen. 41.44. for prrying, Exod. 17.11. Lifting up the head, diverfly ufed, Gen. 40, 13,19. Lifting up the eyes, for looking about, Light,Gen.1.3. Lights,for lightfome bodes,Gen.e.14 Linfy -wooly forbidden, Deut. 22.11. Lev.19.19. Lions of divers naines, and w hy, Gen.49.9 Lip for language, Gen. i 1.1. Life, or ¡Meth, ufed in fwearing, Gen,42.i 5. Livitg water,what it meaneth,Gen,26.19.Lev.i4.5 Log,what meafure it was,Lev.14.10.& Ex.3o.24. Looking forth of the evening or morning,Gen.a4. 63. Exod.14. 27- Locnfts, orgrafhoppers, Exod., 0.4. Lord, Adonai, Gen.15. a. and 18.3. Love, the fumme and end of the Law, Exod.2o.6. Deut. 6.5. To love ones neighbour as himfelfe, Lev.19.18. M # A Agieians, Gen.41.$. 1V1 Magiflràses or Rulers, what manner of men they fhould be, Exed. 18 21. Dent.1.13. Making for yeelding or bearing, Gen. 1. 1 r . for per - feîiing, pel /ing, &e. Gen. 2.3. forgetting, win - ning,Gen.12.5. Making fru{ irate. Gen. i 7.14. Males bound to appeare before God thrice a yeere,Exod. 24.17. Man, IA., Gen. 2, 23. Earthly Man, Adam, Gen. 1. 26. Man and wife, for male and female,Gen.7.2. Man added to words, GeneC 9.20. and 13.8. Man; for every one, Gen. Io. 5. and 15. to. for any man, Gen. 24. 16. Lev. 21. y. Men ofmtmber, fi?', Gen. 34. 30. Man Adulamite, for Man of Adullam, Gen 38.1. Man ofwords, &c. Exo.4. to. Man of warm, Exo. i 5.3. Man Jlayer, with the Cities of Refuge, Numb.35.1 1,&c. Man - fleater to die, Deut.24.7. Manas, why fo named,Gen.41.5 t. Manna del ribed, Exod. 16.14. Nuni.ii.7. Manna loathed in Ifrael, Nuns. 11.6. and 21.5. Marah, a place, Exod. 15.23. Marie, or Miriam, Moles Lìker, Exod. 15. 20. her murmuring and leprofie, Num,1 z. her death, Num.21.1. cArarriage, the manner of it among the Jewes, Dent. 2z. 13. Of marrying the brothers wife, Deut. 25. 5, &e. Marvellous, for unpoJble, Gen.18, I 4. MarveJoufly fever, Exod. 8.22. M4J,It, a place of Tentation, Exod.s 7.7. Meat- offering, the Law, forts, and fignification thereof, Lev.2. and 6. 14, &c. Meats Beane and uncleane with theirfignifica tion,Lev. 11, Deut. 14. The meafure of Meat and Drinke- offriogs,with thé facrifices, Num. i Meribab, a place of Contention,Exo.17.7 Num. 20. 13. Mefipotamia, and 25.20. Madian,Madianites, Gen,25.2. and 37.28.I11-aels conquek over the Madianites, Num.3 r. Midfi or within, ar in, or with, Gen. 2.9. Exo. 39. 3, Dent. i 9. z, Might, or able firengtb, what it is, Gen.49.3. Milli and honey, what they lignifie, Exod.3,8. Miter of the high Prick, Exod,28.39, Mizpah, Gen. 31.49. Mizraim, father of the /Egyptians, Gen. 1o, 6. and r2. to. Moab, and Moabites, Gen.19.37. Ifrael might not warre- againk them, Dent. z.9, &c. Moore, whereof named, Gen.1.16. Molech the idoli defcribed, Lev. 18,21, Morijah, what place, Gen 22.2. To Morrow, for time to come, Genet, 30.33. Exodus 13.14. Morning, for firfl time , Gen.49.27. for opportunity, &c. Exod.,zao. Motes, why fo named , Exod. 2.1o. his beautiea Exod. 2.2. his meekneffe, Nom, r 2.3. his finne and Aaron at the waters of Meribah, Num. 20. 12. he might not therefore enter into the pro - mifed land,Deut.3.24, &c. but he vieweth it be- fore his death, Deut34 Moving thing, Shaer', what it meaneth,Gen.r.20. Mouth, for werels, Gen.24.5 7. and 41.40. and 45. si. Mouth for inter reter,Gen,45.12.Exo.4,16. Mules, how invented, Gen.36.24. Murther , how to be expiated when the authour is unknowne, Deut.21.1, &c. The murderer mule die, Dent.' 9.1/. Lev.24.17. vifurmurings of the Ifraelites, Num. it 4.22. Muzzeling of theOxe forbidden, when he tread - eth out the corne,Dent.25.4. Myrrhe, what it was, Exod.3o.2 3. N NAked, what it meaneth, Gen.3.7. Nakednefe, for weake places, Gen.42.9. Nakedjlefh,for the privities, Exo.28.42, Nakednefe,for unlawfull co- pulations, and what they are, Lev, i 8,6,7, 8tc. Nazarite, or Separated, Gen. 49.26. The Law for Nazarites, Nnm.6,2, &c. Nebo, a Mountain from whence Mofes viewed the promifedLand, Deut.32.49 Neeromaneie, or asking of the dead, forbidden, Deut. 18. n. Neighlour, who he is, Exod. 20. 16. North -fide oftheAltar, the place of killing the fa- crifices, Lev. 1.1 1. Number, for few, Deut.3 3.6. Obfeerving